A War Between Spies

Chapter 1395: Great chaos

The tone of Porter McLaughlin reveals incredible, panic, and despair.

The people of the CIA outside the manor of Da Yiwan are on the lookout, so the big Ivan’s manor is exploded and shot. Of course, the monitors are not.

Now, Potter must have received the news. Someone informed him that Da Yiwan is dead, so Potter expressed his panic without any disguise.

Can make the current CIA's second-hand, the actual first hand scared like this, frankly, even if the national team declared war in the United States will not let Potter do this.

Yang Yi raised the tone and said: "Sir, what happened?"

Potter had a long sigh of relief. He whispered: "Many things, I don't know how much you know, but... Ivan can't die, but he is dead now! We are in trouble, now you can contact Iraq immediately. Everyone, once I contacted Ivan, clearly told him that the death of Dai Ivan had absolutely nothing to do with us, let him talk to me personally, just like this."

Yang Yi hurriedly said: "Sir, I promise to be able to contact Ivan, but can you tell me what happened? If he refuses to communicate, I have to know what happened to communicate with him."

"You can definitely contact him? Great, then I will contact you immediately. I heard that Ivan has hidden a nuclear bomb in the United States. He used to intimidate us so that we will kill him before we find all the nuclear bombs." Big Ivan can't die, Fuck! But Big Ivan is now dead! If one is not handled well, there will be a nuclear bomb exploding in our country! Do you understand? Contact me now Ivan, immediately! Immediately! ”

Potter must be panicked now, because Big Ivan is dead.

I still don't know who did it, but Potter is still in a hurry. Ivan has long been prepared. If he is dead, he will not detonate the nuclear bomb immediately, so the United States is not a big mold, even if it can be big. Ivan whip 10,000 times, can destroy the power of the big Ivan 100 million times, the United States can not eat the consequences of a nuclear bomb in the local explosion.

So Potter is not flustered, let alone he panic, and now the entire United States has the right to know the matter is estimated to panic.

The panic is still behind, waiting for them to know that the remnants of the three dogs have killed the big Ivan, huh, huh, huh...

Yang Yi sneered a few times, hang up the phone, he continued to drive, and Brian was Shen Sheng: "CIA received the news?"

Yang Yi looked at the watch and said: "Yes, the time has passed twenty-two minutes, and it is almost the same."

"Efficacy is OK, just don't know when they can find the three-headed dog to kill Dai Ivan."

Brian looked very relaxed because he knew that Ivan was not dead. Since this was a conspiracy, the nuclear bomb could not be blown up.

Anton faintly said: "Da Yiwan plays this hand, the price is also a bit big, the Americans must be scared, and then they will be crazy and want to find out the nuclear bombs, and once the nuclear bombs are found out The United States must kill the big Ivan at all costs. Oh no, it’s Ivan now."

Brian shook his head and said: "Impossible, because no one dares to confirm that all the nuclear bombs have been found. If you dare not confirm, then no one dares to move Ivan."

Yang Yi held the steering wheel in one hand and changed the phone. He dialed the phone to Uri Yangke.

The matter is that Uliyangke is responsible for the specific arrangements, but on the phone, Yang Yi and Wu Li Yangke will never reflect this.

"Man, I just got an unfortunate news here, I want to confirm that it is true?"

Uri Yangke’s cold road: “Unfortunately, it’s true.”

Yang Yi sighed and said in a very urgent tone: "Man, I know that you must be very angry now, and you are very anxious. Everyone has troubles, it is very troublesome, but we should avoid the worst results. Otherwise it is not good for everyone, we can't..."

Yang Yi did not finish, Uri Yangke Shen Shen said: "Listen, I can't stop it, even if the worst happens, I can't help but stop, understand? Also, I want to know that you are How to get this news!"

After a moment of pause, Yang Yi finally sighed: "Man, I certainly have my own source here. Hey, it’s CIA. The CIA people are in a hurry. They already know the big Ivan, but they still Waiting for confirmation, and, they want to establish contact with you and Ivan immediately, contact directly!"

Uri Yangke whispered: "Contact me? No, there is nothing to talk about. If they really killed Da Yiwan, then everyone will finish it together!"

After Wu Li Yangke finished talking, he hanged up and Yang Yi shrugged and said: "It sounds like that."

Brian smiled and said: "Now I think you are all acting, and even make a phone call, the feelings are so sincere."

Yang Yi dialed the phone again, waiting for Uri Yangke to connect, he hurriedly said: "Man, let's at least try hard, please, please help me contact Ivan, I need to talk to him. You owe me a favor. If things are irreparable, I can't help, but I have to tell you that it is absolutely irrelevant to the United States. I promise!"

Uri Yangke was silent for a moment, then he said: "I will ask you for help, but Ivan is willing to contact the outside world. I don't know, because he may need to hide it right away, well, just like this, there is I will inform you of the news. Now, the most urgent thing for all of us is to know who did it!"

The phone hangs up again, and after the call has just been hung up, it took less than ten minutes, and Potter’s call came over again.

This time, Potter's voice couldn't help but tremble.

"Can you contact Ivan? Can you contact?!"

Potter began to smash, Yang Yi hurriedly said: "Can! Uri Yangke promised to contact Ivan for me, but he also said that Ivan may also hide immediately, hey, what happened?"

Porter trembled: "You can open any conditions for Ivan and Uri Yangke! This time our troubles are big! You want to promise anything, we can repay afterwards, but now we must stabilize the situation. ~lightnovelpub.net~ Be fast! Contact Ivan as soon as you can, telling him that this is definitely a misunderstanding!"

"what happened?"

Potter took a breath and whispered: "It’s our people who killed the big Ivan. It used to be, the on-site surveillance video was put back, and the former members of a special force of our navy."

Yang Yi loudly said: "Oh...Fuck! What the **** is going on, is the Pentagon making a ghost?"

Potter hurriedly said: "No, no, you listen, these things have nothing to do with you, but you must tell Ivan that this matter has nothing to do with us. We must clarify that this matter has nothing to do with the United States, to stabilize him! Now Contact him right away, be sure, be sure!"

After hanging up the phone again, Yang Yi smiled at Anton and Brian: "Well, it is a mess now, because many people are really scared.

As the water says

It’s late to go out today, and the results are too late to update. The last chapter forgot to say, sorry.