A War Between Spies

Chapter 1412: Investigation begins

Walter is not afraid of nuclear bomb explosions. He is afraid of nuclear radiation. Although the radiation volume of nuclear warheads is controlled within the safe range, it is not a professional who does not know how much damage is standing next to a nuclear warhead.

As for the nuclear bomb, if it explodes, um, let’s not go out and go to a hundred meters, even if you quit one kilometer, you have to die.

Yang Yi is too lazy to leave because he can't wait for a long time next to the nuclear bomb.

"Contact the FBI people."

Yang Yi said aside, and Walter took out the phone. He called Potter first. When Potter was connected, he immediately screamed: "Sir, we caught the prey and lived."

Waiting for a moment, Walter sighed: "Yes, let them enter the game."

Hanging up the phone, Walter said: "FBI people should come soon, are we waiting here?"

"Hey, keep waiting, I want to see how the FBI people do things."

Walter jumped out of the car. He and Yang Yichao walked a few steps. Then he said with a sigh of relief: "Well, now I can finally rest assured that I got this thing and our mission is really finished."

Yang Yi whispered: "Do you say that the FBI can find clues?"

Walter looked around and said: "There are definitely clues, but what is the use of clues, can they investigate in depth?"

"I mean, can they find clues!"

Walter looked at Yang Yi and said, "You still have to ask me? I have the suspicion of installing an idiot. Can you understand this kind of thing? Buddy, don't deliberately pretend to be a new person in front of me, I know you. How strong is the strength."

In fact, Yang Yi really does not understand the strength of the FBI, because his contact with the FBI is actually not much. Although the FBI is infiltrated by the cleaners, many of the cleaners he deals with are FBI people. But he didn't work with the FBI on business.

But when it comes to this, Yang Yi can still say.

There was a chat without a ride. After nearly forty minutes, several helicopters flew over.

When the helicopter landed, four people ran trot. When four people came to the pickup truck, one person took out the documents and lighted it to Walter. Then he looked displeased: "Who makes you yourself?" First come? Why did you move forward without authorization? Now that the scene has been destroyed by you, how important and precious is this clue? Don't you know?"

Walter shrugged and said: "Let me be less bureaucratic. If you don't know what's going on, just change someone who understands. Now, the nuclear bomb is here. We have found the nuclear bomb and waiting for you to hand over, our mission. It’s already done, I’ll hand it over here.”

The person who spoke had a look of helpless anger, but Walter did not care. "Well, since it was handed over to you here, what are you going to do next?"

The leader took the hand and two people went to the car to check the nuclear bomb. One person went to the front to open the door, looked in the carriage, then went back to the car and looked at the tires and license plates.

Yang Yirao is interested in watching the movements of several FBIs. This is the leading voice: "There is no such thing as you, you can leave."

Walter wanted to go, but Yang Yi really shook his head and said: "No, we are joint operations, and we must look at your progress to decide the next action, so you can't drive us away, you must cooperate. Our actions, hey, we must also keep you informed of every step of your progress. This is the order, right?"

Yang Yi is really annoying, at least in the eyes of the FBI, his face is disgusting.

Sighed, Yang Yi smiled and said: "You, everyone is in the business, please perform your duties as soon as possible, please rest assured, we are just watching, and we will not hinder you."

The lead took a look at Yang Yi, then he simply turned his head to the side, and then took the intercom: "Protect the scene, not allowed to come in before the **** fools destroyed the scene here, yes, no one can Come in."

After I finished speaking, I took the lead and went to the side. I didn’t mean to communicate with Yang Yi at all. Even the meaning of the name and position was excused.

Yang Yi looked at the one who actually did things among the remaining three people. He smiled and said, "Hello, what do you call it? I think we still know each other better."

"John, FBI agent, crime investigation expert, what do you call it?"

"You can call me Poseidon."

"Okay, Poseidon, I want to ask, what kind of situation did you come when you came? Is there a film and television record? And, how do you know the location?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "The location is informed. The scene we saw is not much different from yours. Except that the wooden box is covered, and then there is a canvas on the wooden box. In fact, It is no different from now."

"How is the canvas fixed to the carriage? Is it tied with a rope?"

"No, it's just a simple cover, and it's open at a glance."

John nodded. He climbed into the carriage. After politely asked the other two to go down, he suddenly reached for the box and then covered the canvas.

After getting off the bus again and looking at it, John extended a finger and said: "This car is driven from a distance, but the nuclear bomb has been transferred, which means that the nuclear bomb is not directly pulled by this car. It was the middle of the car."

After thinking for a moment, John took out a call and he called and said, “Help me find out who the owner of the car is and where I live.”

After signing the license plate number, John waited for a moment~lightnovelpub.net~ Then he took out a small book and used his shoulders and head to hold the phone: "Okay, you can say, the owner is Wen. Fox. The registered address is in Baltimore... Wait a minute, is the owner a African American? Ok, I understand."

Putting down the phone, John dialed the phone again and quickly said: "I will immediately investigate a man named Wen Fox. Go to his home and look for it. If you find him, look for all the cameras near his home. Yes, It's all the cameras, I will tell you later about the specific requirements."

John hung up the phone, Yang Yi Shen said: "Is this investigation started?"

John nodded. "Yes, the investigation started, and there will be preliminary results soon. Of course, there will be no good results, but there will be some clues."

Yang Yi nodded and said, "Okay, but what do you mean by not filling out the results?"

John shrugged: "The person who sent the nuclear bomb is very old. He won't leave too much clue to us. Although it will definitely be a clue, I think Wen. Fox is dead, no matter whether this car is his initiative. Provided is still forced to provide, I believe he is dead."