A War Between Spies

Chapter 417: Dangerous action

The location where Jetero and the people met was in a building on the outskirts. It was very old when I looked at the building. It should have been abandoned. I don’t know why Jetero would meet in this place.

It’s particularly annoying to be completely unfamiliar with the terrain. Even if Yang Yi is not professional in the part-time job of mercenaries, in Brian, in Zhang Yong, in the words and deeds of Alexander, they must at least know the area of ​​activity. Terrain is a very important thing, and it can even be said to be a matter of life and death.

I really got it. I don’t even know what terrain is nearby. It’s natural to eat big losses. If the two sides do not understand the terrain, it’s okay. If the enemy is a local who knows the local terrain, then he can only ask for it. How much is good.

However, there is no way for this. Jetero does not tell Yang Yi where they are going. In fact, Jetero will be strictly confidential. Whoever makes the Trident Mercenary is not the heart of Jetro, even the most At least the trust has not yet been established.

However, because of this, Yang Yi feels that the possibility of encountering danger at this time is very small. Jetero has a good heart. If he feels unsafe, even if there are not many people, he will definitely not take the Trident to protect him.

The car was getting closer and closer to the building, and when the distance was only a few hundred meters, Jetero spoke in the intercom.

"The car stops in front, I have to contact the other person, guys, be prepared, but I can't fire without my order. If someone shoots, then don't worry about anything, do them!"

After Jeter had smashed it in the intercom, there was no movement. Maybe he had contacted the person who was going to meet. Soon, Jetero said in the intercom: "Go ahead."

The team started to move again. When there were more than 200 meters from the building, Jetero said in the intercom: "Okay, stop here!"

The four cars all stopped, and later Jetero said: "I am going to negotiate, and the people who bring you in Lach are here, you don't have to go with me."

Yang Yi could see three people standing under the abandoned building, but all of them were dressed in camouflage uniforms. They should be soldiers. He looked up at the telescope and said, "It’s the Ukrainian military."

Jetro’s car continued to move forward, but the remaining three cars stopped.

Yang Yi whispered: "Owl, let's command, what should we do."

Brian Shen Sheng said: "Get off the bus, spread out, observe the surrounding, focus on the boss, and then wait for the negotiations to end home, and, iron fist and the queen in the car, back 100 meters."

Xiao Yu is extremely dissatisfied: "It is my response, okay!"

Before Brian got angry, Xiao Yu promptly shut up, then she slammed into Kate's car, and then Kate drove back a hundred meters, adjusted the position under Xiao Yu's command and stopped.

Yang Yi got out of the car and stayed near the car, while another car came down with four people.

A middle-aged man in black clothes hung an AK74 rifle. He also wore a bullet-proof vest, but he did not wear a helmet. Unlike a trident, this person was called Rachi, which was the heart of Jetro.

Raki, the four of them did not disperse, but they all stood by, and Yang Yi and several of them were quickly dispersed. All but Yang Yi were far away from the ground, and Paul immediately after his knees. Put the big cockroach in your hand on the ground and quickly align with Jetro's position.

That Rachi screamed: "Hey, hey! Don't be nervous! Put the gun away, this is the negotiation is not going to start, your actions will be misunderstood, put the gun up, come over, don't look so hostile, man We are just a negotiation, not too nervous."

Jetero is going to negotiate, and he can't show too much hostility so that people can talk about it, so Brian can only slap his face: "Turn the muzzle, but don't keep the distance."

In the end, the tridents did not surround them like Lach, kept the interval of more than ten meters, prepared for fire at any time, and each was responsible for the direction they were facing to observe the surrounding, but no one would The gun is in the direction of Jetero.

The man named Rachi took out a pack of cigarettes and put one in his mouth. Then he took out another one and swayed at Yang Yi. The loud voice: "Man, smoke?"

Yang Yi should not smoke, his lungs have just been wounded and healed, but there is no need to reject a goodwill from a colleague.

Yang Yi took the cigarette in two steps and said: "Thank you."

Rachi took a cigarette to a person around him, and then he took out the lighter, first gave Yang Yi a point, and smiled: "You are welcome."

The other people are far away, Rachi does not smoke, after giving himself and the people next to him a cigarette, he looks relaxed: "Without the tension, I have already talked several times, we are here and then back Home, there will be nothing."

They are not mercenaries, but the people that Jetro has been with ~lightnovelpub.net~ not a bodyguard but definitely a confidant.

"Your equipment is very good. It seems that you have earned a lot. These equipments are not affordable for anyone. The other two mercenary groups can be far worse. As for us, you see, we can only use Russian goods."

Shaking his head, it seems that he is not satisfied with his equipment, but Rachi immediately smiled and said: "But in Ukraine, Russian goods are better, not so conspicuous."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Yeah, we just don't want to change it if we used it. Man, have you been here?"

Rachi nodded and said: "I have been here once. The first few times are not here. Don't worry, let it go, it's almost done."

Yang Yi turned to look at Jedero. He started talking under the building and three people waiting there, and did not enter the abandoned building.

"I thought the boss would go in for negotiations."

"No, there have been contacts before, but no one can believe who, but this is to give them money, it will certainly not be a problem. Last time we went to the military camp to negotiate that it was nervous."

Rachi glanced at Jetro and smiled. "But now it's okay, the road is already paved, and the most stressful time has passed."

Yang Yi once again looked at Jetero, and Brian raised his telescope. From the perspective of the telescope, he kept staring at the building.

Yang Yi pointed to the building with six floors, saying: "Is there someone inside?"

Raki nodded. "There is definitely something. The other person has arranged people in the building, so they have the advantage of the terrain. The opposite is very careful, but no problem, the last time."

Rachi is still a relaxed face, but Brian is suddenly screaming: "Attention! Someone on the fifth floor, dangerous action! Dangerous action!"