A War Between Spies

Chapter 285: Pack and put on it.

After turning out the window again, Brian didn't miss this time. After three people slammed back to the ground, Brian couldn't help but whisper: "What are you doing? It's a very simple time to be so complicated. ""

Yang Yi whispered: "You can't see it. I didn't want to use Schultz to leave him once. I want him to work for us for a long time. Brian, we need a hacker."

Paul is also whispering: "Hey, you are really too impatient now, I think you should adjust your mental state, now you have some..."

Brian looked at Paul and said, "What?"

Paul shrugged and said: "You are too wise to make yourself less wise. Head, this is not what you should be. We understand your mood, but please don't let your influence on Kate's thoughts. Your judgment."

Brian was silent for a moment, then he nodded and said: "You are right, you should tell me earlier, okay, what do we do?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Enter the car and say."

Back in the car, Yang Yi whispered: "We have a lot of things to do now. First we have to wear a special formal, then we are looking for a luxury car, no, not enough, looking for three cars, and Three of the same style, then we have to make ourselves look like... government agents?"

Xiao Yu curiously said: "What?"

"In order to accept the heart of a hacker, let him be willing, no, let him succumb to us."

Zhang Yongdao: "It's easy to do, spend some money, set up three cars tomorrow, buy a few clothes to get it."

Brian whispered: "The eight points must appear here, the time is not enough, so we have to take some special measures, um, let's steal."

Xiao Yu’s face was helpless: “I feel that I have not entered a spy organization, but I have entered a thief’s nest...”

Complaining to complain, the steal still has to steal, who makes the water organization poor now.

Yang Yi opened a high-end clothing store, and then they got a suit of five grades, but the luxury car is a bit difficult, because the luxury car is not easy to steal, and three cars of the same model are more difficult to steal.

The solution was at 7:00 in the morning, Yang Yi, they rented three Mercedes-Benz s65AMG in a rental car shop.

In fact, Yang Yi wants a higher grade, but he lacks money in his pocket, and the time is too tight, so he has to be a little bit.

But in any case, under the leadership of Yang Yi, the water organization is still very good in order to meet the capital of Schultz.

Three cars rushed to the door of the Schultz house at 7:59.

Three cars stopped at the same time, Yang Yi and Brian walked down the door, and Brian pulled his clothes and whispered: "There are a few people, and the momentum is not enough."

Yang Yi whispered: "No way, just take a look."

Paul also got out of the car, then he stood next to Brian and whispered: "Go in."

Xiao Yu stood by Yang Yi's side and slightly adjusted his hair. He said, "I am ready."

Zhang Yong stood next to the back door of the middle car. He stretched his thumb and motioned that he was ready.

Brian took the opportunity and strode to the door of Schultz, and then rang the doorbell.

The door quickly opened, and a tall, strong young man appeared at the door and looked at Brian, who was full of seriousness. He said, "What are you doing?"

Brian owes a slight sigh, and then he uses the German-language words: "Is Mr. Schultz Steinmeier at home."

The guy snorted again, and then he immediately turned his angry, angry descendants: "Dwarf! You have trouble!! Bastard! I must teach you!"

A tall middle-aged man also appeared at the door. He looked alert: "What happened? Is Schultz again in trouble?"

Brian said coldly: "If Mr. Steinmeier is at home, ask him to come out."

Schultz’s voice sounded, and he was very surprised: “Who is looking for me? I am not in trouble, really not.”

Schultz's tone sounded special, and he quickly said loudly: "Let me go, you hurt me..."

Brian's face sank, and he stood forward, reaching out and pushing the middle-aged man to the side and entering the house.

"Hey, what are you doing, I didn't ask you to come in..."

Without paying attention to the yelling of the middle-aged man, Brian looked at Schultz, who was brought out by the brawny under his arm. His brow wrinkled and said: "Hello, is it Mr. Steinmeier?"

Schultz was put down, and then he couldn’t help but smile on his face: "I am, are you?"

The acting was too bad. Although Yang Yi couldn't understand German, he could see that Schultz couldn't help but laugh.

Brian fainted, and then he looked cold and said: "Hello, I am the German Federal Intelligence Agency. Now I want to talk to you about some things."

The big man looked strange and said: "Federal Intelligence Agency? Bastard, what have you done!"

The big man reached out and struck on Schultz's head, and then a bigger young man came out from the inside and said loudly: "What's wrong? Lothar, what happened, Dad."

At this moment, Paul suddenly rushed up, put the strong man who beat Schultz on the ground, and twisted his arms behind his back.

The middle-aged man was in a hurry and shouted: "What are you doing? Let go of my son!"

Schultz coughed twice and said, "Well, what are you looking for?"

Brian's face changed again. He looked at the middle-aged man coldly and said: "Mr. Steinmeier, we better talk privately."

"No, just say it here, what are you looking for?"

Brian immediately said: "We are the Federal Intelligence Agency. At the request of these two, I am inviting you to join us on behalf of the German government. We are a joint organization secretly established in the world. The function is to jointly eliminate cybercrime. You act as a joint I am honored to be the best computer expert in Germany to be able to invite you in person."

Brian nodded again, and Schultz looked like a smile, and he could bear it.

"But I have to go to school..."

Brian Shen Sheng said: "The world famous school is your choice, all the universities in Germany, Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, Harvard, Qingbei, our joint group is from Germany, the United States, Britain, France, China and many other countries. The computer experts are jointly formed, and the capitals of all countries will unconditionally meet any of your schooling needs and provide full scholarships."

The three people were all dumbfounded, and the young man who was still on the ground said sillyly: "How could it be, hell?"

"To shut up!"

Paul suddenly snorted, and then he tried again, and Lothar shouted at the pain.

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "What are you doing? Let go of my son, I want to call the police, I want to..., let go of him first!"

Brian Shen Sheng: "Mr. Steinmeier"

Schultz coughed twice and waved: "Let him go."

Paul immediately let go of his hands. The Lothar called two times and looked at his brother who was already scared. He said with indignation: "You guys... I don't believe, you must be deceiving!"

In fact, this Lothar is really right, but Paul coldly took out a dark blue certificate with the German national emblem. He took it quickly and said: "Quiet, no you are asked, no one cares about you. Believe it or not!"

Middle-aged humanity: "Can I see your ID?"

Paul looked gloomy at the middle-aged man, Ismail, coldly: "My true identity is a state secret. Are you sure you want to see my documents? You can see it according to the regulations, but Please note that the consequences are at your own risk."

Ismail’s retracted his hand and said, “I still don’t watch it.”

Brian said to Schultz: "How are you thinking about it?"

Schultz twisted his neck and said, "I haven't thought about it yet. Well, can you explain my work more clearly?"

Brian pointed to Yang Yi and said: "I am not in the network department, or ask Mr. M, the head of the network department, to answer your questions."

Yang Yi came forward, he smiled and said in English: "Hello~lightnovelpub.net~ You can call me M, this is my colleague, you can call her X, Schultz, I can Is this called you? It is like this. We are a network intelligence department formed by many countries. We are joining forces. We hope that you can join us. You will join as the liaison representative and chief expert of Germany, because you are appointed by the German government. The candidate."

Xiao Yu picked up a briefcase, opened it, took out a stack of documents, and smiled: "You can see, this is our organizational structure and activity details, remind you, don't look if you don't want to join, this document For your country is also the highest secret, the consequences of the leaker will be at least life imprisonment."

Schultz sighed and said, "I haven't thought about it yet."

I almost got it. If I want to accept it, Yang Yi wants to say this, but he still looks serious: "Schultz, I ask you, I ask you to join us, we need you, Germany needs you, the world. need you!"

Brian is also a serious face: "Yes, I am asking for your participation on behalf of the German government."

Schultz finally took over the documents in Xiao Yu’s hand, but he immediately looked at Ismail and hesitated: “Can I?”

Ismail slowly said: "So will he have a reward?"

Brian gave a soft cough and said: "I said that it is best to talk alone, you asked to say it here, I am sorry, if you do not agree, in order to avoid leaking ..."

Paul brushed his pistol and pointed it at Ismail's head. After Ismail and his two sons were scared and pale, Brian waved his hand and said, "Not like this, up to two of them. Years, but not to kill them, this time is not a top-level action, the guns are collected."

Paul put away the gun, and Ismail pushed Schultz to the big voice: "Go with them! Go!"