A War Between Spies

Chapter 194: mercenary

Blood burst out. 【】

The person who wanted to launch the rocket launcher suddenly became stiff, and there was almost no resistance. He began to fall down powerlessly.

The hand was slightly trembling, and the body felt a little weak. There was some tension. This is the first time that Yang Yi killed himself in his own initiative, but his psychological fluctuations are like this.

Yang Yi’s right hand, who was in the man’s mouth, took a side to the side, grabbed the rocket launcher in the man’s hand, closed the knife in his left hand, and put the jumper back into his pocket.

Those enemies, they stood up again and again, and after two shots, they quickly squatted and continued to shoot at Brian after the car.

No one looked at Yang Yi.

Yang Yi resisted the rocket launcher on his shoulder.

Yang Yi did not play the rocket launcher. Even he was the first to see the rocket launcher. However, the rocket launcher completed all the launch preparations and only needed to pull the trigger. Yang Yi would definitely.

"Come on!"

A man still shooting with a rifle finally turned to look at Yang Yi, and then he saw Yang Yi holding a rocket launcher.

The enemy is extremely upset.

Yang Yi and the enemy's eyes looked at each other, but Yang Yi, who had already completed the launch preparation, immediately pulled the trigger.

With a bang, Yang Yi only felt that his body was slightly shaken, and then the car that was only 20 meters away from him exploded.

The recoil is much smaller than expected, and the power of the rocket bomb is not so big. It is also much smaller than that imagined by Yang Yi. It is also less powerful than the explosion that happened just now. However, the car has become a scrap iron. Two people who were shooting behind the car also fell to the ground.

One of them did not die, he was still twisting.

Yang Yi did not know if it was time to make up a shot.

Just then, Yang Yi heard the roar of the car.

In just a few seconds, Brian drove out of the car that had become scrap iron.

Paul and Charles shot backwards in the car, but Brian drove their off-road vehicle and ran from the road with many cars blocking the road. The front of the car was severely deformed and the body was full of bullets. It’s a miracle that the hole can still be opened.

Brian stopped the car and Yang Yi pulled out the pistol. He made a shot on the head of the man who had cut his throat with a knife because he was afraid that this person would be rescued.

Although the chances of people who have been cut off in the carotid artery and throat are very small, they are worried that this kind of thing can be avoided because of the small probability, so even if it is a dead person, Yang Yi has to make up a shot to be assured.

When he ran to the car, Yang Yi stopped again, and then he fired a shot at the person who was still on the ground.

The bullet hit the man's shoulder, so Yang Yi fired another shot.

This bullet hit the man's ear.

Yang Yi was angry and anxious. He went to the person who was still writhing. But when Brian took a few shots, he blew his head when he hit the head that he couldn’t hit twice.

Brian continued to shoot, and he made a shot on every enemy.

Yang Yi finally jumped into the car, and Paul hurriedly said, "How is it so tempered!"

Yang Yizhen does not know how to answer.

Brian kicked the throttle and the car quickly rushed out.

Yang Yi put the rocket tube on his hand and put it under his feet. Brian took the gun in one hand and drove in the other hand, but there was still a lingering saying: "What do you do with an empty rocket launcher?"

"There is my fingerprint on this"

Yang Yi felt that she might be too careful, but Brian nodded and said, "Do well."

The car glass is full of bullet holes, and Yang Yi is really curious as to why Brian is still alive.

At this moment, Paul turned the muzzle, and then he stretched out the gun from Yang Yi and Brian and pointed it to the front. Shen Sheng said: "Not c! Not a policeman! Not fb!"

Yang Yi hurriedly said: "I heard them talk."

Brian said: "Good, what do they say."

Yang Yi rehearsed what he heard, and then hurriedly said: "Guar to a word is correct."

Brian and Paul said in unison: "Mercury!"

Charles suddenly said: "Maybe not a mercenary, mercenaries are not courageous to do such a big thing in the United States."

Paul is very sure: "Their style is mercenary!"

Charles said: "Why did the mercenary attack us? Also, I didn't realize that someone was monitoring me. It was too much doubt. Oh, I understand!"

Paul hurriedly said, "What do you understand?"

"The first thing is really a black pot. Now I believe. Some people hope that he can die instead of being arrested again. So it is not c, not fb, nor police, but it is not supposed to happen. Soldier or killer."

Brian said: "There are some far-fetched, but it makes sense."

Paul is extremely unwilling: "If you can catch a living mouth, you may be able to ask who is looking for them, know who is looking for them, then you can know who the mole is hiding behind. Unfortunately, Fuck!"

Brian said calmly: "It's not bad to be able to rush out. We will be completely delayed after a delay. This is Los Angeles."

The three people’s speech did not affect Brian’s driving at all. He drove the car fast and there was no miraculous traffic accident along the way.

The fingerprint on the rocket launcher was being used to wipe the fingerprint on the rocket launcher, and then Yang Yi, who was swaying and swaying, was crying. The three nerve-stricken people finally remembered how to escape.

"Go to my safe house, we have a way to escape."

Charles suddenly came up with a sentence, and then Paul immediately surprised him: "Do you have a safe house? Great, where is the nearest?"

"There are only two, one of them is in Los Angeles, but we must first open the police."

Brian Shen said: "Very good, add equipment and ammunition, take the necessary things, ready to get rid of the pursuit."

"Helicopter, police helicopter!"

Yang Yi screamed, he was not scared, he just thought how to run after being helicopterd in the air.

Ok, Yang Yi is being scared.

Brian didn't feel panicked~lightnovelpub.net~ He was very calm: "Charles."

"Let me think about it."

After a brief thought for a while, Charles quickly said: "Right forward, straight, two intersections, a large shopping mall, a large indoor parking lot, where to get rid of helicopters."


Brian made a sharp turn and passed by two police cars with alarms.

"Don't let them catch up."

Brian’s words made Charles hesitate, and then he pointed the gun at the police car behind him. He said: “Nothing to worry about?”

"No, don't hurt the police. If you don't want all the police to go crazy, look for us. They are doing their part to stop the pursuit."

Charles did not shoot indiscriminately. He seized the opportunity to shoot when he was running smoothly. The bullet hit the engine and tires of the police car behind him, and then the two police cars quickly stopped.