A War Between Spies

Chapter 1461: People

Unlucky or lucky, Yang Yi himself said that he is not very good, anyway, he is not dead yet, it is a lucky value.

Yang Yi is breaking through the circle of cleaners little by little. The farther he is from Rockefeller Center, the safer it is, and the cleaners' encirclement will become more and more loose.

But now dragging a broken leg to walk, really makes Yang Yi a headache, because the speed is too slow.

Now where is Yang Yi going, go to the CIA office, is it to leave Manhattan, no, he is going to a place that cleaners can never think of.

It is a little farther away, and it takes about a kilometer.

Yang Yi dragged a leg and walked on the road. People who saw him all avoided it, because a man with a gun and blood was enough to make everyone evade.

Yang Yi put away the gun because he can't let everyone see him and then run,

The police should have arrived. Now Yang Yi can often hear the whistling of the police car, but he is not around.

When the communication was interrupted on a large scale, even the communication between the police officers was completely interrupted. Otherwise, it should be a large number of police officers coming to support it.

Yang Yi put away the gun, observed the marching from front to back, and then a woman riding a bicycle stopped at his side.

"Hey, you are bleeding, what happened to you?"

The girl riding a bicycle is pretty.

Well, Yang Yi is easy to get help from the opposite **** because he is handsome.

Yang Yi gasped. He pointed to the back and said: "There was a terrorist attack in front. I was hit by a bullet. Don't go any further. You have to leave here."

The girl snorted and said: "Terrorist attack? Why don't you ask the police for help?"

Yang Yi smiled helplessly, then he said to the girl: "Because I am the terror, I am sorry, now I have to grab your bicycle, so please come down and find a safe place to hide. , here is really dangerous."

Yang Yi pulled out his pistol again, and then he pulled the girl off the car under the girl's horrified gaze.

"Sorry, goodbye."

Yang Yiqi got on the bicycle and started to go forward. Although it is a bicycle, there is transportation faster than running.

Yang Yi took the speed of the bicycle to the extreme, and then he took less than five minutes to get to where he was going.

Russian national television station station in New York.

The reporter station is actually very small and there is no listing. There are several Russian reporters here, but Yang Yi is not looking for them. He is looking for a shop next to the reporter station, a shop specializing in women's clothing.

"Sir! You can't bring your bike here, sir, please...oh, my God."

The female clerk wanted to drive out Yang Yi, who pushed the bicycle into the door, but she became exclaimed after seeing the blood of Yang Yi.

Yang Yi didn't want to throw the bicycle outside as a signpost. He said to the female clerk: "I am looking for Ms. Kolo Giselle. I know she is here. Please tell her that relatives from the motherland are coming to her. Please She will see me soon."

The female clerk was helpless. Yang Yi pointed to the back of the store and said, "Come faster! I am dying, can't you see it?"

The female clerk turned and ran. Soon, a woman who looked like sixty or seventy years old came out.

"Hello, you are?"

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then he smiled at the old lady in front of him: "I am not your relative, but I am a friend of your relatives, he let me have something to come to you, because you can always find him... ...oh, I am really too anxious, so let's not say this, Basquef let me come."

The female clerk looked awkward, but the old lady in front of Yang Yi sighed, then she nodded: "Follow me."

Yang Yi dragged a broken leg and limped and followed the old lady to a small room behind the store. It was an office and studio, because Anne Giselle was a costume designer and tailor. Only sell the clothes she designed and made, niche, and expensive.

Kolo Giselle sat down and she signaled that Yang Yi was also sitting down, and then she said faintly: "What do you want me to do, custom clothing?"

Yang Yi put her hand on the road and said: "Don't test it. I am a CIA, not a KGB, but I am a friend of the KGB. Do you understand? I know that you are a KGB. I have news that you should immediately return to Russia. It is very important. ”

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Yang Yi raised a hand and said: "Listen to me, your identity is very good, but my arrival has ruined your disguise, and the KGB has lost a very important intelligence station, but it is all worthwhile. I said that there is a secret organization called a cleaner who placed a lot of nuclear bombs in the United States and could detonate at any time, and the cleaners also controlled a nuclear submarine in Russia, a strategic missile nuclear submarine, which could launch nuclear missiles at any time. In this case, the nuclear war should come."

Kolo Giselle looked at Yang Yi with interest. Yang Yi continued: "I don't know the nuclear submarine, but I know this is absolutely true. Also, the cleaners are killing me. And they interfered with the communication here, so I can't call, I can only come to you."

Kolo Giselle sighed and said: "You found me and explained my identity. I don't know if this is a conspiracy, but, are you a CIA?"


“Why not ask the CIA for help?”

"Because I can't help! Look at my appearance, I am being chased now! A secret organization called a cleaner is very infiltrated by the FBI. An organization called a gray man is very infiltrated by the CIA, and I am Is it complicated to get into the undercover of a cleaner? As a spy, don’t you understand that time is life?”

Kolo Giselle nodded, then she sighed: "I understand, so I don't understand why you didn't call, because the communication is now restored, just now."

Yang Yi took a look at ~lightnovelpub.net~ Road: "What?"

Immediately took out the phone, the signal was full, Yang Yixi looked out, he immediately began to call, and then he found that the phone can be dialed out.

Just when Yang Yi was occupied by the ecstasy, his eyes suddenly turned black, because the lights in the house were extinguished.

Yang Yi’s eyes were illuminated by the screen of the mobile phone, but the phone that he dialed out was interrupted again, and the beep that Yang Yi was most reluctant to hear was heard.


When Yang Yi couldn't help but scream, Kolo Giselle finally stood up, and then she looked solemnly: "The power outage! It turned out to be a blackout."

Yang Yi took a breath and said: "There is a power outage! If the power outage is to completely interrupt the communication, then they did it because there is no signal now."

Kolo Giselle stood up and said: "I understand, it seems that the situation is really urgent, come with me."