A War Between Spies

Chapter 172: Old antique

“What is important?”

"Now that we have left the prison, it is time to talk about what you really want."

Brian leaned forward slightly, then he was very serious about Yang Yidao: "I have said, I have prayed to God many times to let me leave the prison until you appear, so I am willing to do anything for you, now Tell me what you need me to solve for you."

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "I have a lot of things I want to accomplish. First of all, have you heard of the Greys?"

"Grey people?"

"A borderless intelligence organization."

"I have never heard of it, I have never heard of it."

Yang Yi is somewhat disappointed because he feels that since Brian was an important figure in cia, he might know something about gray people, but it is obviously not the case.

"Well, then don't say gray people. Well, the most urgent problem I face is a killer organization called Destroyer. I need to kill this killer organization."

Brian was interested: "Speak and listen."

So Yang Yi began to tell him and the devastating grievances in detail. After Yang Yi introduced the situation, Brian’s face was very dignified: “I used to be a special agent, knowing that what we hate most is to be against others. Is this mysterious killer organization, I am responsible for counter-espionage, but it is more difficult to deal with this kind of killer than against the KGB."

Yang Yi said with amazement: "No? Isn't a small killer organization more powerful than the KGB?"

Brian shook his head: "The behavior of the spy can predict that if a secret or a very important thing will cause the attention of the spy, then the spy will definitely come. This is a confrontation between the countries. The spy belongs to the national will. We know what spies want, but the killer organization is different. They don't have specific goals. If they don't receive a murder, they will crouch. It is too difficult to find a crouching killer organization. If you want to completely eliminate this killer organization. It is even harder."

Refers to Yang Yi, Brian Shen Sheng: "So now the Destroyer's surveillance of Kate, and the desire of the Destroyer to kill you and Kate is good for you, you know what they want, so that They find out, so they can't easily get started. If you want to start, you must have a grasp."

Yang Yi whispered: "I still want to go back to the UK as soon as possible, to take out the surveillance of Kate's killer and destroy it by finding the core power of the destroyer."

"That is unrealistic. The destroyer will not give you this opportunity. The person sent to monitor Kate must be a small role that is irrelevant. It doesn't make much sense to catch him or kill him."

Brian waved his hand, and then he looked confidently: "Do you know how to deal with the killer? The killer's specialty is behind the sneak attack, so that they can't do it hard, so don't use the killer's way to fight against the killer. Don't fight them in the shadows that killers like. The most important thing to deal with killers is to find them, and then kill them in the simplest way. Never give them a chance to escape. A killer who escapes and then hides is a nightmare for everyone. !"

"Yes, it is best to solve it once and not leave any trouble."

"It's not the best time to solve it, but it must be solved once. I will help you find the destroyers and destroy them, but this is not enough for us. Plus Kate is not enough. We still need help. ”

"It takes a lot of talent, and where do we go to find so many helpers?"

Brian thought for a moment, then he sighed: "What day is it?"

"September 4th."

"That year."

"year 2013."

Brian gave a long sigh of relief and said: "I know that this year is 2013. I was locked up in 1987. It was 26 years. I spent 26 years in prison and I was alone. From no one talking to me about the outside, even the disintegration of the Soviet Union, I have known it after 7 years. What it means means that I am completely out of touch with the outside world."

Brian stretched out his hand and pointed to the TV. He smiled bitterly: "I don't even know that TV is like this now. Looking at the cars on the street, everyone is holding a mobile handheld terminal in their hands, even There are still people taking pictures. I have been thinking for a long time before I understand what it is."

“Hey, actually, it’s called a mobile phone, a smartphone.”

Brian said: "Do you know how much self-control I have to be able to ask this question like a countryman who doesn't understand anything?"

Yang Yi whispered: "I have never thought about this problem, but now I can understand your feelings very well."

Brian sighed: "I need to adapt to this new world, but also need to learn a lot of new knowledge, but I don't want to be seen. I am actually an old antique living in the last century, so I only secretly ask this time. You, tell me, what is there now and not in my time?"

Yang Yi was asked to stop, and then he hesitated for a long time: "Now, now is the Internet age, there is almost no secret, and now, it is also an era of extremely convenient communication, everyone has a mobile phone, said Here, I should buy you a mobile phone, maybe you can understand what it is like from your mobile phone."

Brian nodded, then he suddenly said: "My main thing now is to find someone. Find it now, find it right away. It's very difficult. Do you tell me what is the best way?"

Yang Yi carefully said: "You want to... she?"

"Yes, of course, I am just looking for her."

Yang Yi nodded: "I can help you find it. Now it is much easier to find someone than in the past, but let me think about where to start."

Brian waved his hand and said: "No, no. lightnovelpub.net~ No, I am not ready yet, wait until we all rest and start again, no, you still tell me how to start looking."

Yang Yi took out the mobile phone and said: "From this top, the current mobile phone update is very fast, but my mobile phone is definitely not particularly outdated. At least the Internet is no problem, I will help you."

Brian seems to have discovered the New World. He looks at the phone that Yang Yi took out and said: "Is this ok?"

"Of course, this phone should be more powerful than the computer function of your time. Is the person you are looking for called Kate?"

Brian suddenly panicked. He stood up and looked at Yang Yi for a while, then suddenly sat down again and hurriedly said: "But she is a Soviet! And it is still a KGB, can this be found?" ”

Yang Yi smiled bitterly: "Please, just give it a try. I don't think I can find it, but I can try it first."

Brian repeatedly shook his head and said: "That's right, don't look for it, no, I mean don't look for it on your mobile phone. It feels like a joke, I... need a break, we all have a good rest, sleep one Feeling, wake up and teach me how to use this thing."