A War Between Spies

Chapter 286: Revenue

Ismail really hoped that Schultz would leave early, but seeing that Schultz seemed to be developed, he could not bear to leave Schultz.

However, any expected gains are more direct than the immediate threats. Whether Schultz can make a lot of money in the future, Paul’s gesture of smashing guns is frightening Ismail. .

Paul slowly put away the gun, and Ismail was busy with two steps back.

Brian looked at Schultz again, and he smiled: "Mr. Steinmeier, do you have any luggage to pack?"

Schultz nodded: "Yes, please wait a moment, I will come down soon."

Turning around and ran upstairs, that Lothar was still a slap in the face: "This is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible."

Brian spoke up. He looked at Lothar's slow road: "Mr. Schultz Steinmeier is different from you. He is a valuable asset of Germany, the hope of this country, and you, and Your younger brother, you are **** now, and you will still be **** in the future. You can only be an idiot with simple limbs and simple minds in your life!"

After a relentless sarcasm about Lothar, Brian taunted: "So you won't understand how much Schultz's achievements will be, because you are not qualified at all, even if I explain it to you. You won't understand, from now on you are the two worlds."

Schultz took a backpack and he stood on the stairs. Listening to Brian's words, the smile on his face could not be completely concealed.

Brian looked at Ismail again, and then he slowly said: "As a German, it is very angry to see you treat Germany's most valuable talents, especially if you are in front of the best people in the world. Shaming the representatives of our country makes me even more angry. You should be glad that they don't understand German, otherwise I will not just ridicule and humiliate you. I will throw you into jail."

Stretching his finger at Ismail, Brian turned his gaze to the stairs and smiled. "Can we leave? The Prime Minister is still waiting for you, Mr. Steinmeier."

Schultz said cheerfully: "I am packing up, let's go now."

Ismail took a moment, then he looked at Brian's cautious way: "But is he leaving like this? The police will come to him, he betrays community service and accepts social supervision, and he also wants to electronically tag... ..."

Schultz raised his right arm and revealed something like a bracelet. "Yes, what about my electronic label? I am going to jail if I arbitrarily destroy it."

After that, Schultz looked at Lothar with a bad look.

Brian smiled. "This is certainly not a problem."

Schultz looked at Lothar with a high sigh, and said loudly: "Goodbye, Lothar, goodbye, Zelda, goodbye, Mr. Turan."

Ismail was tempted by Schultz's attitude, and he took a deep breath, then he sighed: "But if the police ask me what should I say?"

Brian said faintly: "This is a top secret. I hope that you will not disclose everything that happened today. If the police asks it is very simple, then you can say that you don't know anything. Just say Schultz walks. Lost, no, just how do you say it, I don't want to spend time communicating with the police."

Lothar said indignantly: "Don't you communicate with the police? Since this... he is gone, at least connect us to the net first! Otherwise, I can't guarantee whether I will say anything to the policeman who is looking for the door. I……"

A slamming shot made everyone scared.

Paul slowly put away the gun, and Lothar was stunned, his legs only trembled, because the bullet just flew past his head, and then broke a wall clock on the wall.

Paul slowly said: "You don't know what the secret level is right? I will tell you that another meaning of top secret is that only dead people will not speak. What do we say when you say it, he does not want to waste. Time to call the police, but I don't mind wasting time killing your family, because I think you are really upset!"

Brian smiled apologetically at Schultz and said, "I'm sorry, please."

Schultz shrugged and said: "Although I am very unhappy at this home, I still don't want them to have an accident."

Paul took the gun again and said: "If they are sensible, there will be nothing."

Brian smiled and said: "My subordinate is not very good-tempered, sorry, can we go now?"

Ismail’s difficult road: "We will never talk nonsense, absolutely not!"

Schultz shrugged and said, "Let's go."

Xiao Yu stepped forward and took the cardboard box in Schultz's hand. Yang Yi reached out and said: "Please."

Schultz first went out ~lightnovelpub.net~ and Zhang Yong saw Schultz go out and immediately opened the door, then asked Schultz to get on the bus.

Yang Yi, who did not look at Ismail, just walked out like this.

Brian and Schultz got on the same car, Yang Yi and Xiao Yu got on the back of the car, and Paul himself went to the top of the car, no way, too few people, can not do the style of the former call.

Looking at Schultz on the luxury car to let go, Lotta looked sad and angry: "This little bastard..."

Ismail suddenly roared: "Shut up! Do you want to die? Tell me if you want to die? Look at the **** bastards, they really shoot, forget him, just when we have never been at home." He has appeared, just like this!"

In the eyes of the Ismaile envious and hateful, Xiao Yu, who drives a car, is dissatisfied: "It’s too fake! It feels like an idiot acting for a group of idiots, and this scene is really too fake, the script is bad. I don’t want to go into the flow at all!

Yang Yichang sighed and smiled. "The guy who taught me how to lie is saying a word to me. It’s okay to treat the person you want to lie as an idiot. What's more, it doesn't matter whether we play it or not. The important thing is Shure. It’s OK to be cool.”

Looking at the car in front, Yang Yi couldn't help but smile: "It is easy to force Schultz to do something for us. It is difficult to force him to do things for us all the time, but now, after playing this play, you believe it or not. Schultz can't get away with it? The recipient has to get his heart and learn something."

At the same time, I kept looking back in the car, knowing that the Ismail family’s house could not be seen, Schultz forgot to scream in the car, then he shouted: "It’s so handsome! I This life has never been so cool! It’s really cool! What are we going to do now? No matter what, I will follow you!”