A War Between Spies

Chapter 303: Knife

The continuous gunshots sounded, and Zhang Yong’s rifle quickly blew the bullets. Then he pulled out the pistol and fired with Brian.

In fact, it is three or five seconds, no one in the room can stand.

When Yang Yi rushed into the room, there was no need to shoot.

The enemy was killed and wounded. At this moment, Yang Yi heard the shouting of Xiao Yu outside, and then they began to sound a series of gunshots behind them.

Yang Yi Gu didn't look at the situation inside because he was still shooting.

Yang Yi, who had just entered the door, turned away and then ran out of the two rooms. He found that Xiao Yu was firing a gun at an open door and Kate had already rushed to the front of the door.

Another pistol stretched out, and with a shot, Kate slammed into the ground without a bang.

Yang Yi rushed to the past, and at this time Brian and their three Zhang Yong also followed.

It’s too messy.

Mike shouted: "Be careful!"

A gun came out and the enemy fired a shot on the side, but this time Xiao Yu’s gun was more accurate and faster. The enemy who shot was hit, but he did not show the key, but his shoulder was Xiao Yuyi. gun.

Yang Yi ran to Kate, and he was going crazy because Kate was shot.

But before Yang Yi saw Kate's situation, Kate climbed up from the ground, and although she was in pain, she was fine.

"Someone, a lot of people!"

Kate gnawed his teeth and Yang Yi pulled her up, and Zhang Yong pointed the gun at the door.

Just then, another grenade was thrown out, and the grenade was very close to Yang Yi and Kate.

At the moment when the grenades were seen, Yang Yi’s hair was immediately raised. He couldn’t think about it. He just pushed the Kate, who was just about to stand up, to the ground, and then immediately fell on Kate’s body. On the ground.

The grenade exploded behind Yang Yi, and at this moment, Charles also respected the room where the grenade had just been thrown.

Put Kate under his body, and when Yang Yi’s brain resumed consciousness, his hands and feet moved, and he realized that he was not dead and nothing.

Today is a new day for Yang Yi, a day when a brand new world opens the door to him.

In the prison, it’s worth fighting, and killing the knife and killing the blood, but until now, Yang Yicai understands what is called life and death.

The knife can still hide, but the bullet can't hide, and the powerful person can't hide the bullet. Therefore, in a closed room, the grenade is used to open the road, and the means of life-saving is fake. It’s true to take the lead in killing the enemy, the best way to save your life.

Yang Yi immediately climbed up.

Brian rushed in, then Zhang Yong, Yang Yi turned over from Kate and saw Zhang Yong's back.

It must be fast, even if someone knows that someone is holding a gun against the door, they have to rush inside. Why is indoor warfare the most dangerous battle, and why the indoor war casualty rate is the highest, which is one of the reasons.

When Yang Yi stood up, he just saw Zhang Yong’s back, and then he saw Zhang Yong returning to jump out of the ground, and Brian, the colleague saved by Zhang Yong also returned to the ground. .

With a bang, the grenade exploded in the house.

Yang Yi is really unable to hear anything now. The continuous grenade explosion is too much affecting hearing.

Brian and Zhang Yong fell to avoid the grenade, but Paul and Charles had already followed, and Yang Yi had nothing in his mind.

I simply can't take care of what is useful and useless. I just rushed in and killed everyone. This is the only thing that must be done now, and everything must be done.

Paul was in front, Charles was behind, and Yang Yi followed Charles.

A room of a dozen square meters, but now there is no one, Paul continues to rush forward, but when he is about to rush into the second door, it is suddenly a gun.

A very thin wire traversed the door. Fortunately, Paul reacted quickly and erected the rifle in time to protect his neck. Otherwise, if he rushed up, even if the neck would not be cut, the pipe would definitely be cut.

The thin wire was able to withstand the huge impact. Paul saved his neck, but his body was out of balance and went down, while Charles stopped and raised his hand and threw it inside. At the same time as a grenade, he grabbed Paul's foot and took him back.

Wire sealing, this is not a means of mercenary, this is the style of the killer.

The grenade exploded, but there was no movement in the second door.

The enemy is at large.

Waiting for the grenade to explode, Charles dwarfed the wire from underneath, and Yang Yi followed his head and ran in.

The room behind the second door is not very big, at a glance, there is no one inside.

Charles continued to sprint forward in front of him. When he passed through a door again, his eyes saw a black line at a distance close to the ground on the door frame, so he immediately lifted his foot and jumped over.

Charles lifted his foot and skipped. When the man was still in the air, he saw a man in the room pointing his gun at him.

Charles fired a shot in the air, he was shot, but the enemy was also shot.

The enemy is aiming the gun in the middle position, so if Charles is tripped by a steel wire, the enemy can easily shoot his head~lightnovelpub.net~ or shoot him down on the ground, but now, Charles does not Down, so the enemy hit Charles's torso position, but Charles hit the enemy's head.

Charles landed, and Yang Yi rushed faster behind him.

Just like a race, but this time Yang Yi runs in front of everyone.

Yang Yi rushed to the past, this time he had to enter the door first, but Charles followed him, so Yang Yi and Charles squeezed into the door.

The gun rang, Charles shook, and Yang Yi saw a person.


Yang Yi snorted.

Charles was shot, but Yang Yi was behind Charles, he was not shot, and he saw Bath.

Bass's shooting method is extremely accurate. Yang Yi has seen this, so he knows.

Yang Yi saw with his own eyes that Bass shot and killed his three men. Yang Yi once thought that it was very simple, because the distance was too close to be strange, but he did not understand it after practicing the shooting method. It is extremely difficult to open three shots in an extremely fast distance, and each shot can hit the deadly key.

Yang Yi’s left hand is behind Charles and he can’t shoot.

Charles was in the first half of the position with Yang Yi. Bath probably didn't expect the two to come in this way, so his reaction was not timely enough.

And Yang Yi suddenly called out the name of Bath after all, it interfered with Bath.

No way to shoot, it doesn't matter, Yang Yi stretched out his right hand in a lightning bolt, and put it on the pistol of Bath and pressed it down.

The gun rang and the bullet hit the ground, but Yang Yi kicked heavily on Bass's thigh.

Bath stepped back, let go, abandoned the gun, and got the knife.

Yang Yi advances, looses his hand, abandons the gun, and leaves the knife.

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