A War Between Spies

Chapter 275: Can't wait

In a hotel in Los Angeles, Yang Yi three of them watched TV in one room.

Returning from the desert to the road, and then returning to the high-speed, Yang Yi did not encounter any interception, rented a car in the middle to replace the car, and then went smoothly to Los Angeles.

Because of the sudden death of Tomler, Yang Yi got rid of all the crises, so the cause of Tom's death is of course the concern of several of them. Besides the Boer who has been in the dark, Yang Yi and their three They are eager to find out why Tomler died.

Although it is not possible to know from the TV who killed Tomler, but always can look at the scene, so it is already late in Los Angeles, but tired and hungry Yang Yi, they still quickly turned on the TV.

The death of Tomler was really news.

But looking at the news, Yang Yi is a few absurd.

Finally, Zhang Yong couldn't help but roared: "When Ming said that Tomler was killed, the scene caught up with the Third World War. But what kind of ghost is this **** in the news? Can the mix kill Tomler? Is this **** ghost?"

Yang Yi also feels fake, too fake, and the fake is too much.

The video is clipped. The pictures in the news are not always taken, but are provided by many mobile phones and monitors, but those pictures are known to have been cut at first glance, and even the clipped pictures are very small.

"Is it discovered, these pictures are all chosen, that is, it is very clear to let the dead ghosts show up, but how the Tomler team was attacked, and the people who really attacked Tomler, these did not shoot at all. By the way, if it is not for the TV station to intentionally conceal, it is someone who skillfully puts out the pictures they want to release."

After Yang Yi said a faint sentence, Zhang Yong was very disdainful: "This kind of nonsense is still used? Who is Tomler? The bodyguards around him are definitely not comparable to those of Boer. Some gangsters The little punk can kill him and he will be a ghost. He can use the dead ghost. He can kill Tomler with a few people, and let the police cooperate to cover up the truth. This kind of thing does not need to guess and know who is doing it. ”

"Who did it?"

"The big guys who are better than Tomler are doing."

Yang Yichao Zhang Yong erected a **** and said: "Cut, you are nonsense."

Xiao Yu’s cold road: “I know one thing.”

"what's up?"

"The people who killed Tomler saved us, and who killed Tomler did not care about us."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "It is another nonsense that has no meaning."

No matter who killed Tomler, they did not have any relationship with Yang Yi because they did not intend to return this person.

Zhang Yong got up, he turned off the TV, and said loudly: "Okay, it doesn't make much sense to look at it again. You have to take a break, I have to find someone to arrange our retreat."

Xiao Yu and Yang Yi got up, Yang Yi looked worried: "It's not so dangerous now, don't you take a break and go?"

Zhang Yong shook his head and said: "This matter is not delayed. It is not too late to arrange it properly. I may not come back tonight. You will wait for me."

Zhang Yong left, Xiao Yu returned to his room, and Yang Yi went to the room of Boer.

Now Boer does not say that he is not used to a room with others. Yang Yi and Boer occupy a bed, then scream and sleep, and dawn.

The next day, I slept until I was naturally awakened. Yang Yi and Xiao Yu took the Boer Zhengzhengzhen for breakfast, and then the three people chose to go back to the room and continue to sleep, because these days are really exhausted.

When it was time to have lunch, Zhang Yong was finally back.

Directly knocked on the door of Yang Yi, Zhang Yong looked tired and said: "Okay, take the money, get it."

Yang Yi’s surprise intersection: “Is it so fast? How good is it?”

"Forty thousand dollars, one person is 100,000. If you want to bring a weapon, you have to add another 200,000 US dollars, which is 600,000."

Yang Yi turned his back to Port Road without hesitation: "We can take you to Europe, but this requires money."

Yang Yi did not report the amount of money, Bohr said: "I can't afford any money now, so you have to pay for me. Don't worry, when I get to Europe, I can give you all the money promised." ""

Needless to guess is also the result, Yang Yidao: "Go ask Xiao Yu whether he has to bring her weapons, 200,000, enough to go to Europe and buy several new sets."

After knocking on Xiao Yu’s door and waiting for Yang Yi to express his feelings, Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "No, I must bring my gun. I will never leave my weapon. Even if you spend more money, you can't do it."

Yang Yi is a bit dumbfounded, saying: "200,000 US dollars ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ just freight, you put the gun at home, go to Europe and buy better, can't you?"

Xiao Yu grinned, very disdainful: "You don't know the meaning of a gun to the shooter that the rookie doesn't know at all. It's the main gun that I have poured into countless efforts. How can I change it easily? It’s not a matter of discussion.”

Zhang Yong nodded: "Although I am not a sniper, I agree with her."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "Well, maybe I really don't understand, then bring the gun, $600,000, then?"

Zhang Yong Shen Sheng said: "We went to take pictures to make fake passports, and then go to apply for a real visa, to Italy's visa, Italy is the EU's Schengen country, we can act in Europe after we arrive in Italy."

Yang Yi has a British passport, but the United Kingdom is not the Schengen country of the European Union, so he has to work with other people to apply for a fake passport.

Yang Yi Xiaosheng: "Is it a fake certificate, can it be used?"

Zhang Yong smiled and said: "I really can't really fake the certificate, guarantee that you can travel freely in the EU, and we can take the passenger plane directly to Italy, including the ticket, all of which are within the price of 100,000 US dollars, but if the weapon is also If you want to ship it, you can only deal with it separately. After you arrive in Italy, you can take it."

Xiao Yu frowned: "Can that weapon be safe?"

Zhang Yong shrugged: "There are more mercenaries who have the same needs as you. At least so far, the person I have been looking for has never been missed. Your weapons will not be a problem. These costs are high but high. It makes sense and is valuable."

Although the purpose of Yang Yi’s practice of shooting was not fully realized, he did not want to stay in the United States for more than one day.

"No problem, a total of 600,000 US dollars? Right to give you the money, and arrange it quickly. The sooner we start, the better. I can't wait."