A War Between Spies

Chapter 463: Buyout

Justin must have known something, he just refused to say.

How do you know that someone can get a lot of gold, how do you know that the buyer's strength is enough, how to know that the buyer is strong enough and not black, the simplest, how does Justin contact the buyer?

Therefore, Justin must have known a lot of things, he would not say that the price is not enough.

Yang Yi laughed, and he shook his head. "I admire, I have spent $200,000, it’s amazing, amazing!"

Justin said faintly: "Oh, how can you say it is fair?"

"This Anderson International Economic Research Association is just a sign that people look outside. No, even the signboards are not counted. It is just a window for doing things. What transactions are done in this window, if there is any big business. The transaction was completed and the window was closed. No, it disappeared."

Yang Yi sighed and sighed at Justin and stretched his thumb. "This is destined to disappear soon, and the Anderson Research Society, which can't even find traces, can be regarded as outdated information. You can sell this outdated information." On the 200,000, although it is a little less, your money is white."

Justin laughed very sincerely, and did not sell the expired information that was exposed on the spot.

"It’s not an outdated intelligence. It’s about to expire, but the intelligence business is like this.”

Yang Yi sighed and said: "Oh, 200,000 will give you, but, really, there is no money?"

Justin said: "It’s gone, even if there is more money."

Yang Yi scratched his head and said: "So, should I worry about one thing, if someone wants to buy water information..."

Justin touched his chin and looked embarrassed: "In general, I will not sell my collaborators, but..."

"Business is business."

Justin took a shot and said: "Yes! Business is business. We are not a deep collaborator. We have not signed any confidentiality agreement. If someone wants to buy water organization information, then he is my customer. I am very If there is professional ethics, if the customer has a demand, then I have to satisfy the customer's needs. Right, there is a price for everything we do, as long as the price is right, haha..."

Justin is a real villain. Of course, he doesn't say that Yang Yi understands these things, so when a real villain is still a hypocrite, the difference is not big.

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "To ask, is the news of the Aurora Mercenary?"

"Aurora's intelligence is not for sale! How much money you don't sell, because Aurora has bought out all the information about them, so I won't sell any information about Aurora."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "It turned out to be like this, can you buy it out?"

"Of course, I can buy more information than the Aurora family. I want to buy information from me. I want to be qualified. I have to cooperate with me first, and then I have strength, so I am willing to take a very Selling any information about this mercenary group at a low price will never leak. Of course, the spy organization is the same."

“How much? How much is the water organization?”

Justin laughed, and you finally said the gratifying expression of the topic, saying: "Well, let me say, I think it is 10 million dollars."

"Too bad?"

"No, you just got more than 200 million, and this is only 10 million."

"Too expensive, don't want to buy."

"It doesn't matter, as long as no one buys it, I will certainly not disclose any news about the water organization, but as long as someone has enough money, the business is business. Of course, you can sell my information, how much? It's all yours."

Justin laughed very frankly, but Yang Yi couldn't wait to punch a few punches on his face. Even if he knew something about Justin, he dared to sell it. Can he sell it?

Yang Yi took a deep breath, then he looked at Justin very seriously: "You are not afraid that I am killing you now?"

Justin put away a smile, and then he was very serious: "I don't want money, you can kill me, but business is business!"

Yang Yi waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, business is business, one million, I buy out, you can't sell any information about the water organization in the future."

Justin shrugged: "If it was before, I will sell this price, but now I can't. Now I have money. I just got more than three billion, and I know you have more than two billion, so, I think the market for water organizations should be raised."

Yang Yi did not speak, just watching Justin quietly, and Justin smiled and said: "It is useless to look at me like this. I will not give in. As an intelligence agent, I am very professional and moral, and I It is also very limited."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "You are not right, it is wrong to raise prices arbitrarily, and don't forget that this money is what I let you earn. Man, it is not good to ignore this."

"Yes, so you are qualified to buy out your own information. I have made a lot of concessions."

"Do you really want money?"

"You can try it, you will now see that I definitely look at the money is more important than life."

“There is no room for negotiation?”

"Oh, 9.5 million is also ok."

Yang Yi is very sick, but he also knows that Justin is not talking about it. If he does not seal the fee, Justin definitely has the opportunity to sell the water. For others, this is betrayal, betrayal, but intelligence. This is business for the trafficker.

"Well, one hundred and fifty thousand, I buy it. If you don't, then I will sell the Aurora mercenary group, and then say that you are selling the aurora. Since you bought the Aurora buyout, you still sold the aurora. I think someone will come to find your trouble for me, so that everyone in the circle knows that your business reputation is not so good."

"You threaten me?"

"You threaten me first."

Justin sighed and said: "Like this, I will take another step back, five million dollars, and I promise to block all the news of the water organization for you."

"Plus the 200,000 that I owe you, I will give you a total of 2 million. The last time I bid, my brother, I have to look forward to a long-term perspective. We have more opportunities to cooperate. You should know that you are being deceived by two million dollars. I am very upset."

Justin thought for a moment~lightnovelpub.net~ nodded: "Your ability is worth making me lose a lot of money, well, I agree, the deal!"

Justin reached out and Yang Yi was Shen Sheng: "Not only sell, you have to block the news for us."

"Of course, this is part of the deal. You can ask Alexander, have the Aurora intelligence been circulated in these years? No! I can definitely rest assured of my credibility."

Yang Yi reached out and Justin held a heavy sigh, saying: "The deal."

Was smashed by two million dollars, but Yang Yi’s heart was a lot easier, because he was always worried that he would be betrayed by Justin, but now he spent two million, but if Justin’s reputation is as good as he said, then This money is worth a lot.

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