A War Between Spies

Chapter 1457: confusion

Yang Yi found a problem. He didn't see where the subway was next.

But it doesn't seem to matter where the next stop is, because Yang Yi knows that he has to wait until the station gets off and waits to be sieved.

Yang Yi climbed up and took two steps. Fortunately, the wound was very painful, but if he could hold back the pain, it would not hinder the action.

Yang Yi began to look around. What is he looking for? He is looking for a bag that can accommodate the revelation, or a box. In short, whatever he wants, he can free his hands.

But unfortunately, there is not enough big bag to let Yang Yi put the revelation up.

Wait, a dress seems to be fine.

Yang Yi went to a white lady, she was wearing a black shirt, very very large, because the woman was very fat.

Yang Yi came to her, the woman was sitting in her seat, but looking at Yang Yi's eyes, she seemed to realize what.

After thinking about it, I used the gun a little faster. When Yang Yi took the gun out of the pocket, the woman took out her wallet.

"The money is for you, don't hurt me!"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "I don't want your wallet, I want your clothes, tops, thank you."

The woman snorted, then she whispered: "As long as the clothes? You are not going to do anything else?"

"No, give me your clothes now! Fast!"

Yang Yi had to hand the gun forward, and then the woman seemed to be insulted. The expression on her face quickly became ugly, then she stood up and shouted: "You can take my money, but You can't insult me..."

With a bang, Yang Yi couldn't help but fire a shot at the top of his head, and the woman immediately took off her shirt.

"Thank you."

After taking the clothes and laying them on the ground, Yang Yi put the revelation up, and then he quickly wrapped up the revelation with clothes and tied the knots. Finally, he tied the sleeves together and reached the shoulders.

It feels much better now.

Quickly ran to the end of the car, a shot to open the glass cover, Yang Yi pulled down the emergency brake handle.

The subway began to slow down sharply. Before the subway stopped completely, Yang Yi ran back to the door. He opened the door hard and waited for the speed of the subway to drop to the speed at which he could safely jump. He immediately jumped.

Can't wait for the subway to arrive at the station, and the station will be dead.

But how to escape in the tunnel of the subway, Yang Yi's idea is that there should be maintenance channels, or sewers, in any case, the movie is played like this.

As for whether there is any, Yang Yi really does not know.

Running out in one direction, the tunnel soon became dark, but Yang Yi had a mobile phone. Although there was no signal, he could use it as a flashlight.

Yang Yi ran far away. He threw the cell phone from Canter's assistant first, lest there was any positioning device on it, but he ran for a long time and found no way to escape him. There is no sewer.

The movies are all deceptive...

Yang Yi was helpless. He turned off his mobile phone and began to run toward the subway. When he saw the lights of the subway, he speeded up.

Yang Yi ran back to the subway, but he didn't get on the bus. He drilled directly into the subway from the track, and then he found a place that could accommodate him and not drag it to the ground.

I still need some physical strength to hide here. I tied the revelation to one side and Yang Yi got into the axle. Then he waited.

Waiting for the stop of the subway to start again.

The subway really started again, and Yang Yi was kneeling under the subway. He hoped to escape the cleaning of the cleaners.

The wind is very big, it is still very cold, and Yang Yi’s finger is very stiff, but what can he do, he can only persist.

The subway quickly stopped again, but Yang Yi didn't know what was going on outside. He could even hear someone shouting loudly, but no one took the subway to look under the car.

The subway is definitely going to be opened again. No matter what happens above, the subway can't stop at a station. There are other subways to open behind. Stopping here means the subway line.

Can the cleaners stop the New York subway? Do they have such a great energy?

Yang Yi is very nervous and afraid. If he is discovered, it is really difficult to run in his current state.

Yang Yi was at the tail of the subway. He even saw someone jumping off the platform and running in the direction of the railroad track, at least four or five people.

Very good, very good, very good, no one is looking at the bottom of the subway.

The subway started to move up again. Yang Yi’s heart was much more practical. It seemed that he had to escape from birth. As long as he could sit in the subway for a few more stops, it would be difficult for the cleaner to find him.

Yang Yi was very happy and very proud. Until the subway entered the station again, after the car stopped, Yang Yi suddenly found a drop of blood under him. Looking forward, there was another drop of blood two or three meters away.


Yang Yi was shocked. He did not hesitate to unravel the revelation, left the bottom of the car and lay flat on the sleepers.

There are blood, those people may not have found it in the dark, they must be discovered soon, so this subway can not be set up, you have to leave before the cleaners are deployed in place.

Yang Yi began to climb outside, while climbing and paying attention to whether there were people around.

Yang Yi just started to climb, and saw a man jumping from the rear of the car. He could see the leg, so Yang Yi immediately stopped moving and pointed the gun at the legs.

Sure enough, some people leaned over and looked inside, and Yang Yi fired a shot without hesitation.

The bullet is in the middle of the eyebrow.

Yang Yi discerned a bit, and he was pleased that the person who checked the bottom of the car was not the kind of costume that was convenient for combat. He only held a pistol in his hand.

What does this mean? This shows that it is not a professional combatant who comes to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi climbed out at the fastest speed, then he stood up.

There was no one on the platform~lightnovelpub.net~ all went to the subway. Yang Yi wanted to climb the platform and it was a little hard, so he ran two steps backwards. After the run, he jumped on the platform.

The guns rang, the crowd was a bit messy, but not enough.

Yang Yi immediately shot two guns at the top of his head and shouted: "I want to kill you!"

The people of New York saw more shootings. They knew how to protect themselves. So those who didn’t get on the bus immediately spread out to look for cover, or kneel down on the ground and kneel on the ground. In short, no one stupidly stood in the same place. No one is watching the fun.

When all the cars are driving in one direction along the road, it is natural to have a car retrograde. Now it is the same. When everyone is fleeing because of the gunshots, the natural thing that comes to Yang Yi is problematic.

Yang Yi saw two people coming to him, not the police, then only the enemy.

Yang Yi shot without hesitation, killing the enemy, and then he immediately followed the crowds who fled to the outside of the platform.