A War Between Spies

Chapter 505: shut up

Monica just looked at the young man coldly and would continue to go without a word.

The young man stopped in front of Anton, and then he smiled face to face with Monica: "Don't you remember me? Oh, it makes me sad, how long it has been, you forgot what you said in bed." Have you? Baby, would you like to go to bed with me tonight?"

Monica’s face was ugly. She looked at Anton with a subconscious look and found that Anton’s face was expressionless and she looked angry: “Get out!”

It may be out of jealousy, it must be out of jealousy. After the young man looked at Anton, he smiled and said: "How can you go with this old guy? Can he satisfy you, let alone you have to follow another Together, he can..."

Monica stretched out a hand and fanned it over, but the young man grabbed Monica's arm and smiled. "You can't make trouble here, if you..."

The young man looked at Anton and said with a sardonic smile: "If you want to..."

Anton said faintly: "We don't want to."

"Haha, look at this old guy."

Monica pointed out: "Security!"

The music is too loud, and it happens that Anton has no security guards around them.

Anton breathed a sigh of relief, then he sighed: "Hey, have you heard it? Can you plan ahead, because I have a good chance, and I don't want to wait any longer."

Yang Yi can hear what Anton is saying, but he can't hear other voices because the environment is too noisy.

Anton asked to do it in advance, and he said that there was a good opportunity, so Yang Yi looked at his watch and found that the time was only ten minutes earlier, and immediately said: "Wait a minute!"

The body armor has been put on, the weapon is ready, and the bullet has been loaded.

Yang Yi pulled the mask over her face and buckled her helmet. Then he sighed: "The ghost must be hand-in-hand, everyone wears a mask and a helmet.

After the order was finished, Yang Yi Shen said: "Call the ghost, you can do it, finish."

"Old guy, are you stupid, haha, is there two Bichi around you that feels very cool, do you want to divide me? Actually, I don't mind if I am together, so..."

Anton looked at the young man in front of him with a blank expression. The young man’s companion didn’t say anything. He just pulled him and he was provoking Anton’s companion. His face was a little nervous, but his nervousness was only because he saw the security guard. Come over.

Anton could feel Monica's disappointment, but Sabrina grabbed his sleeve tighter and whispered in his ear: "Don't ignore them, call the security guard."

At the same time, the earphones in Anton’s right ear finally heard Yang Yi’s words.

Anton smiled slightly, then his right arm flicked, separated from Monica's restraint, then leaned to the right, picked up a martini goblet on the table, waved his hand and waved the glass at the young man's After the face was broken, he stabbed hard and stabbed the remaining high of the wine into the left eye of the young man.

Because the stunned young man's expression solidified, the base of a wine glass covered his left eye, did not block his mouth, but the long cup of the foot was straight into the brain.

"shut up."

After a faint saying, Anton grabbed the bottom of the cup and slammed it forward. The right foot kicked forward, and the young man’s eyes splattered with blood and fell down.

The young man’s companion’s eyes widened and his mouth grew. He began to feel horrified after seeing a **** hole in his companion’s eyes, and when he realized that he was running, he first issued It was a scream.

Anton took the **** cup and did not move until another young man finally began to scream.

I finally made a sound.

Anton smiled at another young man, and then when another young man turned to run, Anton's right foot in his right hand was stabbed again.

The cup of the foot pierced the young man's brain from the eyes. This time, Anton did not pull the cup out. He grabbed Monica's arm with his arm and smiled and said, "Go, what are you waiting for?"

Monica just looked at the two bodies on the ground, and after being pulled by Anton, she stumbled and followed Anton.

Sabrina shook very badly, and Anton smiled and whispered in Sabrina's ear: "Don't be afraid, remember what I told you?"

Sabrina trembled: "You are...reap...the soul...the devil."

Anton nodded and smiled. "Yes, but don't be afraid. I am only interested in interesting souls. For the nasty bastards, they will only send them to hell."

After speaking, Anton sighed, then he released the arms of two women and whispered: "This will be very confusing, so run out, go home, now!"

After suddenly saying a word, Anton pushed the two women gently on both sides, and then stepped forward, pushing the right hand up.

A security guard has nothing in his hand. He actually only saw someone falling down to see the situation, and he still didn't know what happened, but when he arrived in front of Anton, he was heavily handed by Anton. Pushed to the chin.

The head of the security guard leaned back in an exaggerated posture, and then he fell to the ground.

Anton once again smiled at the two stunned women, Shen Sheng said: "Go, don't mess up."

After that, Anton turned and rushed forward.

A security guard standing in front of the two bodies saw Anton and then screamed and tried to escape, but Anton had already arrived in front of him, then clasped his hand on the neck of the security guard and slammed it. After that, the second security guard fell down.

Monica blinked and she was stupid. At this time, Sabrina suddenly pulled her and screamed: "Go!"

The two women finally left, and Anton finally breathed a sigh of relief, then he looked at the crowds around, but apparently not enough chaos, frowning: "How come still?"

The music is too loud~lightnovelpub.net~ and there are fewer people near the deck. In addition, almost everyone's attention is on the music and dance of the DJ.

Anton shook his head, then he hurried to the DJ. When he was on the stage, a security guard wanted to block Anton, who tried to disturb the DJ. This kind of thing is very common, but Anton is trying to reach out. His neck.

After going to the DJ, Anton made the DJ squat down, and then after a few plugs, the music stopped suddenly, so everyone in the audience stopped moving, then looked at On the stage of Anton.

Anton reflexed his foot and smashed a big man from behind him. He reached out and knocked on a microphone and found that there was still a sound. He nodded with satisfaction, picked up the microphone, and then reached out from his arms. Take out the pistol.

Putting the microphone to his mouth, Anton said: "An Lahu..."

I haven’t shouted in one sentence, just shouted in half. Those who are responsive in the crowd watching Anton in the audience started to run. These people are usually smart people who can save their lives and then gather in The crowd on the dance floor shouted and spread out. Everyone was running out and screaming and crying.