A War Between Spies

Chapter 240: First business

Yang Yi thought that Boer would be surprised, and even might panic, then he also achieved his goal.

But Boer didn't panic. He didn't even turn his head to look at the people around him, so Yang Yi soon understood that Boer's surprise was not because he was being tracked, but because he was seen and someone was tracking.

Yang Yi soon understood, so he whispered: "Not tracking you, but protecting you, sorry, I think more."

Boer smiled and nodded. "Yes, your eyes are very good."

After that, Boer leaned sideways to the bodyguards around him: "Let them leave, since Mr. Yang can recognize them, then their existence is meaningless."

The bodyguard nodded, but before the Boer's bodyguards acted, Yang Yi hurriedly said: "Wait, Mr. Stupark, there is something you may have made a mistake."

Bohr said with a slightly surprised expression: "Oh, what am I doing wrong?"

Yang Yi Shen said: "I want to ask you to figure out one thing. Please don't look at me. I think I should be a rookie who doesn't understand anything. In fact, there are not many people who can get through my eyes. So you don't have to worry about being seen by others when I see it through. I think it's better to leave some bodyguards around you."

Polly thought for a moment, then said to Yang Yi's interest: "You are very confident."

Yang Yi is still very confident, not to mention that he has to blow the cow out even if he is not confident at this time.

"Of course, I have a confident capital."

Yang Yi appeared full of confidence, and Boer smiled again. Then he suddenly said, "Ask you a question, Mr. Yang, can you disclose any successful cases? I know this should be your trade secret, but I want to know. Do you have a successful case to tell me?"

Yang Yi sat up straight and looked calm. "Of course there are successful cases, but there is nothing that can tell you. I have to keep my clients secret. Even if one word cannot be disclosed, I am sorry, I can't tell. What success stories do you have, and..."

Spreading the stall, Yang Yi looked regretfully: "You may have misunderstood, Mr. Stupak, I am not interested in doing your business, because I am still lacking in manpower, my main activities are in Europe."

Boer put down the knife and fork, wiped his hand with a napkin, and then picked up the glass and looked at Yang Yi’s face calmly: “In fact, I am also familiar with the intelligence industry because I occasionally need to get some information. Mr. Yang, I don't know if you are a person in the underground world."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Yes, my face does not say that I am selling intelligence."

Bohr indulged for a moment, then he sighed: "Mr. Yang, if you are indeed an intelligence person, are you familiar with the Cicero family?"

"Of course, the Cicero family, of course, Mr. Stipak, the Cicero family is our main trading platform. In fact, I rarely talk to people in person."

Boer smiled and said: "You should know something about my identity."

Yang Yi hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Yes, Mr. Stupak, I have a basic understanding of you, sorry, I don't want to investigate you, but I want to know your basic background, this is an occupational disease. When a stranger invited me to participate in a million-dollar gambling game, my occupational disease was even worse."

Boer smiled and said: "I understand."

Yang Yiqi first said: "Sorry."

Boer waved his hand and said that he didn't care. He did hold his hand and smiled. He smiled and said: "I just want to find a friend, so the encounter with you last night was just an accident. We are here. The casino is not popular, so although I can play two here, I don't usually bet on a big gambling room, so as not to cause trouble to McCas, and you are the most interesting player I have found recently. ""

Yang Yi also laughed: "Over the prize."

Bohr breathed a sigh of relief and said: "You have a preliminary understanding of me, then do you know my recent situation?"

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "I don't know, because it's not necessary, I only know that you are inviting me to a card, then I know that you are not a liar and you can participate."

Pols thought for a moment and said, "What do you know about me?"

Yang Yi smiled bitterly: "Banker, is that enough?"

Bohr shook his head and said with a serious face: "Not enough. If you only know this about me, then I will doubt your strength."

Bohr is serious. He begins to show the usual performance of a superior, not the performance of one player against another.

Yang Yi thought for a moment, Xiao Yu gently kicked him under the table.

With a sigh of relief, Yang Yi smiled and said: "Well, I hope that I will not be killed because I know too much. Mr. Stupak, you are the chairman of a foundation. You are the son-in-law of the Rockefeller family. You also launder money, legal. Money laundering because your resources are too rich."

Boer nodded ~lightnovelpub.net~ Then he picked up the glass and smiled: "I am now beginning to believe in your strength. Mr. Yang, it is easy to know that I am a banker. I can say that I am not laundering money. It’s amazing, because the banker doesn’t wash money, but I know that I am the son-in-law of the Rockefeller family. Oh, it’s hard, because few people really know this secret.”

Bohr looked very serious. Xiao Yu still looked indifferent, but Yang Yi knew what Xiao Yu looked like when he was eating, so he knew that Xiao Yu’s hand holding the knife was a bit unnormal.

Under the table, I gently licked Xiao Yu’s foot. Yang Yi whispered: “I said, this is just a preliminary understanding, because I really don’t have to investigate too much for you, it’s too rude to you.”

Bohr whispered: "Yes, because you don't know my status, so you really didn't investigate me in depth. If you know the situation I am facing now, then you will not play cards with me."

Yang Yi just smiled but didn't talk. Boer whispered: "My best friend, the best friend, and my business partner. He died last year. He was killed, from his death to yesterday. So far, I have never played a card because I am the main target of the killer."

Yang Yi immediately raised her hand: "Mr. Stupek, we are not very suitable to say this now, because I can't take any unplanned entrustment now, so can we discuss other topics?"

Boer smiled and said: "I am still in danger. I just increased the security power but I have not made sure that it is ok. Now I want to find out the person who wants to kill me. This is a high-priced commission, but not exclusive. The commission, because I have delegated this task to a lot of people, so, Mr. Yang, are you willing to take this task without time limit?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment, said: "How much?"