A War Between Spies

Chapter 508: Crossing the river

Two small loaders drove into the vault, shoveling seven or eight gold bricks each time and then pour it on the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt then passed the gold bricks through the stairs, passed through the corners, and finally transported to the ground.

The cleaners and Yang Yi did not have any communication throughout the whole process, and the people who looked at the cleaners were carrying gold in an orderly manner. Hank couldn’t help but lick his lips and whispered: "A lot of gold..."

Just then, suddenly a dull bang, then Yang Yi felt that his feet were shaking, and the huge iron door also made a slight noise.

"It seems that they are also learning to be smart. I want to blow this door open, haha."

After a smirk of laughter, McDonald was very contented: "Unless they want to bury the entire building and bury themselves in it."

Anton suddenly said: "If it is me, I will blow up the entire building, and the gold will not be blown up. After the big deal, I will slowly dig it out."

Hank trembled: "Hey, don't you say this. This kind of unlucky words is good, in case they really intend to do this?"

Yang Yi’s careful liver is also scared by the screaming, because he thinks that Anton’s words are justified.

Put a lot of scams here, and no one has to stay inside to detonate. If the gray people really want to go to the end, or would rather be fried, they can’t be robbed of gold, then the people here can It’s all over.

McDonald laughed. "Don't worry, we just watched the movie here. We want to blow up the building. Do they have so many scams? Are they ready?"

The work of moving gold is still in the process of being carried out in an orderly manner. It has been seven or eight minutes, but the gold has only gone halfway, which means that at least it will take several minutes to finish the gold.

Yang Yi swallowed and said: "Let's go out. Once the enemy comes in, we have to drive the enemy out again, or it is better outside."

The cleaners turned a deaf ear to Yang Yi’s words, but they didn’t stop it. But they didn’t stop it. Trident had the responsibility to protect the cleaners from moving the gold, but Yang Yi wanted where they were.

Out of the conveyor belt, the treasury came out of the treasury. Yang Yi was watching the gold being moved out. It was not long before it was an explosion, and the shock was much stronger than the last time.

"They can't do it. If you want to blast the metal door, it's better to blast the wall next to it, but it's not that simple to blast a one-meter-thick reinforced concrete wall, even if they have enough scams, unless they have something like me. The masters, otherwise they still can't blow the wall apart, unless they want to blow up the whole building, so there is no need to worry, at least we are safe before the building collapses, but..."

McDonald whispered in Yang Yi’s ear: "I think it’s better to go up. There is nothing wrong with me here. I will go first."

Yang Yi is very nervous and very nervous. Staying here makes him afraid of death, but McDonald really has nothing to do. It is okay to leave first, so Yang Yi did not stop McDonald’s.

Looking at McDonald's to go, Brian suddenly whispered: "It is better to leave him here, I mean, he is useless..."

Yang Yi suddenly looked at Brian, but Brian continued to whisper: "Unless you want to leave a hidden danger, it will make him stay better."

Brian’s stay is not to call McDonald’s. His meaning is obvious, killing people and killing McDonald’s forever.

Anton looked at Yang Yi, then he raised his pistol and pointed it at the back of McDonald's head.

Yang Yi suddenly waved Anton's arm down, then he whispered: "What are you doing!"

Anton shrugged: "I thought you agreed with him."

Yang Yi hurriedly said: "What a joke! How can I do this kind of thing! Fuck! I have no intention of killing people!"

McDonald looked back and then he turned a corner and left Yang Yi's vision.

Brian said faintly: "Let's think about it again. It doesn't matter if you go up and do it."

Yang Yi repeatedly shook his head and said: "No! Absolutely not, how can you do this? If you run out of people, you will kill people. What is this?"

"It's better to be sensible. He is the key surveillance target of the British. Are you going to leave him in the Trident? You know how much Britain cares about him, so he is a time bomb, or are you going to let him go? He knows After so many things, let him go?"

Yang Yi did not consider Brian's proposal. He just said very firmly: "Don't say it, I will never do it after shooting at my own back. You don't have to persuade me. I don't want to cross the river." dry!"

Anton calmly said: "Cross the river to break the bridge? This metaphor is very image, but I did not advise you."

Hank has been watching the cold side, he is destined to be inseparable from the water organization, so watching McDonald's experience is not a feeling of injury, but after Yang Yi very determined to reject Brian's proposal, Hank Understood two things.

First, he must hold Yang Yi's thighs, and the head of the water organization can only be Yang Yi, because Yang Yi has at least the bottom line, at least not to black hands.

Second, you must not offend Brian, and you must not offend Anton. They are not sexual.

The piles of gold were finally emptied, and the cleaners gave people the opportunity to pick up the scattered gold on the ground.

Grey-clothed people separated by a wall should still work hard, but their efforts are bound to have no effect.

"The enemy tried to rush out, we are under a lot of pressure, and there are a lot of policemen~lightnovelpub.net~What's the situation below, we are almost unable to suppress it!"

After Zhang Yong said a few words in the walkie-talkie, Luoman also spoke in the walkie-talkie: "Give me a chain!"

The following waves are not shocked, the gray-clothed people have been unable to enter their own treasury, but the above is a fierce battle, because the gray-clothed people who found that they could not enter the vault began to try to solve the problem from above, but they were firmly fixed by Zhang Yong and Xiao Yu. Blocked in the building can not go out.

The gold medal operation was super smooth and a perfect action.

Looking at the last piece of gold brick was thrown on the conveyor belt, Yang Yi, who was impatient, immediately said: "Let's go!"

The gold has been shipped, the Trident's mission has been completed, although the escorts of the cleaners need to leave, but Yang Yi still wants to wait outside instead of staying in the basement.

Yang Yi ran up quickly, and when he got to the door of the nightclub, he found how fierce the outside situation was.

The guns are endless, the battle is in full swing, and the dead bodies are everywhere from the repair shop to the outside world. In short, the next thing is still troublesome.