A War Between Spies

Chapter 1463: Uncle, are you okay?

Yang Yi is like a blind man at the moment, but there is only a thin layer of window paper in front of him. As long as he breaks the window paper, he can see the world outside.

Yang Yi is not smashing this layer of window paper.

Window paper is the interference of the cleaners. Yang Yi only needs to make a phone call to solve the problem, but now he has to make a lot of trouble in order to make a call.

Yang Yi looked at the last Russian, no, maybe this man is not a Russian, but he must be a Russian spy.

"Can you contact Russia?"

Yang Yi asked a very critical question, but the man shook his head and whispered: "No, I am a member of the action, I am just an action member."

Yang Yichang sighed.

Only responsible for the action, follow the orders of Kolo Giselle to perform some special tasks, such as assassination, destruction, or escorting an important person to leave as it is now, but only responsible for this.

Yang Yi puts her hand down and whispers: "Leave first, it's too dangerous here. Since there are traitors in your people, then our position has already been exposed."

The two men quickly left the clothing store of Kolo Giselle in silence, and they ignored the stunned clerk and headed out to the streets outside.

"Do you know the evacuation route? Can you make up? Is there a secret passage? And, what should I call you?"

Yang Yi asked a few key questions, and the man responsible for escorting Yang Yi said: "There is a route, can make up, is not a secret passage, you can call me Yuri."

"Okay, Yuri, take me out of here, as long as I can call, I can pass the most critical news directly to your headquarters, and the rest will be solved."

"What happened?"

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "There is a secret organization called a cleaner, and there is also a man named Gray, who plans to detonate a nuclear bomb in the United States, plant it for Russia, and then provoke a nuclear war."

Yuri’s feet were a little slower, and then he whispered: “It doesn’t sound like real, it’s more like a slang slang, but I can only believe you, although I don’t really believe it.”

"I don't want to believe it. I regret to tell you that this is not only true, but Russia also has a nuclear bomb. Imagine that Russia and the United States suffered a nuclear attack at the same time. Then a Russian nuclear submarine also launched a nuclear missile. What are the consequences?"

"You didn't say there was a nuclear submarine! And it sounded more fake."

"I tell you this because I don't know who two of us can live. If I am dead, you are responsible for passing this message to anyone you can pass on, because this is true, think about it. If this is a false news, you are at most regarded as a madman and a dereliction of duty, but if this is true and we have not stopped it, then this is the end of the world, so think about it."

"I understand, in fact, even if I don't believe it, I will do it according to your statement."

Yang Yi looked around and said: "Kolo Giselle only made a phone call, and the four of you are obviously assembled from different places. Now the phone can't get through, so how do you communicate with each other? ?"

"follow me."

Yuri took Yang Yi to a hot dog stall on the side of the road. The kind of stalls everywhere in New York's streets and lanes, below is a stroller with a shed on it.

"I have been selling hot dogs here. It has been 12 years. We are all nearby. Where did the phone call and see it? As long as he hangs a small red flag at the door of the store, we know that something has happened. Then just arrive at the fastest speed."

"Do you take a gun every day on the street? Are you afraid of being discovered by the police?"

Yuri smiled and said: "Be afraid, so be careful, never be discovered."

Before Yang Yi and Yuri went to the unattended hot dog stall, then Yang Yi stood up and whispered: "A very important question, which of the few people who died just now is responsible for sending a signal to call you."

Yuri looked at Yang Yi and whispered: "I know what you are worried about, good news, the person who signals is the one that blocks the bullets for you. Now he should have died."

Yang Yi whispered: "I didn't have time to thank him."

Someone blocked the gun for Yang Yi and took the initiative to block the gun for him, but Yang Yi and Yuri dropped him away, leaving him alone, cruel but not sad. The reality is that compared to his life and death. Come, Yang Yi’s life is more important, so Yang Yi and Yuri gave up without hesitation, and the reality is so cruel.

Yuri continued to sigh: "The two traitors I don't know their identity, they don't know who I am, understand? We all contact the person who issued the order, and we are isolated between the three. So the good news is that they don't know that I am selling hot dogs here. In fact, we don't know that the real online is Colo, and the one who killed Kolo, he often buys hot dogs from me, but I don't. Knowing that he and I are the same, he doesn't know, so I have to be a hot dog stall to be safe now."

Yang Yi let go of his heart. He nodded: "The old contact method, but it is really effective, very good."

Yuri leaned over and opened the door under the hot dog cart, which contained sauces, bread slabs, and ham sausages to make hot dogs.

"Go in, there is a dark space below, there are weapons inside."

Pull the board with the raw material away, the lower one is not big, but it is enough to accommodate Yang Yi.

Yang Yi immediately drilled in, and Yuri closed the door and Shen said: "If I say that my cousin is coming out, it is all over, there is a grenade inside, you can choose to kill with a grenade while destroying Evidence ~lightnovelpub.net~ If you don't need it, then you can commit suicide with a gun. If I say that you are uncle, is it safe, you can come out, can this confession be?"

"Yes, I hope you call my uncle instead of my cousin."

Yuri no longer spoke, and Yang Yi began to feel the vibration, he has moved.

Yang Yi has been very worried because he can't observe the situation outside now. Yuri pushed him for a long time, at least for half an hour, then the vibration finally stopped. Then Yuri whispered: "Uncle, Are you ok?"

Yang Yi did not move, and did not say anything, then the door opened. Yang Yi held the grenade in one hand and took the gun in one hand. After the cover was removed, Yang Yi saw Yuri’s face.

Why do you want to agree on a secret code? Because Yuri does not want to suddenly open the door of the hot dog booth, too much Yang Yi will immediately shoot at his face.

Therefore, this code is only meaningful to Yuri. As for Yang Yi, when he got into the hot dog booth, he gave his life to Yuri. He had no choice but to trust Yuri.