A War Between Spies

Chapter 343: Catching

The phone was monitored and recorded throughout, and many things were no longer a secret when the phone was opened.

Yang Yi’s feelings are hard to help. He stood up from the chair and then raised his right arm subconsciously. He said loudly: “We did it!”

Yes, Yang Yi has indeed completed the task.

It was already confirmed from the phone that Mikhail Kovaček was calling, and the woman named Lucy Clark was the daughter of Mihali.

At this point, you just need to hand over the phone recording to Justin. The rest of the things are gone without Yang Yi, and Justin still has to pay, and the full amount is paid.

Excited and excited, Yang Yi is really satisfied with everything they have done.

Thirty years ago, when computer technology was not as popular as it is now, it was almost impossible for several people in the district to find a person with almost no traces from the vast sea of ​​people. This is a country’s strength. The things that were done, but now, Yang Yi completed it all in four days.

Yang Yi took out the satellite phone and went to the side, then called Justin.

Yang Yi also worried that calling someone at four in the morning would cause Justin's unhappiness, but he obviously was worried. Justin's voice was just awakened from his sleep, but his tone was not dissatisfied. .

"Hello, Poseidon, is there any good news to tell me."

"Yes, Mr. Justin, we found Mikhail Kovaček."

Yang Yi certainly knows that it is wrong to call Justin a husband, but Justin insists that Yang Yi calls his name instead of his surname. In order to show respect to Justin, Yang Yi has to add a name to the name. Fortunately, most people in the underground world use pseudonyms, and it doesn't seem to be rude.

Justin was a little surprised. He raised the volume and said, "So fast? Can you confirm?"

"Yes, I am very sure that I have found Mikhail Kovaček."

After a brief silence for a while, Justin smiled and said: "Good, good job, then give me the information, pay immediately after verification."

Yang Yi whispered: "Wait a minute, I want to know how much money you can get if you give me directly to Mikhail."

Justin didn't mean to be surprised. He laughed haha, and then he said: "There is no offer when the client issues the task, but I can ask now. Please wait a moment, I will reply you soon. ""

Yang Yi hung up the phone, and after waiting for about ten minutes, Justin called.

"In addition to the $5 million that the intelligence should pay, you will die for a million dollars. If you get alive, you will be given five million dollars."

Justin reported the price, and Yang Yi almost did not hesitate. He immediately said: "We will pay, and it must be alive."

Justin said with a smile: "Then I will be ready for eight million dollars. You will get the money before the client has paid the money to me."

"Okay, thank you, then contact."

Hanging up the phone, Yang Yi returned to the restaurant, and he immediately said: "We went to Glasgow to bring Mikhail Kovaček back, only one million died, worth five million dollars."

Looking at the watch, Yang Yi Shen said: "It is 4:30 in the morning, Mikhail's plane landed at 12:30, the time is very urgent, we must start now."

Glasgow is six hundred and fifty kilometers from London. It takes at least four hours to drive. This is a very smooth road and Yang Yi is driving a serious speed. It takes at least six or seven hours for normal time, but only needs to fly. One and a half hours, but depending on the flight situation, if there is no flight or the flight time is wrong, then naturally there is no way to fly to Glasgow.

"Don Guo, I will set the flight online immediately, Xiao Yu prepares the weapon, we may have to drive past."

If you can take the plane, it must be flying in the past, just landed at Glasgow Airport, and took the Michal by the way, but if the flight time is wrong, then Yang Yi can only drive, as far as the train is concerned Not considered.

It takes five hours by train from London to Glasgow, and it does not include the time to go to the train station. It is not enough time to go to Glasgow train station and then to the airport.

Soon, Tang Guo was very helpless: "The earliest flight was at 8:00 but there was no ticket, then there was a flight at 9:10 and 9:30, and there was a class at 12:20. There are only two tickets for the plane."

The plane didn't work, Yang Yi did not hesitate, and hurriedly said: "We drove, Tang Guo and Schultz don't go."

Tang Guo hurriedly said: "Take me well..."

Yang Yi put it down, very serious: "No, we need to pick up the car, and bring more people to increase the number of cars. This is not the time to satisfy curiosity."

Kate whispered: "Is it right to tell Mike?"

Regardless of how Yang Yi was making troubles underneath, Mike didn't come out to take a look. Yang Yi did not believe that Brian and Mike couldn't hear the sound. They didn't show up at all, only one thing, that is, they completely ignored it. .

"You don't have to ~lightnovelpub.net~ we can do it ourselves, pick up the necessary items and give you three minutes."

Yang Yi ran out while talking at the same time. He did not drive the few scooters, but ran to the garage.

A white six-generation golf GTI, Yang Yi is the only one who bought it himself. He thinks it is very necessary equipment.

Buying this second-hand performance steel cannon cost 20,000 pounds. It is very expensive to sell a used car in the UK market. It is basically a price with the new car, but Yang Yi feels the value because the car passes by. With a moderate modification, the performance basically meets the requirements of his when he needs to brake.

Of course, if there is a better choice, Yang Yi will not buy a golf GTI, but he has no money, can only choose a relatively cheap second-hand performance car to meet the demand for speed and control.

Yang Yi got into the car, started, and lightly stepped on the gas pedal and waited for the roaring sound, Yang Yicai hangs up, then pours the car out of the garage.

Kate took a backpack with something she needed for makeup, and Xiao Yu also mentioned a bag with small arms inside.

Yang Yi opened the car and stood aside. Xiao Yu and Kate also extended their hands to pull the door, but both of them were pulling the co-driver's door.

The two men’s hands stopped together again, and then Keita pointed to the co-driver’s door and smiled and said, “You come.”

Xiao Yu twisted his face and said, "No, you still have to go. I am not used to sitting in front."

Yang Yi put down the window and hurriedly said: "At this time, I still have something to do, get on the bus!"

Xiao Yu's eyebrows picked up, but Kate smiled and opened the co-driver's door and got on the bus.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and bit his teeth. After deciding to wait for things to finish, he said that he had to give Yang Yi a good look, and then he got on the car.