A War Between Spies

Chapter 418: First show

Brian suddenly screamed, and when Yang Yi and Rachi shouted attention, Brian immediately threw away the smoke in his hand and quickly lifted the gun up to the building.

Brian’s shouts passed through the intercom to everyone’s ears.

A man next to Jetero walked up to the other side with the box. He just lifted the box and Brian shouted when the other party was picking up, so he immediately put down the box and immediately looked up. upstairs.

Yang Yi quickly pointed the gun at the building, and Brian screamed: "Inquire about the other party's intentions! The boss is hidden!!"

Yang Yi has already seen that there are several people on the fifth floor of the six-story building. They are all still moving. The key is that Yang Yi saw someone holding a gun and the gun was lifted and then stretched down.

If this is not the negotiation of Yang Yi’s early shooting, but the problem is that Jetero is negotiating with the other party, and Yang Yi does not know the content of the negotiations. Even if there is a person with unclear intentions upstairs, he can’t open fire unless Jetro explicitly orders. Let them fire.

At this moment, at least seven or eight people upstairs also found out at the same time, and they had guns in their hands.

Both Jetero and the negotiators are downstairs, not far from the building. If people who are hiding upstairs want to shoot, they can only find themselves to fire down, so they see at least a dozen people taking them at the same time. When the guns are going out, no matter what those people are planning to do, they can't wait any longer.

"Open fire."

"Quick fire!"

"Open fire!"

Yang Yi, Rachi, and Brian, the three of them shouted together because they made the same judgment, that is, no matter what Jerro’s negotiators want to do, they must fire at this time, if they wait If those people’s goal is Jeterna, he will die.

The gun in Yang Yi’s hand fired, and then the person he was aiming at was planted from the upstairs and fell to the side not far from Jetero.

Yang Yi also made a sound of screaming around, and the people upstairs were firing at them.

Jetero was still attacked. He turned around and ran, but the person who was still talking to him looked upstairs and was hit by people upstairs.

Jeter’s bodyguards sprinted behind him, and the man with the suitcase fell to the ground just after a move.

Yang Yi squatted down. He leaned against the body, quickly searched for a gun and then he saw a person, but before he fired, the man quickly and shrunk back.

Zhang Yong said: "Lonely..."

Zhang Yong shouted, and Jetero and his bodyguards immediately fell to the ground and flew to the ground, and Zhang Yong shouted his words after they fell down.


Although Zhang Yong was warned by the walkie-talkie, Jetero was still in a very timely manner. Just as he was lying down, the four grenades exploded almost simultaneously. The nearest grenade was only three or four meters away from Jetero. Far, if he is still standing, it will definitely not hurt.

Jetero and the bodyguards around him all fell to the ground, and Brian screamed: "Third-party hostile forces! They are attacking both sides!"

Rachi fired two shots, and then he shouted: "Drive! Drive! Get on the bus!"

Raki had just snorted, and Jetro’s car in the past had already been driven to Jetro’s, and the driver in the car had not turned off. He immediately drove the car after the exchange of fire suddenly occurred.

Jeter moved. He didn't die in the explosion just now, and he was not injured. The bodyguards around him also climbed up.

Jetero and his bodyguards reacted unsatisfactorily, but suddenly a burst of fire broke out from the first floor of the building, and the car parked behind Jetero was immediately shot full of gunshots.

Jetero shouted: "The enemy is upstairs, idiot! Not us!"

The situation is more obvious. Some people ambush upstairs, and then attacked Jetro and his opponents at the same time. The people who negotiated with Jetero were killed by the upstairs ambushes. They stayed in The people at the bottom attacked Jetero and ruined Jetro's best escape route.

Jetro’s call came through the intercom, and after the negotiating person’s man fired on him, he could only fall to the ground again.

"No difference attack! Queen, iron fist, gambling god, blockade high-level, robot and holy water block the lower level, others are free to attack!"

Brian snorted again.

Xiao Yu and Zhang Yong are the ones who respond to the fast-shooting method. The people on the top floor can choose from a variety of attack methods. The most fear is that they throw grenades outwards, so they should be blocked from the top floor, and Paul is trying to force the belt. Is a big cockroach, or a bolt, used to deal with people with relatively small bottom-level shooting is more suitable, as for Yang Yi, his speed of fire is not good, round-trip wide-range search shooting is better than blocking the door that may rush out .

"Jetero don't stay where you are! Go ahead and stay away from the grenade threat."

Brian once again quickly commanded, and now the people on the top floor were suppressed, unable to accurately attack and could not accurately throw grenades, so Jetero could climb on the ground quickly ~lightnovelpub.net~ to avoid being upstairs The grenade is blown up. After all, the grenade can be thrown without being exposed.

Jetero began to crawl fast on the ground, but his bodyguard stood up, took out a pistol, and squatted behind Jetero. If he wanted to pick up a grenade, he would be the first to take a shot. first.

The bodyguard is very professional and very brave.


Brian yelled again, then the bodyguard and Jetero all stopped, waiting for the grenade to explode and move forward together.

Yang Yi fired another shot. He hit a man who rushed out of the door. The person he hit hit the upper body and shot the blood, and then he lay on the ground, but he was still moving, so Yang Yi aimed The man who was knocked down by him again shot a short shot and completely killed the soldier.

The people who negotiated were soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms, while the people on the top floor were not wearing camouflage uniforms.

Rachi shouted: "You cover, we go to pick up the boss."

Already a person got on the bus, the car just started, Rachi sat on the seat of the big open door, and shot the gun on the door.

The battle took place very suddenly and very fiercely, but the people on the side of Jetro, whether they were Yang Yi or Laqi, they were very quick and decisive.

Especially Jetro's bodyguard, under his life-saving protection, Jetero has not been injured yet.

It has already been disrupted now. Where is the person who can distinguish the object of negotiation is hostile? In this case, it is only when I see one.

The distance of 200 meters, driving is also a dozen seconds, but it is not easy to keep Jetero's life in these ten seconds.

At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly shouted in the intercom with a sharp voice: "RPG!"