A War Between Spies

Chapter 1377: Simple reason

One got the Ark and immediately fled as a means of transportation, and one got the Ark to fight against the aliens.

Well, although it seems that the scheme of the gray man is more realistic, Yang Yi does more agree with the idea of ​​the cleaner.

Although I know that there seems to be no possibility of winning, but I can't just run like this, it is necessary to fight against it. The things flowing in the blood of Yang Yi make him unwilling to flee.


If Yang Yi’s status is high enough and the effect is large enough, can he escape in a spaceship?

In this case, although it is to escape, but also to meet Yang Yi's wish since childhood, that is to go to space for a circle, go everywhere to see?

Yang Yi understands why the gray-clothed people can get a lot of high-level support, because after all, the courage to fight is a minority. Most people know that they can escape, and they must choose to flee.

The practice of cleaners sounds less reliable.

There is no right or wrong, perhaps in the eyes of the gray people, the concept of the cleaner will make humans lose the hope of retaining the last seed. In the eyes of the cleaners, the gray man’s practice is to actively discard the earth, even if it can make a small part. People can escape, but for the vast majority, even as a whole human being, even if you escape some people, what is the point?

At least the earth civilization is gone, so the survival of a small number of humans does not make sense.

These two concepts can also be regarded as the natural opposition between the high-level people who are eligible to flee and the middle and lower classes that cannot escape. It is irreconcilable.

However, it is always possible to cooperate. Since the cleaners do not want to escape, it is not the best of both worlds to let the gray-clothes escape and the cleaners to resist.

Yang Yizhuang timidly said: "Well, I have an immature idea. Why can't I cooperate? First, I will find the Ark, then let the Grey Man escape, and the cleaners will resist..."

Thomas shook his head and said: "I didn't express enough clearly. There is no Ark. What resistance do we take? The purpose of the Ark is to save the Earth, so the Ark will either die with humanity or save the Earth!"

Sure enough, there is no choice between the two. The Greys use the Ark as an escape tool, and the cleaners use the Ark as a weapon. How can this be said?

Yang Yi carefully said: "The alien ally you said..."

"Hey, we want to have allies, but if we don't, we fight ourselves."

"Then you prepare nuclear weapons..."

"Of course, it is used against aliens. If the earth's resistance is consumed internally by the aliens before the arrival of aliens, then it is not stupid, although we all feel that there is not much use in human civilization. ""

Rely, it is different from what the gray man said.

Bruno specifically decided that the cleaners should provoke a nuclear war. Thomas said vowed that there is no such thing, um, who do you believe?

Yang Yi decided to believe in a particularly simple truth, that is, whoever believes in what reason, whoever is more logical and believes who.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Yang Yi doesn't know what to do. Unless he has a cleaner who really intends to provoke evidence of the nuclear war, he still believes in the resistance.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Yi said to Thomas: "Then what I should do next, the most important thing is to find the location of the holy cabinet, right? What should I do."

Thomas breathed a sigh of relief again, then he sighed: "I have a plan, a very risky plan."

"Well, I am listening."

"You can find the location of the holy cabinet, and tell us, this is of course the best, but if not, you can reveal the location of the revelation to the gray man."

Yang Yi took a moment and said: "What? Hey, I understand, attracting gray people to come and snatch, take a ambush and give them a fatal blow, but not right, even if it can hit the gray people's living power, but can not get the holy Cabinet."

"No, not to kill the living forces of the gray-haired people, but to get the holy cabinet and revelation at the same time!"

Thomas said with a firm face: "We can't drag any more! No time, we must make the final stroke. We have been making active concessions. The energy block we took the initiative to send out, just to make you get the gray. The basis of the trust of the people, then, if you are relying on the gray people, we deliberately let you find the revelation with the gray people, if you do not rely on the gray people, we still let you find the revelation, this is our Plan, now, this plan is nearing completion."

Yang Yi knows that he is a bait.

The cleaners really want to be desperate, success or failure is here, either the holy cabinet and the revelation, or all lost.

Thomas slowly said: "We don't think there is any benefit in delaying. Therefore, this plan is also a choice in desperation. Hey, even if the plan fails, it is the worst way for the gray people to get the ark and let them escape. This is the worst. The result, but we are confident that we can get the holy cabinet and the ark."

Yang Yi curiously said: "Why, where does confidence come from?"

Thomas smiled and said: "Strong force!"

"Well? Force!"

"Yes, strong force, the gray-clothed people have always believed that they can go to the upper level and get everything they want through power. Therefore, the gray-clothed people pay more attention to infiltrating the high-level officials of the countries and never seek to build their own. The basis of force, their force is the members' own, not the gray people themselves."

Contacted the real situation of the gray-clothed people~lightnovelpub.net~Thomas said yes, so Yang Yi nodded: "It is like this, yes, so the gray-clothed people will make me a Western angel."

Thomas breathed a sigh of relief and said: "And we are different. We are focusing on building a strong force. We have the power, so after we deliberately send the revelation, we can find it and get it back!"

Well, a plain truth, conspiracy to the end, after all, it must be solved by force, and the cleaner's fist is indeed harder than the gray-shirted fist, in this case, the cleaner does have the possibility of success, and very large.

Just let you conspiracy and what can be done, I still rely on strong force to take back, this is the confidence of the cleaners.

Yang Yi touched his chin for a long time, then he nodded and said: "I understand, I know what to do, hey, I have a small problem, that is, the fake Thomas said gray clothes. People are white supremacists, is that the case?"

Thomas laughed and waved: "He was just anxious, looking for an excuse to hide the past, nothing more, white supremacism, hahaha, the concept of gray people is not so low-end."