A War Between Spies

Chapter 259: Wolverine

Xiao Yu said that Yang Yi had a sigh of relief. When he found out that he was dead, it seemed that he was cutting his throat every time, almost no exception.

Why wipe the neck, because the essence of the neck is really easy.

The knives that Yang Yi uses now are short, that is, more than 20 centimeters. The length of the handle is removed, that is, more than ten centimeters left. This length wants to be instantly dead, so you must hit the key.

If the knife stabs into the lungs or the liver and other important organs, if it is not rescued in time, it can indeed cause death to the enemy, but even if the knife is dead, it is definitely the time and strength to pull the trigger. In the battles that are separated in a blink of an eye, these places cannot be called the key points at all.

The key to killing a person with a knife is that the heart, the cervical vertebra or the hindbrain, and the neck, and the neck can not only attack the throat, it must be cut off the carotid artery.

People have their own instinct to protect themselves. As long as both hands are still there, you don't need anyone to teach you to know the important organs that protect your body from the chest. It is also very difficult to stab the heart with a knife.

But the neck is different, the neck is actually more difficult to protect than the heart, but the neck can not guarantee the instant death like the back and the cervical spine, but the carotid artery suddenly ruptures, causing the blood to suddenly spurt out, even in the middle The knife man can still live for a few tens of seconds, but there will never be a force to continue.

Therefore, Yang Yi’s attacking action went to the neck intentionally or unintentionally.

But the biggest drawback of wiping the neck is that the blood loss of the carotid artery is not flowing out, but it is sprayed out. For Yang Yi, this is not a big deal. At most, it is better to be careful not to be sprayed with blood.

But for Xiao Yu, who is dizzy, watching the blood spray like a fountain in front of him, this scene is really unbearable.

Xiao Yu didn't faint in the past, but Yang Yi couldn't accept the reality that Xiao Yu was dizzy.

"I don't care if I cut the throat, but you have been trained since childhood. How can you faint?"

Xiao Yu did not have a good voice: "If it is not dizzy, how can I become a sharpshooter."

Taking a breath, Xiao Yu broke away from Yang Yi’s hand and whispered: “In fact, dizziness can be overcome, as long as blood is more common, but...”

"But what?"

"After my mother's death, no one will help me overcome this problem. I have no courage to force myself to get rid of the halo problem. This is not the case now."

The three people walked very quickly. They were about to go to the first floor. After going to the first floor and turning to an internal passage, they could leave along the small door that came in.

At this time, she couldn't talk. Xiao Yu made a gesture, indicating that Yang Yi was in front, and she raised her pistol.

Looking down, I found that there was no one in the stairwell on the first floor. Yang Yi walked quickly and then the three of them immediately turned to the internal passage leading to the small door.

Yang Yi hopes to leave smoothly. According to the current situation, there may not be enough enemies to come here. After eight people have been resolved, I hope to leave.

It was about to go to the small door. It was calm and calm along the way. Yang Yi once again opened the distance with the two. If someone stayed outside the small door, he hoped to solve it with a knife, so that no sound would be produced.

Yang Yi was coming to the door, but at this moment, he heard the noisy voice coming from behind.

Yang Yi's face changed a lot, suddenly looked behind him, and then saw two people almost rushed out from behind them.

Within two meters, Yang Yi is not afraid, but he can't do anything from the people he is behind.

The whip is too long.

At this moment, Xiao Yu’s gun rang twice, and then he slammed two times.

Xiao Yu’s gun has a silencer, but the silencer’s role is to reduce the gunshot and not completely eliminate it, so it’s completely impossible to shoot like a movie with almost no sound.

Xiao Yu’s gun silencer is very big and the effect is very good. He can even hear the sound of the gun, but the sound is still too big, at least enough for the nearby enemy to listen very carefully.

Two shots were fired at everyone. Xiao Yu succeeded in hitting the enemy, but the enemy also shot, but the result of Xiao Yu’s attack on the enemy was that the enemy could not hit her.

Xiao Yu fired two more shots. This time it was a gun and shot at the head of two shots.

A person rushed out later, and Xiao Yu hit a chest position with a shot, but there was another enemy behind him who found that all the companions had been shot down, but they did not rush out, but a Uzi submachine gun was extended from the corner. I didn’t even look at the roots and swept the shuttle.

There are walls on both sides, and it is impossible to fire in the corridors that avoid the inevitable ~lightnovelpub.net~ It is difficult to hit the bullets, but the person who shot the guns is high, and the bullets are almost wiped. Bohr and Xiao Yu’s head flew out.

Yang Yi couldn't manage the back, so he continued to rush to the small door. Then he pushed open the small door. After jumping out, he found that the door was really unguarded, so he held the door and looked at Bohr. Holding the big bag bent over and rushed out.

Xiao Yu did not turn and ran. After the bullet wiped her head, she raised her hand and hit the enemy's hand holding the gun. Finally, she temporarily lifted the crisis, and then she shot her gun at the enemy's position and retreated.

Retired to the door, Xiao Yu turned and ran out, and Yang Yi was to close the door and continue to scatter.

Out of the small door is the parking lot, Yang Yi glanced at it and found that an SUV had just started, was about to leave the parking lot, just a little far from them, had to be seventy or eighty meters.

If you can grab a car, you don't have to steal a car. Now, there is no time to steal the car. God knows how many killers are chasing after.

Yang Yi glanced at her eyes and said urgently: "You must grab the car!"

Yang Yi made a rush, and he ran directly to the exit of the parking lot, hoping to stop the car at the exit.

The speed is so fast, Yang Yi did not run so fast in this life. When he ran straight, when the car was about to go out, he finally stopped in front of the car.

The car suddenly braked, but it still hit Yang Yi, but the SUV was already slowing down, and the speed was not fast. Yang Yi turned forward at the moment before being hit and hit the windshield directly. Although he made a loud noise, he did not suffer any injuries.

Turning over from the hood, Yang Yi hasn't talked yet, but see Xiao Xiao rushing to the front of the driver's seat, and the person who drives the gun, said: "Get off! Otherwise kill you!"