A War Between Spies

Chapter 206: Just give it a name.

Brian joined, and then he looked at Paul and Charles, and said: "I can't order you now, you don't have to follow my footsteps completely, so what is your choice?"

Paul waved his hand and said: "This day is what I expected. []"

"As I wish, so of course I will join."

Paul and Charles chose to join without any surprise, and Mike set his hand and said, "Good, now we are a spy organization, um, sit down and let us plan for the future."

Paul stood up and took the chair and sat on Brian's left hand, and Charles pulled the chair and sat down on Brian's right hand side.

Mike looked at Yang Yi who was still standing on the side and said, "Please sit down."

Yang Yi looked at the nearby chair, so he sat on the sofa, right next to Mike.

Mike shook his head and said, "No, you can't sit here. Although we are a round table, you are the main character, so you have to sit here."

Mike stood up and went to the restaurant and pulled two chairs over. Then he put one of them in the middle, facing Yang Yidao: "Please sit, this is your position, and I am here."

Yang Yi sat in the middle, his right hand side is Brian and they are three, and on the left is Mike.

For his position, Yang Yi put his posture low, because the four people he faced were experienced and tyrannical agents, and he, a new rookie, or like Danny said That way, he is a small egg that a rookie can't count, He Dehe can sit in the middle of a bunch of big cockroaches.

But now, Yang Yi seems to be coming to be the big-name role in this presiding situation.

Yang Yi looked at Brian and then looked at Mike again. After discovering that they were all watching themselves, they couldn’t help but whisper: "Please start."

Mike and Brian shook their heads together.

Mike Shen Sheng said: "Because I didn't plan to set up a new organization, I didn't plan to lead a new organization myself. I said, I will leave after I complete the goal. You are the owner. I am just a support role. In which line, it is important to know who is the boss. Since you are the boss, then the person who is the master must be you!"

Brian nodded, then he said to Yang Yidao: "Yes, you are the bond that we can achieve cooperation, so you are the core person. Now we have to cooperate under your banner. Please don't be polite, please host this time. Round table."

This is a cooperation with an alliance color, and Yang Yi, the three parties to the cooperation, is the weakest, but he is indeed able to reach the key to this cooperation.

Yang Yi took a breath, then he sighed: "Well, let's get started."

Yang Yi said a word, Mike immediately said: "Now we are starting to prepare for the next few important tasks. First, you have to leave the United States. Now it is not safe, I will arrange for you to leave, so There is no need to worry about this."

Brian said: "How come?"

Mike shook his head. "It's definitely not for you to go to the airport. It's not very complicated, but it takes a lot of care. I have to make the worst plan. That is, you have been eyeing and looking for you, so we are leaving." The time in the US is not too fast, I think it will take at least a week."

After that, Mike looked at Yang Yi and said: "Is your identity exposed?"

"No, there should be no."

Mike immediately said: "Very good, then go separately. Now Brian is in the most dangerous time. If you walk with us, you may be exposed to the vision. I will take them to Europe first, we will meet in Europe. ""

Brian said: "After arriving in Europe."

Mike looked at Yang Yi and said: "The first thing, first solve the destroyer, it also takes time. The preparatory work may take a long time. I have to find the right person before I can officially start, etc. What is our name?"

Brian and Mike looked at Yang Yi together, and then Brian said: "Yes, what is your organization's name?"

Yang Yi is like a moderator. He just said that the meeting started. There is nothing left for him. Mike and Brian are the ones who really set the agenda, but now they suddenly ask a key. The problem, Yang Yi, this host is silent.

Zhang opened his mouth, Yang Yi whispered: "Name?"

"Yeah, name, we have to start cooperating within the framework of your organization. In the future, the recruiting staff will report the name of the organization, so of course you have to tell us at least what your organization name."

After Mike finished, Brian also nodded: "Yes, what is the name?"

Yang Yi’s mouth twitched and said: “There is no name, I have not thought about this problem.”

Mike and Brian are completely speechless, Yang Yi weakly said: "Otherwise, we will now have a name."

As soon as he got the name, Paul immediately said with enthusiasm: "I have a proposal, what about the punishment?"

Charles gave Paul a blank eye, and then Mike ignored Paul at all, facing Yang Yidao: "That's a name, this is your organization, of course, you decide what to call."

Paul screamed at the side: "I suggest that it is good to call God."

Yang Yi looked at Paul, but Brian was waving: "No, it is not appropriate to punish this name."

Yang Yi took back his gaze, and then he whispered: "Or else ~lightnovelpub.net~ call the dragon group, the legendary Chinese most mysterious and powerful force, huh, haha, I am joking."

Looking at Mike, they didn't think so. After Yang Yigan smiled two times, he looked upset: "I really didn't think about calling a name. It's better if you give me a proposal."

Paul hurriedly said: "Be sure to be violent, let people never forget, we will always report this name in the future, so it is too difficult to listen to it."

Mike is very serious: "You can't be ambiguous. It's best to let people know what it means after hearing it. If you choose a very remote word, it will be very embarrassing for many people to understand and understand." So, it’s just a name. It’s a good thing to get used to it. Just pick it up, we’re still waiting for you.”

Yang Yi began to think back to the names he knew, gray people, night knights, shadows, destroyers, singers. These names sounded as good as they were, but it was so difficult to give a name to their organization. .

While Yang Yi thought about it, Mike was still screaming: "Don't be a particularly aggressive name, punisher, don't make a name that clearly indicates the inclination, the Avengers, don't have a name that is obviously ethnic, Huaxia The Avengers, others are casual."