A War Between Spies

Chapter 283: Black lightning

Yang Yi hurriedly caught up with Brian and Paul. After Yang Yi followed up, Brian just frowned, but stopped Yang Yi, just whispered: "Hands and feet are neat, don't drag your legs."

Soon after coming to the illuminated window, Brian looked up and made a gesture, and Paul immediately crouched and extended his hands. Brian stepped back and sprinted forward to Paul’s outstretched hand. A glimpse, then the relay jumped up, and the hand grabbed the lower edge of the second floor window.

But after grabbing the lower edge of the window, Brian slammed his arms and held his foot on the window sill, but the hand was loose.

Falling to the ground, but Brian is still agile and not a big jump.

With a slap in the hand, Brian looked up at the window and said: "Fak..."

Paul wants to laugh and doesn't dare to laugh. He whispers: "I am going."

Brian was very angry: "No! I have no problem, oh, Fak..."

Yang Yi is climbing up with a drain pipe. He was slower than Brian, but he was faster than Brian after Brian fell. When Brian and Paul talked about who was on, he was already pedaling. Got the window sill.

With a jump, Yang Yi rubbed his hands on the upper edge of the window and his feet stepped on the window sill.

The room was lit with lights and the curtains were pulled. Yang Yi slowly pushed the window, then he moved the sliding window a little, no sound, waiting for the window to open a gap enough for him to enter, he put his hands together The body lifted up, and then the body swayed and pulled himself into the window with inertia.

First, both feet, then the whole body, Yang Yi jumped into the gap between the window and the curtain, then he immediately opened the curtain and rushed in.

There was a person in the room who was reading a book while lying in bed. When he found a person suddenly coming in, he was screaming in surprise, and Yang Yi rushed over with a step and grabbed the man’s mouth. , whispered: "No sound! This is good for us!"

Yang Yi didn't want to use too much fierce language and tone to warn the person who was holding his mouth, but after he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he was in Germany, and he used English.

However, the person who was yelled at by Yang Yi was nodded, so Yang Yi snorted and whispered: "You can speak English, can you understand?"

The person who was yelled at by Yang Yi’s mouth slowly nodded.

Yang Yi whispered: "I let go, warn you, don't make a noise."

Yang Yi slowly let go of his hand, and then he found that the person in his pajamas lying on the bed was still very young, very young, and looked like he was only fourteen or five years old. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a child.

I just jumped in and didn't see it too quickly. Now that I see it, the situation becomes very embarrassing.

At this moment, Brian finally jumped out of the window, and then he immediately whispered in German: "No sound."

Just a warning, then Brian looked up at Yang Yidao: "Are you done?"

This sentence is English, but after the talk, Brian frowned, whispered: "Fuck, how is a child!"

Paul followed closely. He looked at the situation in the room and immediately frowned: "How is a child."

The boy who had been sitting on the bed and was scared at first but was not so alarmed suddenly said: "I am not a child, I just look young."

English has some accents, and the pronunciation is not a special standard, but communication is completely ok.

Brian sighed. He waved his hand to Yang Yi and gestured to Yang Yi. He leaned close to the child on the bed and whispered: "Listen to the kid, you can speak English very well, because I have not spoken German for many years. Now, tell me, there is a hack in this house, tell me who he is!"

Yang Yi made a gesture and whispered: "Be gentle."

Turning around, Yang Yi said to the boy on the bed: "We are not malicious, hey, not the kind of malicious that you imagine, we will not hurt, just want to find a hacker to help, can you tell me... ..."

"I am a hacker, I am the one you are looking for."

The boy sitting on the bed came to the spirit, his eyes were shining, he seemed to be more afraid of being discovered by others than Yang Yi, and his voice was particularly low.

"The hackers you are looking for are me. Who are you? Looking for me? Is it necessary for me to do something right? No problem! Tell me what you want to do."

Yang Yi, all three of them were stunned. After three people looked at each other, Brian suddenly said, "You? Don't make a joke, how old you are, listen..."

The child sitting in anxious, but his voice is still very small, he hurriedly said: "I am seventeen years old this year, I just look small, and, I have been invading since the age of twelve, you know and not I know the website, Fuck! I am not a child! My name on the Internet is called Black Lightning. If you know the name, you should know that you are looking for me now!"

Yang Yi, the three of them collectively screamed at the gods.

A moment later, Brian will be suspicious: "You are seventeen years old? I am more than you when I was seventeen years old~lightnovelpub.net~Brian made an elongated movement with both hands, black lightning and an angry face : "But when you were seventeen, you must have been smart!" ”

Paul whispered: "Black lightning? What does this name mean? What is the name of the child now?"

Black lightning looked proudly: "Because I am as fast as lightning, but not seen by anyone!"

Yang Yi sighed and whispered: "Well, is black lightning, red flash let me say hello to you on his behalf."

The black fire on the face of the anger was swept away, his eyes lit up again, then he whispered: "Red flash? He really sent someone to save me? Great! Too buddy! I am with You go, now let's go, can you go now?"

The three people once again collectively petrified, because the facts and their thoughts seem to be different.

"Wait, what do you mean by saving you?"

Yang Yi first reacted. He is indeed a little embarrassed now, because things are not quite the same as what Robert said.

The teenager stretched out three fingers and said with excitement: "Black lightning, red flash, white roar, three-color combination, three-color fraternity, the invincible existence of the hacker world, you don't know?"

Yang Yi shook his head, and the black lightning looked disdainful: "It’s too ignorant."

Brian was mad at him, but Paul whispered: "White roaring? What is the name of this, and the young people will not be nicknamed now."

Black lightning rushed: "Oh, don't say what you want to do, find me is to make me a hacker right? I help you, now let's go!"

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then he said, "Wait, tell us what you are doing now, what is called saving you?"

Brian whispered: "Yes, we are here to save you. Let's go with us now."