A War Between Spies

Chapter 1387: Can not accept

Yang Yi, they randomly chose a conference room, and then those who feared the three-headed dog could not find it and turned on the light. In fact, this is not in line with the real situation, but he would like to see if the three-headed dog can break through. The defense of the black devil.

Then, although there are few people in the three-headed dog, they also have advantages. For example, for the terrain here, the three-headed dog is definitely more familiar.

So the three-headed dog chose the mode of attack from top to bottom.

It is often seen in movies that when special forces attack an enemy hiding in a building, they often use skydiving or aircraft to descend to the top of the building, and then play from top to bottom. This way can indeed be achieved. The biggest suddenness, because a building is definitely the bottom layer of defense is more rigorous than the above.

But for the black devil, they are against this hand.

Although I don't know how the three-headed dog will go to the top of the building, the black devil will definitely not focus on the bottom.

"Israel! Two people, all killed!"

The sound of Tarta came from the intercom immediately.

Although I want to win, the black devil really wants to win and lose with the three-headed dog in a fair environment. This is the pride and self-respect of the black devil, so in the preconditions of Grevatov, they will follow Suddenly attacked the way to deal with the attack of the three dogs, instead of preparing for the attack, waiting for the attack of the three dogs.

What do you mean, even if the black devils are armed in full size, even if they are prepared to assassinate their protection targets according to the highest level requirements, their rifles will not open the insurance on the bullets, and the pistol will not leave the holster. They found that there were enemies that would open the insurance and then fire.

Don't underestimate the difference. When you are in the middle of a trick, whether you open the insurance beforehand may be the difference between life and death.

So, after Talta used the walkie-talkie to inform them about the attack, he immediately used a very unconvincing but helpless tone: "We are killed alone..."

The attack of two people actually killed a person of the black devil. This battle-to-loss ratio is not only amazing for the black devil, but completely unacceptable.

Several people who stayed in the conference room to protect Yang Yi immediately pulled out the pistol. At this moment, the glass in the conference room suddenly shattered, and with the broken glass, the grenade was thrown in, and the gunshot began to sound immediately.

Under normal circumstances, the attacker will wait for the grenade to explode before coming in from the window, and then they will attack after the shock bomb has expired, but this time the situation is not the same. The three-headed dog seems to be a hand grenade. It became a prop to distract attention, not a weapon that was actually used to kill.

With the grenade thrown in, two people suddenly hanged from the top of the window at the same time, and then people indoors and outdoors shot at the same time, but after a moment, the grenade exploded, and people indoors and outdoors stopped shooting at the same time.

Zhang Yong’s helmet was braving red smoke, and the two people hanging from the window were squatting with yellow smoke.

Yang Yi coughed twice, and the two grenades were thrown in instead of the shocking bombs, so the explosion sounded, but it was not particularly large.

The people outside the window looked at the situation in the house without saying anything, and the four enemies holding the pistol had nothing to say.

Zhang Yong was killed. If this is a real grenade, he will be killed because he is in the middle of Yang Yi and the grenade, so he is killed, but Zhang Yong is not shot.

The two people hanging outside didn't have a chance to shoot. They started to shoot in a moment when they appeared. The speed of the people in the room was beyond their cognitive range. When they were shot in their trunk position, they had no chance. Shoot again.

So the result now is that the black devil has killed a person, Zhang Yong is killed, and all four of the three dogs attacked were killed. Then, Yang Yi is still alive.

It’s not a problem to be so deadlocked. Yang Yi stood up, then he leaned against the man hanging out of the window: “It seems that you have failed, but you have done a good job, at least you successfully throw in two Grenade."

Yang Yi still wants to say something.

To be honest, Yang Yi has already recognized the ability of the three-headed dog. It can be thrown into two grenades under the protection of the black devil. In fact, the result, um, in a sense, the three-headed dog can already be regarded as Successful.

But no one seems to be very interested in Yang Yi's words, so no one answered him at this time.

At this time, Pavlovic suddenly said: "It seems that our results are not very satisfactory, so why not try again?"

"it is good!"

"One hour?"

"it is good!"

The people outside talking to Pavlovic began to rise, and then he and the other quickly disappeared out of the window.

Zhang Yong gave a sigh of relief, then he took the helmet that was still smoking and threw it at the conference table, saying: "Hell!"

Yang Yi said: "It seems that you have won, but why do you all look angry?"

Pavlovic said with a gloomy face: "They four people are divided into two groups, one group and two to attract attention. The two sides here launch a real attack. Hey, this time we have not failed, but it is not counted. Success, because they successfully thrown into the grenade, if this is not a grenade, but a powerful bomb?"

Vasily's face was even more ugly. She whispered: "We lit the lights in the conference room. This was a deliberate exposure of the location, but... in short, I think we are losing face this time."

Just when Yang Yi discussed whether the battle was a win or a win, outside the window, Lieutenant Colonel Carl Stemson was about to break out.

Uncertainly grabbed the rope and answered the roof, then on the top of the building, four people sat silently on the edge of the building.

Carl Momo took the helmet that was still smoking. He took a long breath and then said in an extremely repressed tone: "Failure, complete failure! All four people are killed and have not killed the target! We didn't even shoot." opportunity!"

"We only hit one of them..."

Carl took a deep breath again~lightnovelpub.net~ whispered: "We only killed two bodyguards. Yes, we divided into two groups. Using a suicide attack, we only killed two bodyguards. !"

Carl felt that there was a fire in his chest burning, and his face was hot. The fire was called shame and anger.

"When did our red team become so... weak!"

"Sir, come again, this time we adopt..."

Carl put his hands on it. After he took a few deep breaths, he said: "We didn't make mistakes this time. The failure can only show that the enemy is too strong. This is not a tactical problem. This is our ability problem, or is it We are back."

All were silent, Karl shook his head, and then he sighed: "Everyone, we have been the strongest for a long time, but we are proud, and pride makes us regress, so come up with your skills, Change the tactics, change the position, we must kill the target this time!"