A War Between Spies

Chapter 1358: Big shield

Vienna, can't say that it has gone through all the hardships, but Yang Yi is really very difficult to arrive in Vienna.

There is no bullets and rain, but once it means that the past work has been abandoned. Therefore, although there has not been any real battle on this road, Yang Yi’s psychological pressure is still very large.

Now, finally arrived in Vienna.

Find the person that Yasen said, then everything is over, if you can't find it...

How can I not find it? Yang Yi feels that she can find it.

Bruno Osmo, the Teutonic Knights, these are the two most crucial words, Aaron said, it should not be difficult to find.

After driving to Vienna, Yang Yi was tired to the extreme, but he was the first to drive to the headquarters of the German Knights.

The Teutonic Knights have a long history, but the honors and battles are past tense. After the Teutonic Knights changed their name to the German Knights in 1929, they can be considered that the Teutonic Knights have vanished, and the Teutonic Knights can only be changed. Just look at it, just see what people think.

Yang Yi found the headquarters of the German Knights, but did not go in.

Anna Starkina has already done a preliminary investigation. Since she said that there is no such thing as Bruno in the headquarters of the German Knights, it should be no. If Yang Yi wants to find something, he will definitely not go to the headquarters of the German Knights. Ask a person.

Let's turn around nearby, maybe something is found.

Yang Yi drove in a circle, then he stopped the car and dragged his tired body around the German Knights.

Looking for what traces, Yang Yi himself does not know. He simply believes that if he comes here and looks for it, he will find something. This is not because he has confidence in himself, but has confidence in Aaron.

I can't give the name of the contact, but I don't give the address. Since I didn't give the address, I don't have to give it. Yang Yi has been so determined.

Unfortunately, after a big turn, nothing has been discovered.

Yang Yi is about to give up, he plans to stay first, because he is really tired now, you can stay and rest before you continue to find.

The last time I stood around the door of the headquarters of the German Knights, I still saw nothing. Yang Yi looked at the opposite shops. He planned to go into these shops to see.

Yang Yi is looking for the logo or badge of the Teutonic Knights. The flag of the Teutonic Knights is hung in the bright and light. This kind of thing is not very likely, but finding something to remember, perhaps finding a place.

Unfortunately, I didn’t see it.

"I want to go into the store and see if I don't find it."

Yang Yi said a few words in the walkie-talkie. Brian walked in the dark to protect him. By the way, he also helped him find the trace of the Teutonic Knights, but Brian did not find anything.

"Roger that."

Yang Yi wants to choose a store to go east. It is a musical instrument store facing the headquarters of the German Knights. Vienna is called the city of music. There is no strange place in a store specializing in musical instruments. The left side of the musical instrument store is a coffee shop. An antique shop looks very distinctive.

The antique shop is worth a look. Yang Yixin walked in. There was only one old man in the shop. After discovering Yang Yi, he just nodded politely, but did not say hello to Yang Yi.

The Teutonic Knights have established the country, and now there are still industries left to continue to operate. If the Teutonic Knights left behind any antiques, it would be normal to think about it.

However, Yang Yi did not find anything related to the Teutonic Knights in the antique shop.

It’s strange to think about it. It’s strange to have an antique shop opposite the German Knights, but there aren’t any antiques related to the Teutonic Knights.

Yang Yiben wanted to talk to the old man who looked at the store, but he hesitated, but did not speak, but turned into the next musical instrument store.

There is only one clerk in the musical instrument store, or a female, 40 or 50 years old, who received Yang Yi in a plain and polite manner. Then, Yang Yi still found nothing.

The coffee shop next door has nothing to discover.

But after coming out of the coffee shop, Yang Yi passed the topography and color of the three shops in his mind, but felt that he should have found the right place.

If you look at any store, there is no problem, but when you combine the three stores, the features are obvious.

Let's not say that these three stores are in the same old building. The key is that the floors of the two stores are covered with white-gray marble, while the middle of the musical instrument store is ground with white marble and black granite.

Black Cross on white, the symbol of the Teutonic Knights.

Although I can't see it on the ground, Yang Yi's brain is different from ordinary people. It's a simple technique, just like putting together three pictures, and then standing on a high place can see the pattern.

Yang Yi built a model in his mind and looked at it. It was confirmed that the grounds of the three shops were connected to the banner of the Teutonic Knights. Although he did not see the whole picture, he did not need to see the whole picture.

Yang Yi walked into the middle of the musical instrument store and found the female salesperson again. Then he said directly in German: "Hello, I want to find Mr. Bruno. Osmo."

Direct opening, nothing polite.

The female salesperson looked at Yang Yi, and then she continued to smile: "Is there anything you can do with Mr. Osmo?"

"Yes, I have a very important thing to find him. If he is, please let him see me."

Yang Yi didn't know if she could see Bruno, but when the female clerk opened her mouth, Yang Yi's heart was relieved. Yes, it is here, it is really simple.

"Okay, please come with me."

There was no news report, and the female clerk went straight behind with Yang Yi.

I know it is simple, but it is too simple. The simple Yang Yi is a little afraid to believe.

On the first floor, just behind the store, there is a door that is still open~lightnovelpub.net~ An old man with a reading glasses and a gray flower sits behind a huge oak table and is looking at it. This thick book.

Knocked on the open door, the female clerk whispered: "Mr. Osmo, this gentleman is looking for you, I brought him directly."

Simple Yang Yi is beginning to be nervous.

Bruno raised his head. He looked at Yang Yi, then took off the flower mirror, stood up and smiled. "Please come in."

The female clerk smiled at Yang Yi, and Yang Yi nodded and walked into the room.

Bruno came out from behind the table. He reached out to Yang Yi and shook hands with Yang Yi. He smiled and said, "Sorry, did we know before?"

"do not know."

"Oh, what do you have to look for me?"

Yang Yi did not answer. He looked at the furnishings in the room. There was a bookcase behind the chair, and in the corner next to the bookcase, there was a warrior full body, and the warrior had a big shield in front of him, with a black shield on a white background. .