A War Between Spies

Chapter 349: Blurred figure

No one has any opinions on the distribution model proposed by Yang Yi. Yang Yi takes the big head and then he pays most of the cost. This is really fair. If Yang Yi is making money, then he will not agree to this distribution first. proportion.

Maybe the water organization can make a lot of money in the future, and there will still be a surplus after the organization and members are stable, but now, the water organization is a bottomless pit, and Yang Yi has not enough money to fill it in. He has to stay for a long time. Both are in a state of extreme poverty.

After the distribution model passed smoothly, there was nothing to talk about. Then Yang Yi decided to summarize the gains and losses in this operation.

"In general, our actions were very successful, but there was an accident."

Yang Yi pointed to himself and looked helpless. "I made a mistake. In my concept, a successful person and a high-ranking person will try to hide that he is a homosexual. Once it is exposed, it means this person. The future is completely ruined. I always think so, but I misunderstood the country’s tolerance for homosexuality."

With a bitter smile, Yang Yi was very emotional: "If there is not a dog called Cody, we will lose the handle of Professor Howard. This is one of my mistakes. Another mistake is not to discuss with you in advance. Maybe you will point out my mistakes, so next time we have any action, we have to first discuss the details of the plan and learn more about local customs and habits."

Kate was curious: "I thought you knew, you didn't grow up in London?"

Yang Yi spread his hand and said: "Please, I was only a few years old, but no one told me that homosexuality is a normal thing."

It is necessary to be good at discovering and summarizing problems, and then correcting the problems. Since the shortcomings should be corrected, the strengths must be vigorously carried forward.

Yang Yi looked at Tang Guo and Schultz, and then he smiled from the heart: "This action can be successful, and the role of Schultz and Tang Guo is too critical. Getting information from the Internet is the most important thing in our future. One of the means, so this time the mission is over, I will put most of the money into the network intelligence center, and I must build it as soon as possible. Tang Guo, this will be handed over to you."

It feels good to be recognized, and everyone likes this feeling, so Tang Guo laughs very happy.

"Well, I can start doing this tomorrow, there are ready-made construction templates, but the location is very important, and the stable power supply is also very important. We have to start looking for the right place, at least not here. ”

Yang Yi fully believes in Tang Guo, because he does not understand himself, then naturally he has to trust the judgment of professionals.

“What do you think is better for building our network intelligence center?”

Tang Guo did not hesitate: "London Science City, located in Shoreditch, East London, is an information industry industrial park with a stable power supply, the largest network bandwidth access in London, and almost all of it Internet companies, we will not attract attention when we build a network company."

Yang Yi immediately said: "Okay, Science City, go to find the right house after the money is available."

Another topic was fixed. At this moment, Brian said faintly: "Since now I am discussing water organizations, then I have something to say."

After a brief pause, Brian looked at Yang Yi and said: "You have completed this mission very beautifully, because this is your time. I don't understand the current network technology. They don't understand either. The main business of the water organization is intelligence, so it makes no sense to stay."

Waving his hand, Brian smiled at Yang Yi: "You know what I want, now the water organization has been able to stand firm, and it is time for me to leave."

Sooner or later, Yang Yi is of course psychologically prepared. He nodded and said, "When are you going to leave?"

"Go away tomorrow when you get the money, go to Russia first."

Yang Yi looked at Tang Guo and Schultz, then he said to Brian: "Now the network intelligence center has not been built yet, but the time will not be too long. I think you should tell us all the information you know. If the network intelligence center is built, no, in fact, you don't have to wait for the network intelligence center to be built. You can find it on the Internet. It is best to have photos. In short, try to narrow down some search areas and you can find it now."

Brian suddenly became a little scared.

Brian looked very nervous, and he whispered: "No photos."

Mike faintly said: "That would draw portraits based on memory."

Brian looked at Mike with a horrified look, then he trembled: "I can remember everything when I was with Kate, but... I forgot her face, her appearance became blurred, I took her I forgot, I can't remember her face..."

Obviously, it is an unforgettable lover, but as time goes by, lightnovelpub.net~ Although the thoughts have not weakened half of the points, they gradually become blurred as the years look.

Brian was terrified and sad, and Yang Yi could not help but whispered: "So what is her real name?"

Brian gently sighed and whispered: "Anna Starkina, she said that this is her real name, I believe she will not lie to me, this is definitely her real name!"

Mike frowned. He wanted to say something but he didn't say it after hesitating, and Yang Yi whispered: "So where is she from?"


"what about others?"

Brian shook his head slowly and said: "There is nothing else. I only know that she studied English for six years at a school in Moscow. An Englishman taught her pure British accent. She led the KGB's Foreign Intelligence Agency. That is the first general office of the KGB, but I don’t know anything."

Mike wants to talk again, but he still bears it and turns his head to the side.

Brian sighed softly, then he whispered: "I will go to Moscow, maybe God will arrange everything for her, maybe I can meet her on the street, who knows, everything to see God's arrangement Let's go."

Paul couldn't help but draw a cross on his chest.

Yang Yi whispered: "We will help you find it, I believe you will succeed."

Brian nodded, then he suddenly said: "I have one last thing to complete before I leave."

"what's up?"

Brian did not answer Yang Yi’s question. He stood up and walked directly to Xiao Yu’s body.

Xiao Yu was afraid of being tossed by Brian. Being locked up in a **** and smelly room was a horrible memory that she could not erase for a lifetime, so when she saw Brian standing in front of her, she immediately said loudly: "You want to What are you doing?"