A War Between Spies

Chapter 236: similar

Putting down the phone, Yang Yi is facing Xiao Xiao: "Bol is the son-in-law of the Rockefeller family."

"Oh, sure enough, no wonder."

Yang Yi took a long sigh of relief, then he put down the satellite phone and said: "It seems that I should call him tomorrow morning."

"Are you deciding to participate in this gamble?"

"Yes, I am planning to attend."

Yang Yi told Xiao Yu what he heard from Mike, and Xiao Yu was a shocked appearance: "That man is very powerful, since he is not the kind of need to set up a bank to swindle money. People, I think you can really participate in this gamble."

Yang Yi shrugged: "Yes, so I have to go. Winning money is secondary. The main thing is to know people. You think about it. Can you gamble with Pol. Sputak? Can you be a normal person? This is a Circles, if you can get in, there is no harm."

Xiao Xiao smiled and said: "Circle? Since you know that they are a circle, how do you plan to mix in? Just because you have a handsome little white face?"

Yang Yi frowned: "Hey, can you go to the little white face behind the handsome?"

"Recognize reality, you are just a young man who is nothing, want to get into a circle of rich people, do you think they are crazy or are you crazy?"

Yang Yi found that Xiao Yu’s speech was straight enough. Although it made sense, it was a bit too straight and straightforward.

Xiao Yu is very puzzled: "I don't understand, that Bohr just played with you on the same stage. Why do you have a fancy to you, invite you to participate in their gambling and send you money?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "You don't understand, this is what the high-skilled merchants have."

Xiao Yu made a vomiting posture, Yang Yi said with a sullen look: "Look, you know that you don't understand. When we play together on the stage, I gave him a donkey, cover him, and let He had a chance to win the Kay's chip, and then he gave me a back frame to know what it was?"


"When I face a few cash machines, I have a sense of superiority with Bohr. We appreciate each other. This is the same kind of sympathy, so I don't mind having no communication at all and I don't know him at all." Help him, and he certainly knows that I am helping him, so he is happy to respond to me in good faith."

Yang Yi spread his hand and smiled. "Look, this is a circle that you can't understand. Do you know why Bohr Stupark can't look at other professional gamblers? Because gamblers are gamblers, and I and Bohr is a player. People who use their brains to play cards can only win some chips by the way, so I and Pol. Stupak are actually in the same circle."

Xiao Yu hated the stunned Yang Yi and said: "Blowing like real."

Yang Yi suddenly became serious, then he said to Xiao Xiao: "Now I have to seriously discuss things with you."


Yang Yi hesitated for a moment, to open his mouth, and then hesitated.

Xiao Yu raised a hand and said: "Don't say it, I understand, you have to borrow money."

Yang Yi is very embarrassed: "Hey, how did you guess?"

"Look at your expression and you know, say, how much."

Yang Yizhen’s words: "One million dollars..."

"No, plus you are still mine tonight, I have more than 400,000 here."

Yang Yi has always thought that Xiao Yu is a local tyrant. Although she didn’t bother to ask her how much money she had, he felt that there would be no problem if he took out one million, but Xiao Yu said that he only had more than 400,000. Let him be a little surprised.

“So little? But the way you spend money is at least a billionaire.”

Xiao Yan shrugged: "No way, my foster mother gave me training from a young age. She left me about three million dollars. I spent almost the same time, thinking that I could earn it. As a result, I found that I could not earn it. What money, OK, don't expect me to come up with one million. Let me talk about why you use one million. Don't you want to give Boer a million for you?"

Yang Yi nodded: "Yes, if Boer gave me a million, even if I used these as a gambling book to win money, it was Bohr’s charity. I can accept the 160,000 he gave in order to show his sincerity. But I can't accept the one million that he gave me, even if I don't give it back to him."

"Understood, accepting his one million gambling book, your status can only be his... the jester, saying that the playthings are not suitable, but you can no longer stand shoulder to shoulder with him, so he gambles to participate in him. The gambling established is what it should be, which is related to your position in front of him."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "It is easy to talk to smart people. Yes, I have this worry."

"Where does the money come from? Bohr said a million, that one million should be the minimum admission ticket, and there is not one million you are not eligible to participate in this gamble."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I can call Mike. He should have some savings there~lightnovelpub.net~ I can borrow it first, etc. It is still early, why don't I go to the casino and win? I have a good luck today, and the style is very smooth."

Xiao Yu made a snap and said with amazement: "Yes! We have $500,000 to make a bet and play bigger!"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "What are you waiting for? Let's go, go to the casino, and win enough to win our tickets."

Xiao Yu suddenly said: "Hey, or else you should be a professional gambler, so earned, and fight for what life, with Brian, they destroy the destroyer, we are often in Las Vegas. Resident, so winning is faster than doing anything!"

Yang Yi sighed and smiled bitterly: "First of all, professional gamblers also need good luck. I can rely on the ability to calculate to ensure that I don't lose money or lose less, but as long as I don't have a thousand, then I can't guarantee that every Winning and winning a lot, secondly, do you think people who open casinos are stupid? Believe it or not, up to three days, up to three days! This casino will not let me go again, the casino is to make money, they Welcoming a wealthy boy to lose money, but I don't welcome people like me to use the casino as a cash machine, so I will soon be banned from all casinos."

Xiao Yu said with a sigh of emotion: "I know, I know, I know that there are masters who are forbidden to enter the casino. I just didn't think that you are such a person. It is too unfair. If you lose money, you can win money." Do not let in."

Yang Yi shrugged: "Yes, so those who think they can win big money at the casino should lose their money because the casinos are doing things very clearly, but they just turn a blind eye, so give up the idea of ​​winning big money by gambling. Not realistic."

“When you haven’t been banned, what do we play to win faster?”

Yang Yi smiled and said: "That is 21 o'clock."...