A War Between Spies

Chapter 147: leap

It seems to be back to the beginning of learning with Zhang Yong.

Yang Yi is now working in a special supervision area during the day. In the afternoon and evening, Zhang Yong and Zhang Yong have made a move. As Zhang Yong said, they are really moving.

Yang Yi feels that she has made great progress during this time, but the price is that there is no place in his body except the face.

Still playing Zhang Yong, this is for sure, but Yang Yi is no longer an opponent that can make Zhang Yong easy to deal with. He needs to go all out.

Sometimes two masters have a trick, one uses only one to knock down the other. It really doesn't mean that the level between them is a lot worse. The master has to win the game only between the first line, and the more the master. The matchup, the outcome is also faster.

For a month in a row, Yang Yi has never seen Brian, because always meeting with Brian will definitely cause other people's doubts. Listening to the story is also an excuse to say the past, but always together, it is definitely not normal. However, the meeting between Yang Yi and Brian is not so easy.

Now, Yang Yi has been able to start with the beast Wayne, because Owen has been transferred for three months, and now is the new warden.

Now Yang Yi can't get any preferential treatment. Fortunately, no one is willing to provoke him, so even if Owen is gone, this day will not be much worse than before.

In addition to Yang Yi's heart is getting more and more urgent.

How did Zhang Yong want to solve the beast Wayne, Yang Yi did not understand now, he asked many times, but Zhang Yong refused to tell him.

Zhang Yong is in a state of adjustment, and Yang Yi can feel it very clearly.

Zhang Yong’s words are getting less and less, his eyes are getting more and more fierce, so when he arrived, Yang Yi began to consciously stop interfering with Zhang Yong.

From the special supervision area back to his cell, Yang Yi just prepared to clean up with Zhang Yong, which has become his habit.

But this time, Zhang Yong sat down on the bed without sitting down.

Just looked at Yang Yi, Zhang Yong suddenly said: "Today is the number."

"Ah, today is August 16."

Zhang Yong took a long breath and said: "It's time."

"What is the time?"

Yang Yi seems a little nervous, and Zhang Yong did not answer Yang Yi’s question. He just said faintly: “I have to go back to my cell. I have to stay alone for a few days.”

Yang Yi carefully said: "What do you mean when you say it? Yong brother, I take you as a brother, you should take me as a brother, I don't say anything to help you, but at least you tell me what I want to do." ?"

Zhang Yong jumped from the upper bunk. He stared at Yang Yi and said: "It’s time to tell you. If I die in the hands of the beast Wayne, please ask me to kill the beast for me. Well, but I don’t want to step in the duel with the beast Wayne."

Reaching out and patted Yang Yi's shoulder, Zhang Yong turned and pulled the cover he had already laid from the top, then stood at the door of the cell, loudly: "Sir! I packed it up."

A prison guard came over and opened the prison door. Zhang Yong went out of the cell. After the prison guard locked the door, he looked back at Yang Yi and waved his hand. He then turned and strode away.

Looking at the back of Zhang Yong’s departure, Yang Yi felt that he knew how Zhang Yong should enter the special supervision area. Since he can buy Owen to let him work in a special supervision area, then Zhang Yong can certainly buy a new prison director or what. When people go to work, since Zhang Yong can change the cell as he pleases, he should be able to do this. It is nothing more than a question of how much money is spent.

I don’t know when Zhang Yong intends to start, Yang Yi thinks it should be in these two days, perhaps the day when his work was replaced by Zhang Yong.

Yang Yi still wants to help. He doesn't think that the grievance between Zhang Yong and the beast Wayne must be solved one-on-one. To kill the enemy, it must be done by all means. How many people can be used? What weapons are used for what weapons, and a fair duel with the enemy to resolve the complaints is the most stupid choice.

The cleaners in the special supervision area only need one person, that is to say, if Zhang Yong wants to replace Yang Yi’s work to enter the special supervision area, then Yang Yi can’t enter, and he can’t enter the special supervision area. Help Zhang Yong.

In the heart of the mess, Yang Yi simply began to practice boxing until his mood returned to calm.

It’s useless to think about it now, or take a step and take a step.

From the afternoon to the dinner, after eating dinner, Yang Yi practiced very late at night, until she was exhausted, and Yang Yicai was able to fall asleep.

Who is sleeping, Yang Yi did not sleep well all night, his heart is always messy, until the time of breakfast.

When I arrived at the restaurant and saw that Zhang Yong was already sitting in his usual position, Yang Yi’s heart suddenly settled down.

I want to say hello to Zhang Yong, and Yang Yi still wants to ask if Zhang Yong is entering a special prison area as he imagined, but watching Zhang Yong still have a calm meal, Yang Yi thinks it is still not It is better to bother.

Asked if Zhang Yong would not say it, let him enjoy the peace before the final battle.

After eating the meal, Yang Yi found a very serious problem as the prisoner began to go out.

Zhang Yong’s footsteps are somewhat illusory.

Zhang Yong has already opened the door to the restaurant.

After eating breakfast, it is time to release the wind. It is also the time for Yang Yi to work in a special supervision area. Yang Yi wants to catch up and ask Zhang Yong what happened, but if he suddenly ran out of the team, he might be scolded by the prison guards and even Beaten, so Yang Yi had to stand up slowly with patience.

Out of the restaurant, separated from the prisoner's team, Yang Yi ran to Zhang Yong and ran over.

Zhang Yong stood there waiting for Yang Yi. ,

"what happened to you?"

Looking at the frowning eyebrows, a face of nervous Yang Yi, Zhang Yong smiled, then he smiled: "I am fine, know that you have a lot of questions to ask me, wait until the end of work to go to your bed to see Can get the answer, well, let's do your thing now."

Yang Yi still has to say, Zhang Yong is down the face, Shen Sheng: "Go your!"

After that, Zhang Yong began to walk toward the chair he had been sitting on, no longer paying attention to Yang Yi, Yang Yi is angry and helpless loud voice: "Can you not be so god-like? Can you?"

Zhang Yong did not look back. He just raised his hand and waved in the air.

Yang Yi did not breathe two low voices ~lightnovelpub.net~ Then he began to walk in the direction of the special supervision area.

When he was about to get out of the playground where the heavy blows were released, Yang Yi suddenly heard a snoring sound, and the buzzing sound grew louder and louder, accompanied by the screams of the prisoners.

Yang Yi turned his doubts and then he widened his eyes.

A helicopter has crossed the wall of the prison to the playground, flying low and fast, and then a rope is hanging on the helicopter.

The helicopter slowed down some speed, but did not stop, swiftly passing over a chair, and as the helicopter passed, a person jumped into the chair and grabbed the rope hanging from the helicopter.

In the prisoner's frantic call shouts and the gunshots fired by the prison guards, the helicopter climbed quickly, and the people caught on the rope waved at the people below.

He is waving at Yang Yi because he is Zhang Yong.

Yang Yi took a moment, but he immediately raised his hand and waved it, bid farewell to Zhang Yong, and watched the helicopter fly out of the prison.