A War Between Spies

Chapter 304: No one cares

Yang Yi's knife pierced Bath's throat at the fastest speed, and Bath's knife spurred the heart of Yang Yi at the fastest speed.

To get rid of the sword, either kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy. Yang Yi has this consciousness.

It is not a desperate attitude to get the biggest result at the least cost. It is necessary to have a gesture of no going.

Yang Yi knife is in the right hand, his left hand greets Bath's knife, and then continues to stab the past with a momentum of nowhere.

Yang Yi hopes to block the deadly knife with his left hand, but Bath did not choose to play with him.

Bass evaded, he must avoid the knife that stabbed the throat and must change direction. The direction of change must affect the knife that spurs Yang Yi.

The blade was erected upwards, Bass changed the target, and Yang Yi could not stab the throat of Bath, so he stepped forward again and the blade swung to the left.

Bass's knife crossed Yang Yi's arm and cut a long hole, but Yang Yi's arm did not lose its function, and Yang Yi's knife slanted a **** mouth on Bath's chest. The knife was not deep, and the blood quickly smashed out, but Bath’s actions were completely unaffected.

Bass changed from retreating to forward, and the tip of the knife that had fallen was facing upwards, and it was necessary to puncture the abdominal cavity of Yang Yi from obliquely below.

Yang Yi did not stop, nor did he retreat. He snorted, his left leg was forced, his right shoulder sank, and he bumped into the chest of Bath.

Bath's knife pierced Yang Yi's lower abdomen, or Yang Yi took the initiative to hit Bass's knife.

However, Bath could no longer penetrate the blade into Yang Yi’s abdominal cavity, and could not even pull a knife to open Yang Yi’s stomach. Because Yang Yi’s collision made Bath not fly out, but it broke in the moment. A row of ribs.

Bass, who was hit hard, loosened his hand and released the handle.

Yang Yi can fly Bass, but the damage to Bath is relatively small. Yang Yi relies on all the power in Bath's body, instead of turning power into the kinetic energy that makes Bass fly out.

Bass is too strong.

Yang Yi didn't think too much. All his actions came from instinct, but he thought that this collision would make Bass lose his ability to move instantly, but Bass did lose his ability to act at the moment of heavy blow, but it was only slightly Going back half a step.

Not waiting for Yang Yi to stab the knife into his throat, Bass suddenly painted a circle in his left hand.

Yang Yi didn't see anything, but the sudden suffocation and tingling made him know that his neck was stuck.

Bath's sly hands slammed outwards, and Yang Yi stuck to Bath's body, stabbing the side ribs of Bath.

The blood quickly oozes out from Yang Yi's neck. At this moment, Charles did not fire a shot on Bass' head to rescue Yang Yi. Instead, he pulled out his knife and slashed his hand toward Bath's wrist. Cut it down.

A knife broke his hand, and the blood spurted out of Bath's broken wrist, spraying Yang Yi's face.

But Bass screamed, his left hand continued to forcefully pull, Yang Yi only felt that the thin line around his neck was quickly pumping around him.

Before Bath used one of the remaining ones to cut off Yang Yi's throat and arteries, Charles slashed again and Bass's left hand fell.

Bath's side ribs were pulled out of several blood holes, the left ribs were almost completely broken, and their hands were cut, so Bath finally came back.

Yang Yi was wrapped around a circle of almost invisible silk. Both hands of Bath were still on the silk thread and hung on the chest of Yang Yi.

There are dozens of tricks that you have come to me. Yang Yi and the Bass knife are coming to the knife. The whole process is less than two seconds.

There was nothing to do with it. Charles found the opportunity to shoot at the side. It was impossible to give Bass a chance to single out with Yang Yi.

Yang Yi took the knife that Bass stabbed into his abdomen and pulled it out.

The blade was very shallow in the abdomen, but it was still hung on Yang Yi's stomach. After the knife was pulled down, the blood immediately emerged from Yang Yi's stomach.

Yang Yi’s holding two knives in his hand was just gasping. The suffocation was just a short moment, but he was walking back and forth on the edge of life and death. The silk hanging on the neck of Yang Yi will definitely not let him suffocate. And die, because his neck has been cut more than half before suffocation.

However, Yang Yi still breathed involuntarily.

Yang Yizhen did not expect that Bath would have a means of dying in the midst of desperation.

Charles looked at Yang Yi and then he continued to run forward.

Then Paul, then Brian, then Zhang Yong.

No one looked at Yang Yi, only Mike shook his head as he passed by Yang Yi.

No one cares about Yang Yi’s neck, no one cares about the wound on Yang Yi’s stomach, and no one cares about the wound on Yang Yi’s arm.

No one cares about Yang Yi, because at this time, nothing is wrong at this time.

Even Yang Yi doesn't care about his injury now. He doesn't even realize that he is injured. At least he can still act, so he must continue to act.

But there are still people who care about Yang Yi, and that is Kate.

Seeing Yang Yi’s appearance, holding a gun and being frightened by Kate’s beside Mike, she suddenly stopped her own steps, then held down Yang Yi~lightnovelpub.net~you...”

Yang Yi did not care about Kate, he stepped on the Bass lying on the ground.

Yang Yi stepped on one of Bass's legs, and then he knelt and stabbed two knives on Bass's legs at lightning speed.

Both hands of Bath have been broken, and they are still hanging on Yang Yi’s neck. Now Yang Yi has just cut off the hamstrings of Bath with two knives.

In this way, Bath can't move at all.

If you don't want to stay in Bass, Yang Yi will chase them with Brian because someone is fleeing along the corridor, but Yang Yi wants to ask something, so he has to stay and watch Bass.


After Yang Yi’s opening, he was shocked by his own voice. His voice couldn’t tell the ugly, just like the wild cat’s screaming in the spring, it’s hard to hear, and it’s harsh.

Kate snorted, then she widened her eyes and looked at the miserable Bass Road: "He is Bath!"

Bass opened his mouth, blood came out of his mouth, squinted at Kate, then looked at Yang Yi and suddenly said: "Who are you..."

Yang Yi stood up and whispered: "Three years, today you are finally dead, dead in ... our hands."

Bath hesitated, and then he widened his eyes, it was incredible: "Singer?"

Kate Shen Sheng: "Yes, singer!"

Bath once again stunned, and then he said with a weak voice: "You are the woman who has been in the hotel for three years, you, actually, dare to find me... and found it here..."

Yang Yi and Kate did not speak, but Bath was a puzzled saying: "You can really kill me here. Ironically, I have given up the idea of ​​killing you, but you are actually Really kill me, this is really... ridiculous!"