A War Between Spies

Chapter 503: Stewed soup in a pan

Anton entered the nightclub for the third time, but this time he was not wearing a woman but McDonald.

Anton is already a familiar face of this nightclub, but he is not afraid to be exposed, because if everything goes well, he will act this evening.

As for McDonald, he came to the nightclub to take a look. The sketch that he had seen was not good. He had to go on a field trip.

The nightclub just opened, there are not many people, but when Anton and McDonald came to the bar to sit down, they immediately suffered a bitter face.

The Sabrina was already sitting in front of the bar.

After seeing Anton and McDonald sitting down, Sabrina’s expression of doing something wrong slowly approached Anton.

Anton put his hand on his forehead and gave a helpless low sigh.

"How come you come again, don't you say that you won't come again at least these few days?"

Anton fingered himself and looked helpless: "Please, I need personal space. I have promised that you will not have new feelings anymore. Have you seen it? I brought a friend, and you have to give me a personal Space, remember?"

Sabrina looked nervous: "I'm sorry, I just want to see you, I... I really don't want to monitor you, really not!"

MacDonald looked puzzled: "What's wrong? I am not obstructing you, oh, sorry, man, I can go somewhere else."

McDonald just got on the bar stool and came down. He actually needs to walk around.

But MacDonald had just come down, Sabrina was holding a tight face and holding McDonald, then she hurriedly said: "No, not what you think, I am just, I am just, you are Anton. Is your friend? My name is Sabrina, I am very happy to meet you."

McDonald and Sabrina shook hands, then he looked at Anton and looked at Anton with a puzzled look, because it wasn’t the case before he came in.

What can Anton do? He is used to everything he wants, but the woman’s mind is not within the range he can master.

Anton rubbed his eyes again with his hand.

Sabrina said something a bit flustered: "I'm sorry! I really just want to see you, just look at you at a glance, I have seen you, I am gone, do not bother you, goodbye, sorry."

Sabrina was flustered and was about to leave, and at this time, a woman with a headscarf wrapped her face and sunglasses at night came in.

Seeing Sabrina and Anton, the woman stood still, and then she looked at them coldly.

Anton glanced at him, then he sighed and sighed, and shook his head: "You have come, we said yes, at least give me three days of personal time, I need a little space, remember?"

Monica was still a frosty face. She looked at Sabrina coldly. Sabrina said: "I'm sorry, I just can't help but want to see him, but I just look at him. I am leaving, I am leaving."

Monica sighed, her hands clasping her handbag and her allergic movements had already exposed her inner tension.

Sabrina failed to keep her promise, but Monica obviously didn't, but she was always strong and she couldn't pull her face and apologize.

After taking off the sunglasses, Monica smiled at Anton, and then she said very unnaturally: "I just want to have a drink, by the way... see if you will come, since it is so coincidental, Then have a drink together. Is this your friend?"

McDonald looked at Anton again, and Anton took a deep breath, then he nodded: "Yeah, so smart, then have a drink."

Monica's cold face immediately turned away, and then she whispered to Anton with a cautionary tone: "Are we here, or go to my deck?"

Anton waved his hand and said, "Go to the card seat."

The deck is small, just four people, but when sitting down, McDonald's side is naturally empty, and Anton is sitting next to Sabrina and Monica.

The three people were very crowded, but neither Sabrina nor Monica meant to get up, so Anton had to get up and want to sit next to McDonald, but after he stood up, Monica and Sabrina Also stood up immediately.

Anton whispered: "What? I won't go! You, you..."

Mike Donner raised a hand, and then he sighed: "Man, let's talk again tomorrow, oh, the purpose of my visit has been reached, and I suddenly remembered that the soup was still stewed at home, and I talked again, goodbye. ""

When McDonald got up, he quickly left. A waiter standing next to the station sent McDonald with sympathetic eyes and looked at Anton with an envious look.

Anton once again sighed, and Monica could only hold her fingers nervously, but Sabrina was a small voice: "I'm sorry..."

Anton suddenly sat down, then he yelled at the waiter: "Beer! I want to drink beer!"

Monica's open handbag, brushed out a few big bills, and then used some unnatural tone: "Don't look for it, hurry up, thank you."

When McDonald walked away, he didn’t quite understand what was going on, because he had repeatedly communicated with everyone and had a precise plan before he came, but the two women who appeared were not in the plan, but fortunately, He just needs to come here to have a look.

By the way, MacDonald's Italian is very good, of course, this is nonsense, because MacDonald has lived in Italy for many years, if not Italian.

McDonald left the nightclub, and then he took a taxi to take a few circles before returning to the hotel. When the Irish Republican Army had been a big man for many years, anti-tracking has become an instinct for him.

Back at the hotel, Yang Yi said the first sentence: "How?"

"I have seen it, reinforced concrete structure ~lightnovelpub.net~ I can do this, but there is a problem, what happened to the two women? There are no two women in the plan? They suddenly appeared I am inexplicably thinking that you have changed your plan of action."

Yang Yi took a moment, then he gnashed his teeth: "This bastard!"

Anton waved his hand and said: "It seems that I said something I shouldn’t say, is it something sent?"

"Sent, in your room."

McDonald immediately said: "I started making bombs, and no one should come in."

"Do you need help?"

McDonald looked at Yang Yi and said: "I don't like to be bothered at work."

Yang Yi shrugged: "Well, I won't bother you, if you need anything, talk."

McDonald opened the door to his own room. After seeing the things inside, he immediately looked at the fanatic expression and said absent-mindedly: "Don't bother me is the greatest help to me."