A War Between Spies

Chapter 5: Future road

Yang Yi stood up and he walked over to the table.

Said to be the address book, in fact, is a stack of paper, Yang Yi did not hesitate, he directly extended his hand.

However, Li Fan’s hand that had been put aside suddenly turned back and re-covered the paper strip that was folded very thin.

"With this, you can't come back, never come back. I haven't taken care of you for years, but I have been watching you all the time, so I really hope that you won't go this way. The world is big and wonderful, you have countless better ways to choose."

Li Fan appeared to be somewhat sentimental. He sincerely issued the last advice to Yang Yi.

"Uncle Li, I understand, but this is my choice."

Li Fan sighed and twisted his face to the side and took his hand again.

"Thank you, Uncle Li, I don't thank you for giving this address to me, but thank you for trying not to let me take it, and thank you for taking care of it for so many years."

After thanking Li Fancheng for his praise, Yang Yi finally picked up the note.

Li Fan didn't look at Yang Yi. He calmly said: "Where do you want to go."

"British, after all, I have been in the UK for many years."

"I don't want to see your little sister. I think you have no feelings about seeing you, but you have to take care of your six-year-old sister, maybe you will want to see you."

Yang Yi’s eyes widened and said, “Can you?”

"Not very convenient, but can."

Yang Yi hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head, whispered: "Still forget it, the relationship between things is a long time apart, although I really miss her, but for Xiao Yan, she wants It’s best to forget me, so I don’t think it’s a good choice to see one before leaving.”

Li Fan sighed: "Ming is not big next year, how can you always talk like an old-fashioned autumn? If you don't see it, you won't see it. I will do it for you in the UK. What identity do you want?"

"Well, how many more identity lines are you going to prepare?"

Li Fan saw Yang Yi's eyes and whispered: "No! Sending you out is to eliminate hidden dangers. It is a fake public and private to prepare you for several identities, so I can't do it for you."

Yang Yi smiled bitterly: "It’s true."

Li Fan is very calm: "We must strictly adhere to the bottom line. If you cross the border in a small matter, then there is no bottom line when you really face the test."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Okay, I understand, then my driver's license..."

Li Fan finally turned his face to look at Yang Yi, and then he sighed: "The state-owned country law, the family has family rules, I came to see you, not to fish you, do something wrong and get caught, then you have to Honestly, after you go out, the cost of making a mistake is probably death. I hope you can remember this."

Yang Yi vomited and looked helpless: "Know it, okay, I can't use the driver's license anyway, and revoke it."

Li Fan Shen said: "The good news is that you will not record, because from the moment you left, Huaxia will not have you, and it has never been, so you better make up for yourself before you leave. A new identity, and it makes sense."

"Understood, can I go now? Uncle Li."

Li Fan looked at his watch and said: "Don’t go any further, just talk about something."

Yang Yi opened the folded note and smiled. "You must have seen this before. Is there any advice for me?"

When talking, Yang Yi had already read the so-called address book because there were only five people's names and five phone numbers.

Li Fan Shen said: "I am not familiar with the above people, I have not investigated them, and have not contacted them. These people should be friends of your father, at least people who can believe, I have no need to go. Investigate or contact these people, so you have to choose on your own."

Yang Yi put away the note and smiled. "I have seen it. Now I really have no way to go. I didn't feel anything, but after I saw it, I suddenly felt a little nervous."

Li Fan's two hands are together, whispering: "After going out, everything should be careful, and whether you are a spy or any other identity, low-key is always no harm, arrogant people usually die fast. ""

"I remember, I try to be low-key."

The two talked for a long time, at least an hour until the door of the interrogation room was ringed.

"Come in."

Another ordinary face came in, and then a young man whispered to Li Fan: "Check it out."

"Say, it doesn't matter."

"The palace is a middle-level manager of a listed company. His wife is the daughter of the company's director. Xiao Yu is a student studying in the United States and a student at Trinity College. Gong Yu met with Xiao Yu in the UK. Then the two have been chatting online and established a relationship on the Internet. During this time, Gong Yu has already established a marriage contract with his current wife. They just got married a few days ago..."

Li Fan said: "The focus is on Xiao Yu."

"Yes, Xiao Yu liked this palace very much, so she decided to come to China in a quiet way to give Gongyu a surprise, but when she arrived in Beijing, she asked where Gong Yu was. Gong Yu said that she would go to the United States to attend a meeting and said it. His own flight number, but in fact he is going to spend his honeymoon with his new wife. Unfortunately, he said the truth, then Xiao Yu opened his friend’s car and found it, but she did not tell the car. Driven away, so her friend reported the police."

Li Fan is a little surprised, he frowned: "Just these?"

"Yes, the three people were interrogated separately. They were consistent in their confession. We also got their chat records and the testimony of the owners. I think there is no problem."

Li Fan reached out and knocked on the table. He looked dissatisfied: "Now, young people, really, they are getting married, and they are still chatting online."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "It is not a delay to get married."

"According to our survey results, the palace may have a bit of economic problems, suspected of occupation, and the family conditions of Xiao Yu are very good, so Gong Yu has been chasing her very tightly, and Gong Yu’s wife is A better choice for marriage..."

Li Fan waved impatiently: "Oh, if there is no problem, then there is nothing we have to say, needless to say."


Yang Yi smiled and said: "That's okay? Can you go without it? I have to find a car for me to handle. The most important thing is the house. Can I sell the house?"

Li Fan shook his head and said: "If you don't take the thing, the house will be yours forever, but now the house must be recovered, but the car is your own, you sell it."

Yang Yi smiled bitterly: "I really regret it now, the house in the third ring, it is gone."

Li Fan stood up with no expression, Shen Sheng said: "It is too late to regret, let's go."

"Don't, is that all right? You don't care about that palace? Will it be handed over to the police to check him?"

Li Fan shook his head and said: "This is not within our powers."

Yang Yi immediately said: "Don't, don't, I have a discussion with you. Gongyu is the kind of person who hates it the most. He has to be punished as he should. The Xiao Yu will let it go. You can give me a face." ?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Do you have a face?"

"Now, there is no future. You said it is Li Shushu?"

Li Fan sighed softly and then whispered: "The Xiao Xiao has nothing to do with it. You don't have to worry about her. As for the palace, if he sins, he will be punished as he should."

"Thank you, Uncle Li."

Li Fan took a shot of Yang Yi’s shoulder and whispered: “In the end, let me say, no matter where you are in the future, no matter what you do in the future, never forget that you are a Chinese.”

Yang Yi’s face was also serious. He put away the expression of a hippie smile and said: “You can rest assured that I will never forget that I am a Chinese.”

Li Fan took two more shots on Yang Yi's shoulders, then nodded to the young man nearby, and then opened the door silently and went out.

"You come with me."

Bringing Yang Yi out of the interrogation room, he has always brought out the police station door. The young man brought by Li Fan is very polite to Yang Yi: "Now you are fine, that Xiao Yu will be able to come out soon. You can wait for her here~lightnovelpub.net~ Of course you can leave, I have to go back and deal with some things, goodbye."

"Goodbye, thank you guys."

Looking at the young man who walked back to the police station, Yang Yi was really a bit undecided whether he had to wait for Xiao Yu to come out, but thought about Xiao Yu’s long legs, he thought it would be fine.

Soon, that is ten minutes, Xiao Yu and a little fat young man came out together.

Xiao Yu’s face is hard to see, and the little fat man around her is even more ugly.

"Sister, I am pointing at this car to pick up a girl, this is good, you just hit me."

"It’s fine."

"I am going, do you give money?"


"Insurance is too expensive, it is a strong insurance."

"You... I give money to repair, now shut up!"

"This is not a matter of money. I have a covenant. I am going to open this place. Also, let your mother know that it is such a big thing to drive my car. She will talk to my mom again. I……"

The two men walked all the way and came over. When they finally saw Yang Yi, Xiao Yu immediately said with a look of horror: "I asked you inside, the police said that you have already come out, how did you come out? So fast?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "I didn't have anything to do with me. I said it clearly in a few words."

The little fat man looked curious and said: "Can't you buddy, how can you detain for ten days and a half?" How do you say buddies, do you have a relationship? I said that you have a hard relationship, this is the case. It’s estimated that you’re getting news, can you get it out?”

Yang Yi’s relationship is indeed hard enough, but he has been exiled abroad forever, and Li Fan can’t see him being detained for half a month before leaving.