A War Between Spies

Chapter 1411: I want to leave

After twenty-four hours and twenty-four seconds after the time agreed with Ivan, Yang Yi’s phone rang.

Yang Yi looked at the phone and shook his head. Then he connected the phone and immediately nodded his head. The phone was called by Ivan.

Porter’s long sigh of relief, and in a small conference room, everyone’s face became dignified.

"Hello, Mr. Ivan."

"Hello, Poseidon, I am a person who talks and counts?"

"I have suspected this, Mr. Ivan."

"On the outskirts of Baltimore, at the intersection of Highway 99 and Highway 32, go find it. I believe you can find it, that's it."

Ivan hung up the phone, Yang Yi raised his head, his face was extremely ugly: "On the outskirts of Baltimore, the intersection of Highway 99 and Highway 32 is very obvious."

In a short period of time, the atmosphere solidified in a few seconds, and it was like a dead silence.

Why, because Baltimore is the northern side of Washington, DC, very close, very very close, that is, a nuclear bomb is hidden next to the US capital.

Besides, who knows where the nuclear bomb was shipped from?

After a brief silence for a dozen seconds, one person screamed: "It's here."

On the projector screen on the wall, a place was identified, um, about a hundred kilometers from the capital.

Potter waved his hand and said, "Action, go first, and inform the FBI when you arrive."

The action is to work in conjunction with the FBI. This is the president’s personal order, and the FBI has also taken down the elite and is ready to cooperate with the CIA.

However, the joint action is a joint operation, but this nuclear bomb must be discovered by the CIA first, first controlled, so you can do a little article in time.

Yang Yi did not say anything, of course, he did not turn what he said.

A dozen people quickly walked out of the conference room, and then they boarded a helicopter that had long been on standby.

Two helicopters rose from the ground.

No one knows where the nuclear bomb will appear. It may be New York, it may be Los Angeles, and of course it may be near Washington, so not only are helicopters ready, but the planes that transport Yang Yi are also on standby. Now, the long-range flight is definitely not used, and the helicopter will fly directly.

I haven't seen any nuclear bombs. No one can guarantee that things are over.

The helicopter quickly flew over the place that Ivan said.

Yang Yi is a liaison, but he is not a commander. Because the commander is now Walter, it is obvious that after Yang Yi completed his duties, his position was not enough to direct the action.

Walter said in the intercom: "Turn on the searchlight and observe the ground for abnormalities."

The searchlights turned on, and then in the farmland at the corner of the intersection of the two roads, the searchlight quickly found a pickup truck.

"Look at that car?"

After Yang Yi pointed out his finger, he immediately said: "Land in a farther place, block the road."

The helicopter landed, and a dozen people quickly set up roadblocks on nearby roads to stop the car from passing and approaching, and then the helicopter landed on the road.

Under the protection of four special forces soldiers, Yang Yi and Walter and a nuclear weapon expert ran to the pickup truck.

The back half of the pickup truck was covered with canvas. Yang Yi immediately climbed the pickup truck and opened the canvas, revealing a wooden box inside. Walter waved his hand and said, "Open!"

Walter screamed at the four soldiers beside him: "You can leave here!"

"Sir! We..."

"Leave here, there is nothing wrong with you here."

The four soldiers immediately turned and left, and then Yang Yi put down the tailgate at the end of the pickup truck. Walter and the nuclear weapon expert immediately climbed into the car.

Yang Yi nodded, then he opened the wooden box directly.

There is a bracket in the wooden box, and there is a white cone-shaped object on the bracket. The nuclear weapon expert just took a look and did not use the Geiger counter that he carried with him. He immediately said: "Repainting, I I thought it was disguised as something to cover up the original shape. This is a nuclear warhead that can be mounted on the ss-19 and ss-24 intercontinental ballistic missiles, with a million tons equivalent."

Walter whispered: "Million tons?"

"Yes, millions of tons, this is a nuclear warhead on a strategic intercontinental missile... As for a live warhead or a dead warhead, it will take me to check it carefully before I can confirm it."

The live warhead is worth the warhead that can be detonated, and the dead warhead refers to the warhead that can't be detonated.

This is not a movie, so there is no one that shows the time, or countdown, and often only a few hours to detonate the table to show people, whether it can detonate, this has to be checked.

Nuclear weapons experts are experts in nuclear weapons, and their eyesight or observation ability is not necessarily good.

Yang Yi whispered: "No need to check, it is a live warhead, because people have left us with a detonator."

The detonation of nuclear bombs is of course not so simple. In order to prevent nuclear accidents such as accidental misfires, the detonation of nuclear bombs is very complicated, and it is impossible for ordinary people to pick up a nuclear warhead.

But with a complete nuclear warhead of the detonation controller, it is naturally a live warhead, right.

Yang Yi pointed to a small box next to him, whispering: "This is the nuclear button."

The box didn't open yet. The nuclear weapon expert immediately opened the box. Then he looked at a box that was not exquisite and not high-tech. He sighed and whispered: "Yes, this is the nuclear button, the detonator. , nuclear trigger, whatever you call, but this nuclear bomb can indeed be detonated, I don't know if a password is needed, because the password may be built-in, it can be detonated by pressing, or it may be necessary to temporarily enter the password to detonate, I To see if there is a place to enter a password, if it is..."

"Wait, enough."

Walter stopped the nuclear weapon expert~lightnovelpub.net~ Then he looked gloomy: "Enough, research work, etc. Go back slowly, now your work is over."

The nuclear weapons expert nodded, but he whispered: "If you move nuclear weapons, you need to pay attention to it."

"When someone sent this thing, it was obviously not very concerned about security."

Nuclear weapons experts continue: "I need to measure the radiation level, which is very helpful for our next search. Two, I advise you to stay away from you if you understand the dangers of nuclear radiation."

Walter's face was soaked and looked helpless: "Now no one can get close to here, because this **** nuclear bomb carries a detonator! Sir, please leave here, research work can only be done later."

After that, Walter looked at Poseidon and said helplessly: "You also leave, the security status here is at the highest level, telling the FBI to come over, and, don't forget to inform our chief to call someone to take over, I His mother doesn't want to stand next to a nuclear bomb!"