A War Between Spies

Chapter 197: Safety shop

The police did not check Yang Yi’s trunk. [Latest chapter reading]

Why did Yang Yi dare to throw a big living person into the trunk under the heavy blockade of the police, because he concluded that the police would not check his trunk.

This is a sudden crisis. The identity of the three of them is very clear. Three whites hold weapons and are extremely dangerous. The police must complete the blockade and search in the shortest time. They must also evacuate people. They have time there. Check the trunk of the car one by one.

Of course, Yang Yi does not dare to ensure that the police do not check his trunk, but how can this kind of thing be fully grasped, as long as it feels that there is a possibility of success, and the chance is not too low.

This time, Yang Yi’s judgment is no problem. The police just let him go and just let him go, because there are no more than three people in the trunk.

Driving out of the parking lot, Yang Yi can still see a large number of police cars coming, but it has nothing to do with him, he gave the police car to open the road, and then sneaked into the main road.

After the car drove far away, Yang Yicai felt that his hands were full of sweat. The practice was still too risky. Yang Yi will definitely be nervous, but the income of this incident is also very big, otherwise Yang Yi will not be so risky.

Brian was not pursued by ia, but was ambushed by a group of mercenaries. If anyone could tell from this person's mouth, the Mole who framed Brian would have found it.

So this matter has nothing to do with Yang Yi, but Yang Yi did it for Brian, who let him happen to meet this opportunity.

The only question left is whether Brian can escape.

Before he received the call, Yang Yi didn't know where to go, so he drove the car for a while, bought a rope tape in a tool shop, and then drove the car directly to the outside of the city. A quiet place stopped the car.

Yang Yi is very confident in his own technique. The person in the trunk can't wake up within two hours. Maybe it will be possible to stun for a few hours. After all, the back neck position is hit hard, and a bad one is going to die. of.

When the car was parked, Yang Yi opened the trunk and looked at his captive. Then he wrapped the captive's mouth with tape, and then tied the hands and feet firmly with rope.

Doing all this, Yang Yi returned to the car, and the next thing to do is to wait.

It’s already dark, the time is a little past, two hours have passed, four hours have passed, and it’s enough to wait until two o’clock in the morning. When Yang Yi thinks that Brian is not able to escape, his mobile phone Suddenly rang.

"Come to us, be careful."

Brian was very calm and said an address, Yang Yili hung up the phone, he excitedly waved a few arms in the air to start the car.

Los Angeles is a very large city group. Yang Yi is far from where Brian is. He doesn't go directly to where Brian said. When there is some distance from Brian's place, he will Called Brian.

"I am driving, but I can't drive the car directly. Is it convenient to pick me up?"

Brian whispered: "What is the situation?"

"The car I stole, and there are people in the car, can't drive too close."

"Understood, Charles picks you up and drives the car to where I said, where Charles will wait for you."

Clearly speaking, Yang Yi rushed over and Charles was already waiting for him when he arrived.

Seeing Charles's car, Yang Yi drove the car directly to the parallel position of Charles's car, and then he whispered: "There is no camera here?"

"Definitely not."

"That's good, come down and help move people."

Yang Yi got out of the car and threw his belongings into the car opened by Charles. After seeing no one around him, he opened the trunk.

Looking at the man being thrown in the trunk, Charles frowned. "Why bring a person? Who is he?"

"It’s too late to explain, throw him in, and slowly say on the road."

Let Charles help to change people to change the car. When the car is turned on, Yang Yi whispers: "The person in the car has a little meaning. I heard his call. He is looking for you. It seems to ambush with instructions. Our mercenaries have something to do with it."

Charles suddenly got up. He looked at Yang Yi’s strange saying: "Are you sure?"

"Of course I am sure, how did you come out?"

Charles hurriedly said: "No, this question is meaningless. Now I need to know what value this guy has."

Yang Yi retelled what he heard, and then Charles was even more excited.

"This is a very valuable tongue. It's great. We may have solved a long-term doubt about this. You have done a very good job. Thank you. It is very difficult for you to do this in the circumstances. I will introduce myself. Called Charles Miller, I am very glad to meet you."

Yang Yi and Charles shook hands, but Charles stopped talking.

Driving to a very high-end community, to be exact, the real villa area, where most of the places are green belts and big trees, and the high-end villa area is far from the house and the house, next to a lake. The environment is very good and still secluded.

Charles drove the car into the garage, and he and Yang Yi lifted the man and entered the house directly from the garage.

When Yang Yi and Charles carried people into the room, Paul sat back on a chair in the dining room, and Brian was sewing a wound to Paul on the waist.

"How come with a person."

I asked Yang Yi casually, Brian continued to stitch, and Paul looked at Yang Yi with a grin, but there was no sound.

Charles Shen Sheng: "Head ~lightnovelpub.net~ This person is very valuable, he may know who hired the mercenaries."

Brian looked up with amazement and then nodded. "Good, very good. Is it better to put him there?"

"Bathroom, easy to clean."

Say, Charles is facing Yang Yidao: "Follow me."

Two people put the prisoners caught by Yang Yi into the bathtub, and then Charles no longer took care of the man, and returned to the restaurant with Yang Yi.

Yang Yi and Charles just waited for a moment, Brian sewed the needle to Paul, and then put things on the side of the table, stood up and went to the faucet where the blood on the hand was washed.

Paul’s fangs said: “It’s finally over, it hurts me, give me a glass of wine, I’m going to sleep!”

Charles poured a glass of wine for Paul. Brian took a towel and rubbed his hand: "Paul goes to rest, Charles, take our little brother to see your work, I will review the guy you brought, hope Can have some gains."