A War Between Spies

Chapter 1352: The opportunity is coming

Yang Yi felt that there was some headache because he didn't know who was coming to the door.

First of all, I have to figure out the identity of my opponent, but Yang Yi is now provoked too many people. I want to judge who I am looking for, and I really have to try my luck.

It depends on what kind of people these people are. If they speak and they can tell people what to say, then it is best.

Yang Yi switched the picture, and three people quickly rushed into his room, but there was almost no sound.

There are pictures, of course there will be sounds, Yang Yi has adjusted some volume, but still did not hear the sound.

Quick and silent, who will it be?

Xijiao is no longer a US site, but the CIA's tentacles are all over the world, so the people who come are the most likely to be CIA.

Secondly, it should be a gray man.

The gray-clothed person is rooted in Europe, but Yang Yi does not know how strong the gray-shirted person is. In other words, he does not know whether the gray-clothed person is so powerful that he will be discovered wherever he goes.

If the person who rushed into the room was a gray-haired person, it was even worse news for Yang Yi, because he asked himself that he had not left any flaws, so that he could be found by the gray-clothed people. It was too shocking.

The bedroom has been searched again, no one inside.

The people searching for the bedroom put their hands on the people who followed, and there was no sound in their communication. When the people searching for the bathroom came out and made a gesture, indicating that there was no useful trace, Yang Yi knew. What are these people coming to?

These three people are CIA.

The CIA is a member of the action team in the European section.

Brian and his Magic Box Force were the strongest action teams of the CIA. The Magic Box has long since declined. It is natural for the CIA to have only one team of the Magic Box. In other words, all three of them are CIA action teams. Members, and which is the best.

How did Yang Yi discover it? It is a sign language.

The sign language used by Americans is different from that of Russians. The sign language used by the Russians is different from that of Western Europeans. Although the sign language is similar, there are many differences in the commonly used sign language between different countries and even between different units.

In a few simple sign language, Yang Yi knows a few things. First of all, these three people belong to the CIA. Secondly, the leading sign language means that the target is not inside and immediately retreats.

No speech, no voice, but Yang Yi still got the desired result.

What should I do next?

Yang Yi is somewhat entangled. If Brian is with someone, or the black devil is there, he only needs one order. These three people will not have to peel off the skin. It is not impossible to catch a live, but now only Yang Yi People, he wants to do something to get a little bit of effort.

Yang Yi thought about it, hesitated and hesitated, or decided not to alarm these people.

The three men retired quickly, and Yang Yi had just decided to let them go, but before the first person was about to leave the hotel room quickly, he changed his mind between the electric and the flint.

Yang Yi pressed a button, and then the picture taken by the three cameras he dropped in the hotel turned black.

I finally heard the sound. Although it was silent after a loud noise, Yang Yi knew that the bomb he had laid down exploded.

If it is early detonation, three people can't live without it, but when the three people are about to go out and detonate the bomb, and it is just a small bomb, then these three people are estimated to die.

Death is dead, and injuries are bound to hurt.

Yang Yi put away his monitor, grabbed a pistol from under the pillow, and quickly rushed out of his room.

You have to figure out some things, you have to figure out, or else the rest of the road can't go away. Every minute and every second is fearful living in fear. Yang Yi feels that he will collapse sooner or later.

Therefore, it is better to take the attack, although it is adventurous, but it can be done once and for all.

Yang Yi left the hotel where she lived. He looked at the roadside and found a car he picked in the afternoon.

What is the car picked up in the afternoon, that is, Yang Yi thinks he might need a car, so when someone parked on the side of the road, he recorded the signal of the owner's electronic key with an electronic jammer. At that time, he selected four cars. Car, but now only one is parked here, but this is enough.

It is not high-tech, but it is very easy to use. Yang Yi took out the jammer and pressed it. The car he selected flashed a light.

When driving on the door, Yang Yi drives at a slower speed than the real owner.

The two hotels were very close, and when Yang Yi drove to the nearby five-star hotel, the hotel had become a mess.

Of course, the guests are to be evacuated, because they all explode, and the guests naturally cannot stay in the hotel. What to do if there is a fire is what to do.

Yang Yi parked the car on the side of the road. He watched the residents and the waiters coming out one after another, and more and more people.

Fire and police should also arrive soon, and if there are too many people, it will be inconvenient to act.

Yang Yi looked at the hotel's door. He just stopped the car for less than two minutes and saw that four people were very embarrassed and walked out of the hotel.

Three of the four people are now rags, a pair of gray-faced faces, and a dress that looks fine, just blood that has been dyed.

Three people went in and one person stayed outside the room to answer it. It should be that it was correct. I didn’t know if anyone outside the hotel was waiting to meet.

According to the CIA's habits, or the CIA's staffing on the Spanish side~lightnovelpub.net~ Yang Yi thinks it is impossible to exceed five people.

Agents are not Chinese cabbage, elite agents are not Chinese cabbage, CIA has 30,000 employees, and there are more than 50,000 people in the world, but so many people are scattered all over the world, and Europe has no real threat to the United States. There may be a lot of spies collecting economic and political information, but there are absolutely few people who are dedicated to killing firefighters.

It’s quite possible that these four people are all the people that can be transferred from Spain.

The same thing was changed for Brian. They went in. The result was an ambush and a remotely controlled bomb. No one could escape this situation.

Someone should be hurt very heavy. Through the color of the clothes, Yang Yi can recognize that it is the last one left in the three.

The four people helped each other out of the hotel. They certainly couldn't be blocked by the police. So the hotel waiter saw the wounded and immediately went forward to help, but the uninjured person pushed the man away and stumbled. Going towards a car in front of the hotel.

It doesn't look like there is still a backup. Yang Yi feels his chance to come.