A War Between Spies

Chapter 514: Word games

It seems that there is room for easing, so Yang Yi can't wait to throw a question, hoping to divert Brian and Anton's attention.

Yang Yi knows the black devil, because the black devil ruined everything Bryan cherished, and Yang Yi knows that the black devil is very strong, because Brian said that the black devil is very powerful.

But the black devil is so powerful, Yang Yi still doesn't know, but now he has a relatively intuitive understanding of the black devil, because Anton spent fifteen years preparing to enter the black devil, but note that he is only Have the qualification to enter the black devil.

Does joining the Black Devil have the same strength as other members of the Black Devils?

The answer is of course impossible.

Even if Anton is eligible to join the Dark Devil and has successfully joined the Black Devil, he is only a rookie in the Black Devil.

But Brian knows very little about the Dark Devil, and the Black Devil has extreme mystery in addition to his tyrannical strength.

Therefore, Yang Yi’s sentence is to ease the tension between Brian and Anton. He also wants to know a lot about the secrets of the Dark Devil from Anton.

But let Yang Yi be disappointed.

Anton is very calm: "What kind of troops is the Black Devil? I don't know. Everything about the Dark Devil is a secret, and I don't even know if I know it. I won't tell anyone."

Yang Yi spread his hand, then he smiled and said: "Well, then don't say the black devil."

Anton glanced at Brian and then looked at Yang Yi. In the end, he was very calm. "I don't want to bear the grudges of the black devil. I like the work now, so the last question, you should make a choice. It is."

Yang Yi is sure to hope to stay in Anton, but it depends on Brian.

If Brian wants to die in Anton, Yang Yi will unconditionally support Brian.

Yang Yi looked at Brian, Brian thought for a moment, then he sighed: "If you are not a black devil, then there is no grudge between us. I am looking for Yalebin not you or all black devils. If everything you can do today has not happened, then I will not mention the black devil in front of you, so."

Brian made a concession. Anton looked at Brian and put his head up. "Good, that's it. I am going to finish the thing, goodbye."

Anton turned and left.

Zhang Yong took a long sigh of relief and said: "Fuck, scared me..."

Brian had a while, and then he thought thoughtfully: "A black devil who has not officially joined is interesting."

Brian made a concession, and Yang Yi felt that he was owed to Brian, so he whispered: "Brian, what do you think?"

Sitting back in the chair, Brian shook his head and said: "Do not think about me, I have no problem, just when this happened."

Yang Yi looked at Xiao Yu and Kate, then he waved his hand and said: "It's okay, we continue to talk about business."

Sitting back in the chair, Yang Yi thought for a moment, then he sighed: "I found one thing, those gold is more than thirty-three tons, according to my observation of gold at least forty tons."

Hank was very surprised: "Forty tons of gold? Forty tons, tons..."

Zhang Yong is curious: "How do you see it?"

"Gold is the international standard handover specification, the type of 12.5 kg per piece, 33 tons of gold should be 2640, but I see at least 3,000 blocks in the vault."

After the talk, Yang Yi sighed and said: "Gold will not have our share, but I wonder if I can get more commissions with the cleaners?"

Zhang Yong shook his head and said: "Where is such a thing, how much is said, this is the rule, not to mention the premise of your business. Now that gold is in the hands of others, what else does it mean? ""

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Well, then don't mention it, the commission of 15 million US dollars will be sent to everyone."

Yang Yi is just looking for a topic. After all, after just experiencing a storm that is scary but really scary, it is time to talk about the atmosphere.

Just chatting for a while, a person walked into the house and said to Yang Yi Shen: "Please come with me, someone wants to see you."

Yang Yi and others are Terry, and now he thinks Terry should come out.

Sure enough, after Yang Yi was taken to a room, Terry stood in the middle of the room.

“Congratulations, your work is very beautiful.”

After extending his hand and sincerely congratulating Yang Yi, Terry reached out and asked Yang Yi to sit down behind a simple table.

Yang Yi sat down and watched Terry smile and said: "Do I congratulate you for getting more than 40 tons of gold?"

Terry shrugged and said: "It seems that you found out, yes, we got more gold than we expected."

Yang Yi also hopes that Terry can take the initiative to give some commissions, but unfortunately Terry does not mean this.

"Before speaking, the commission part, $15 million is ready, please provide me with an account, and the money will be given to you soon."

Yang Yi wrote an account, and after getting the account, Terry dialed a phone without hesitation. When he hangs up, he smiles: "The money has been transferred to you, now we start Say more important things, congratulations, you have become our C-level customer."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Good, very good, then my identity problem can be solved?"

Terry nodded very solemnly, and then he said very seriously: "Yes, we can help you solve the problem you mentioned, but we will talk about it later. Please remember a phone number now. And your PIN."

"Please say ~lightnovelpub.net~ Don't you remember? Ok, your code name is Poseidon, the identification code is AE856CG77, you can call this number, no matter what he said after someone is connected, you just have to say Your own code, and said that you need cleaning service, then someone will ask you the identification code. After the correct answer, you can get in touch with the cleaner nearest you, as long as we can do it, and you can pay the fee. Then the rest is left to us."

"Wait, cost?"

"Of course, all the commissions are accompanied by the fees they deserve, and our fees are reasonable."

"Speaking of the cost, I have to ask, should we not have to pay for the problem of our identity crisis in the UK?"

Terry laughed, and looking at Terry's smile, Yang Yi suddenly felt a little cold in her heart.

When a profiteer succeeds, it usually reveals a smile on Terry's face.

"Unfortunately, you only get the C-level customer qualification, not the qualification to help you solve the problem for free. We don't have the possibility of free help, never."