A War Between Spies

Chapter 195: craft

Brian drove in a car and didn't know how to stop a few cars along the way. Finally, he successfully rushed into the three-dimensional parking lot of the Xicheng Pavilion. 【】

The police arrived later, but the helicopters in the air certainly could not see the situation in the parking lot.

When you get to the parking lot, you can avoid the sight from the helicopter, but it will soon be surrounded by the police, so the danger is not too low, but Brian has the possibility to escape.

For Brian, these people, no matter what, as long as there is room for operation, no one can handle it with dozens of guns, but in a large shopping mall to get rid of the police, then It's much easier.

The car stopped in a row of cars, and after one foot stepped on the brakes, Brian said to Yang Yi Shen: "Take your things, let us go, you won't have anything, go to the safe house." I will call you, and if we are caught or killed, then we have never seen us."

Paul threw Yang Yi’s bag to him from behind, whispering: “Good luck!”

"good luck!"

Yang Yi picked up his own bag and pushed the door open and then ran out quickly.

With the total death?

Suffering and sharing?

This situation does not exist now.

Yang Yi did not see Brian's identity exposure, so they separated from them in order to protect themselves from the road. In fact, this choice has nothing to do with loyalty.

To exchange fire with the special police of the brigade is not the specialty of Yang Yi. He is not a lot of him, he is also a lot, and he squeezes into Brian’s very tacit battle squad, except for being a cumbersome one.

What's more, Yang Yi should not be exposed until now. In this case, it is a bit mentally handicapped to talk to Brian. The correct way is to split up. Even if Brian is stuck in it, Yang Yi can still Find ways to save them and play a role as a safety valve.

Yang Yi put a backpack on his back and lowered his head just to run.

After parking the car in the parking lot, it is definitely going to enter the shopping mall. There is an elevator in the shopping mall. The elevator is next to the emergency passage. After Yang Yi ran into the emergency passage, he immediately took the bag.

Quickly but not in a hurry to open the backpack, take out a t-shirt and a loose sweatpants from inside, then Yang Yifei quickly took off his clothes, put the new clothes on, and then take off The old clothes were stuffed into the bag.

Put the jumper into the inside of the trousers, throw the pistol into the bag, and then Yang Yi wants to pull the zipper up, think about it, take out a glasses case from the bag, open and take out a pair of glasses to wear .

The glasses are flat glasses, Yang Yi put on the glasses, and after a little messing up the hair, he took a few deep breaths. Yang Yi used his hands to rub a few times on his face.

When the hand was put down, the expression on Yang Yi’s face had changed, and after the expression changed, his whole temperament also changed.

Yang Yi is certainly not magic, he has no make-up, he is just acting, playing an Asian college student with a bit of nerdy.

Simple disguise and effective camouflage, mainly temperament and disguise on the expression, Yang Yi is like a personal change, but he does not let others recognize him, but let everyone who sees him think him They have nothing to do with Brian.

A young man who is nervous and hurried, even if he is not with Brian, may be questioned and checked by the police in the parking lot, but a natural and full-faced student who writes about me is harmless. The police will not evacuate him if he takes a look.

details make a difference.

Yang Yi walked up from the emergency passage. He did not leave the parking lot directly, but walked to the second floor of the parking lot. When he saw no one outside the emergency passage, he slowly walked toward the elevator.

Just arrived at the elevator, Yang Yi listened to the sound, a middle-aged man just walked towards the elevator after locking the car.

The middle-aged man had a good luck and he parked the car very close to the elevator.

Yang Yi watched the man call and walked to the elevator. When he thought about it, Yang Yi took out a twenty-dollar bill from his pocket and put it in his hand.

Yang Yi pressed the elevator. When the man stood in the elevator, Yang Yi quietly threw the banknotes on the other side of the man.

The elevator was still going down. Yang Yi took the middle-aged man who was on the phone. When the middle-aged man looked at him in confusion, Yang Yi pointed to the banknote on the man's side. He whispered: "Mr., that Are you falling?"

The middle-aged man looked at the ground, and then he saw the banknote, so he immediately went: "Oh, I fell, thank you."

When the middle-aged man took the phone in one hand and then bent over to the ground to lick the banknotes, Yang Yi reached into the man's right trouser pocket, and **** gently squeezed out a car key.

Yang Yi threw the money on the left side of the man. The man stretched his left hand when he was saving money, so of course he would not put the picked up money into the right pocket with his left hand, right, instead of reaching into the right pocket. Then, of course, he couldn’t find his car key missing.

Yang Yi is now a craftsman. What he learned from Hank is not white. Although Hank is a thief rather than a thief, he is also good at the thief's craft. He has to lock the lock for Yang Yi to practice. Hank’s study can not be delayed.

What's more, the people who will be plagiarized in Tsuen Wan Prison are not too many. lightnovelpub.net~ There are two people in Guang Yangyi's younger brother who will have this skill. He has too many opportunities to practice the thief's craft.

After thanking Yang Yi again, the elevator door opened, and Yang Yi and the man entered the elevator together, and then they reached the first floor together.

Almost at the same time walked into the first floor of the parking lot, Yang Yi looked at the car that had been abandoned by Brian, and then he turned and walked with the man to the parking lot to the mall.

Yang Yi thinks that if he just got out of the elevator, then even if the police station is full of police, he should just evacuate him instead of picking him up and searching and interrogating. He can’t know if there is a policeman in the mall. Under the premise, he feels that this is better.

Followed by the middle-aged man into the mall, but when I saw no police in the mall, Yang Yi turned back to the parking lot.

Brian, they acted too fast, and the police couldn't mobilize too many people to chase after a while, so it would be more convenient to leave now.

It is easy for Yang Yi to leave the mall, but he does not intend to leave so directly, because the difference between a single escape and a split action is very large, the difference is very large.