A War Between Spies

Chapter 287: Young impulse

When the rented car returned to the car rental shop, Schultz looked sad, and then he looked firmly at Yang Yidao: "I must buy the same car in the future, and then find a driver to drive me!" ”

"Mercedes-Benz AMG, don't you plan to open it yourself?"

"I don't have a driver's license, and I am not interested in driving. I am looking for a driver to drive him to take me wherever I want to go."

After that, Schultz shook his arm at Yang Yi and said, "What should I do with this stuff? There is positioning."

Yang Yi grabbed Schultz’s arm and looked at it. “It’s okay to deal with it, it’s okay.”

Brian came back. Yang Yi looked at the watch and said, "We change clothes and return the borrowed clothes to the owner. Then we need to find another car."

Schultz's strange saying: "The borrowed clothes? Not your own?"

Yang Yi smiled, then he smiled at Paul: "Help me, find the pliers to remove the stuff on his wrist."

Schultz yelled at Yang Yi: "What the **** are you doing? What do I need to do, will we leave Germany? You won't let me drive me away? Please, I don't want to come back. I can't come back. Can you let me work for you? It doesn't matter, even if you are a terrorist, I don't care!"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "We are not terrorists. We are water organizations. Well, the water organization is a spy organization, a transnational espionage organization."

Schultz stunned, and then he was pleasantly surprised: "It is true, it is true! Can I join? Can I?"

Yang Yi is very serious: "Not at the moment, because you need to be tested."

Schultz hurriedly said: "Test? Come on! Test me! Test me now, hurry, I can't wait! I have to accept the test, then join the great water organization! I will definitely become a water organization. member!"

Young people, it’s good to cheat.

No, there was no lie, and Schultz cried and cried and joined.

Paul stepped forward, holding a multi-purpose pliers in his hand, grabbing Schultz's hand, and smashing the thing on Schultz's wrist with a watch, and then threw it aside.

Yang Yi Chao Schultz recruited, and then he said: "Now tell me what is your relationship with the red flash, do you know the true identity of the red flash?"

"Hey, red flash, I know him is a chance. I invaded a very famous website in the United States. Actually, I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to invade the background and leave a mark. Then the people on the website found that I was invading, so we I started a contest, the red flash did not let me invade, I must invade, he is a master, and finally I failed, he caught the tail, but this is not because I am not as good as red, but because of my computer too poor!"

Schultz looked like a heartache: "I used a 2009 laptop, the red flash used a super computer, and he still had a whole team, so I failed, and I was caught by the red flash. Trace, but nothing happened in the end, we were very happy."

“Have a lot of fun?”

"Yes, friendship between hackers."

"So what about white roar?"

"Oh, he, white roar is my old friend. I met him at a hacker forum when I was 12 years old. We talked very well. I also learned a lot from him. Later I and white. The roar and the red flash formed a team. We invaded Facebook, invaded the Pentagon, and invaded the White House. We just went in and left, leaving a trail to quit, but we often do this together."

Speaking of his hacker experience Schultz seems very happy, but he quickly turned a helpless way: "I was arrested about six months ago, I was arrested and said with a white roar and a red flash. The encounter, let them be careful, the red flash said he would help me, and then last night I thought you were a red flash to save me."

Yang Yidao: "I mean you don't know the true identity of the red flash?"

"do not know."

Yang Yi laughed and said: "We came to see you really have a relationship with the red flash. He directed me to come to you, so you said that he helped you, and the way is definitely different from what you imagined. ""

Brian said: "Now, show us your skills."

Schulz said with confidence: "Give me a computer, let's talk, what do you want to see? Why don't I just break the firewall on the White House website to show you how?"

Brian shook his head. "No, let's make it simple. You have to invade the German telecommunications system, and you have to control the kind of phone."

Schultz smiled: "This is even more difficult than the invasion of the White House's official website, because the telecommunications communication control system of Germany Telecom has nothing to do with their official website, it is physically isolated."

Brian frowned. "It's hard? Can you do it?"

Schultz shrugged and smiled: "Small meaning, a computer, but need to be modified, there is a mobile phone, use the German Telecom's calling card just fine, although the communication control system and the website are physically isolated, but the telephone company always has to deal with Right?~lightnovelpub.net~ We only need to make a call, and the mobile phone can be invaded when it is processed by the signal converter. I have studied it and tried it. There is no problem. The only need is a PLMN-based network. The telephone remote control system hijacked the telephone company's control system after I took over the control of the telephone company's signal converter."

Yang Yi, they looked at each other, although Schultz said they could not understand, but I feel that Schultz is very powerful, there should be no problem.

Yang Yidao: "How to find the telephone remote control system?"

Schulz said: "Buy, you can buy it within a thousand euros. Do you know the fake base station?"

When talking about the fake base station, Yang Yi immediately said: "Fake base station? You said earlier, I understand this, I understand!"

Schultz shrugged: "Buy a fake base station, a computer, a mobile phone, and now give me these calls that I will give you control of German Telecom right away. Of course, it can only be a certain range of calls."

Yang Yi excitedly said: "The British telephone company, such as Vodafone's phone."

Schultz looked inexplicable: "Of course, no problem, it's as simple."

Yang Yi and Brian looked at each other. Brian slowly nodded: "Save time, don't experiment here, go straight to the UK to try."

Yang Yi looked at Schultz and said: "You have to do something for us. If it is, I will consider absorbing you into the water organization, but everything depends on your ability, and as a secret espionage organization. , we value loyalty very much, if you join once..."

Schultz hurriedly said: "I can't quit when I join. Is it true? I know that I know that I am ready for the test, get rid of it, and test me quickly!"

The young man is still too impulsive, but Yang Yi likes it very much and likes it very much.