A War Between Spies

Chapter 245: collapse

If you have a lot of bullets flying on your head and you can't stop it, find a place to hide yourself.

A bullet hit the ground, bounced, and got into the chassis of the car, making a crisp sound.

As long as it is not a bomb, or a shell, or a rocket, Yang Yi does not have enough experience to distinguish what the source of the explosion is. He only prays not to blow up the car he used as a bunker.

But this idea has disappeared without a trace.

The car that Yang Yi used as a bunker did not blow up, but the car behind him had a big fire, and with the flow of gasoline, the fire was about to spread to him.

Yang Yi wanted to run. He climbed up from the ground and landed on all fours, but when he planned to leave the place, he saw Bohr.

The door opened and Bohr was kicked down.

Bohr is sitting behind the driver, he is at the door on the left, and the attack comes from the right side of the door.

Boer's bodyguards are already organizing counterattacks. Some people are kneeling on the front of the car, some are kneeling on the ground, and they are shooting desperately toward the right side.

But it seems to be useless, because the bullets are still playing.

Just then, Yang Yi saw Redick again, and he jumped from the door that Bohr had just climbed out.

Yang Yi can't wait any longer. Now it's okay that three cars have collided together. He still has plenty of room to use, at least a little away from some burning cars.

The body was hot and the bullets seemed to be concentrated in the position where Bohr was located, so Boer was just screaming on the ground, but did not dare to get up and leave.

Yang Yi climbed up, but he immediately retreated, then reached out and grabbed the phone he had dropped from the open sliding door, then climbed a few steps forward, so he could avoid the raging first. Burning flames.

Yang Yi doesn't quite understand why the bullet is only from the right. If this is a attack against Bohr, if someone masters the whereabouts of Bohr and then arranges a murder, they don't understand the attack. Basic tactics?

But there is no time to consider this. If there is a bullet on the right, go to the left. Although you need to cross the two lanes on the road to the left, there is no cover in the air, but you can't face the bullet.

Redick shouted: "Smoke bomb!"

The fighting spirit of the bodyguards is extremely high.

Well, in fact, Yang Yi can't see any combat literacy, but he feels that those bodyguards can organize counterattacks under such unfavorable circumstances, and it seems that they have effectively suppressed the enemy. The most important thing is that no one is. Run away, they must be very powerful.

However, the trouble is that most of the bodyguards only have pistols. Only four people have rifles on their hands, and there are only a few bodyguards left in total. There is no way to count them in an eager manner, but at most ten people.

Several grenade-like things were thrown to the other side of the car, and then the red smoke began to roll up. As several smoke bombs were thrown out, the smoke quickly covered a large area.

"Composed the wall, take him away!"

Yang Yi heard Redick's words, because the sound of the guns became a piece, and if Redick would not hear loudly, no one could hear it, and Redick could scream clearly if he shouted.

Yang Yi was not even ten meters away from Boer. In the attack just now, the team crashed continuously while the car was reversed, and the distance was compressed to the limit.

When people want to run, Yang Yi is not in a hurry to run. Bohr is the target. The sooner he gets closer to him, the faster he will die.

So Yang Yi decided to hide, and then he saw four people lined up as a wall of people, bending over and shooting while retreating, and Redick was holding his hand in front of Boer’s head. Behind the side, pushing Boer desperately to run forward.

Yang Yi didn't hear the gunshots. He didn't hear any difference in gunshots. He saw a bodyguard on the adult wall fell to the ground, then the second one, and then the Reddick in front of Bohr. After a while, I fell to the ground with Bohr.

One time, a little time interval, but Boer did not run out a few meters away and fell to the ground.


Redick screamed hard, then he climbed to Bohr, and then the two bodyguards moved again, blocking him and Boer, firing the gun in a direction.

With a bang, Yang Yi felt the hot air. He looked back and found that the burning car ignited the car he had just taken.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, Yang Yi can't hide, and he won't run and will be burned to death by fire.

At this moment, Redick screamed hard: "Smoke bombs! Smoke bombs!"

A few smoke bombs were thrown out on the right, and Redick shouted: "Take him away!"

At this time, Boer was already broken. He was kneeling on the ground, and his hands were screaming with his hands on his head.

Boer’s **** team is very large~lightnovelpub.net~ There are about 20 people in total, but now, according to Yang Yi’s observation, there are still as many as six or seven people who can move, and other non-death and injury, and It is the majority of the dead.

Do not hide, the fire will burn to the body, run, you will face the danger of being hit by bullets, but watching the smoke is getting thicker and thicker, and has been enveloped around yourself, Yang Yi decided to run.

Yang Yi climbed up. He ran towards the left. Then he saw a **** flower on the back of the bodyguard who had turned the bullets on Boer, and fell silently.

Now there are two people left by Boer. One is Redick, who is unsteadily connected, and the other is a bodyguard who drags Boer.

Redick jumped up. He was in front of Bohr and shot in a window, but the next shot broke Redick's head.

Bohr was watching Redick, who was right beside him, exploded.

Bohr collapsed. He stood up straight and stopped running forward, but he watched Redick's head screaming and screaming.

The bodyguard who still dragged Boer finally gave up. He let go of Bohr, but he didn't run, but he was shooting crazy in the direction of just killing Redick.

Boer died, and the bodyguard stopped the bullet for him. He was the first to die after he died. Instead of blocking the bullets for him, he suppressed the sniper, and that was the end of being killed by others.

But before a fatal bullet hit Boer, Yang Yi leapt out and threw Boer in the air. After hitting the ground with Boer, a bullet came from the position where Boer just stood. Fly over and hit the ground.

Boer fell to the ground, Yang Yi pressed on Boer, turned over from Boer, Yang Yi reached out with a big mouth and pumped on the still mad face of Boer.

"Call your mother! Run!"