A War Between Spies

Chapter 515: Undercover

Yang Yi felt that she was fooled, which made him very unhappy, very extremely unhappy.

"This is not good, we said yes, I will help you get gold. You can help us get the deal in the UK. Now you have to tear up the agreement?"

Terry is very serious: "Yes, we are so agreed, and we will indeed abide by the promise, but have we raised the cost? I said it will help you solve the problem, but I have said Can you solve the trouble for free?"

Yang Yi gnashed his teeth: "Do you play word games?"

Terry shook his head and smiled. "No, we never play word games. I just thought that you have enough knowledge of the cleaners. Well, I will explain it to you again. The cleaners will never do anything for free. And for most of our customers, money is never a problem. Is it a problem to qualify for the money? You should understand that the value of a C-level customer is far more valuable than the money you need to pay."

Yang Yi just feels awkward, but what can he do, and Terry turns his face? Don't be kidding, that's impossible.

"Well, I ask, how much does it cost to solve our troubles?"

Terry is very serious: "You have been arrested by MI5, and then you said that you are a CIA agent, and then MI5 decided to develop you into a double-faced spy, right?"

"Yes, that's it."

Terry nodded and said: "We can solve this problem, and we are ready, you only need to pay $100 million to solve this problem."

Yang Yi almost spurted a spurt of blood, and he glared at Terry: "How many more do you say?"

"100 million dollars."

Terry was still a calm look, and Yang Yi forced him to endure his anger and said, "Is it a joke?"

"I am not a person with a sense of humour, so I am not joking."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then he sat back on the chair and said, "Forget it, I think it is better to give up."

Terry is very serious: "I strongly recommend that you think about it again, at least, you should know our solution."

Yang Yi put it down and said, "Okay, I will listen to how you plan to solve it and see if your plan is worth $100 million."

Terry smiled confidently, then he took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, and then he took out a laptop from the bag at his feet.

Turn on the computer and plug the USB flash drive into the computer. After a few operations, Terry turned the computer over and pointed it at Yang Yi.

"This is... me? But this, this too..."

A photo appeared on the computer, the photo in the file, one for the face and one for the side.

The CIA secretly dispatched a file of missions marked with top secrets.

"Yes, you are not mistaken, CIA secretly dispatched files for special mission personnel. We are commonly known as undercover, but in CIA this file is also a double-faced spy, a spy who performs long-term latent tasks, when necessary. Will be enabled, everything only depends on how the record is recorded in the task file."

Yang Yi was surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. He trembled: "That is, I spent $100 million, which is a CIA agent? But this is a fake."

Terry said with pride: "If it is fake, I will not show it to you."

"Name Eric Wang, codename Poseidon, British and American dual citizenship, recruited by Jason Moore Haye in 2010, performs top secret missions in Europe, the only contact Jason Moore Haye, top secret..."

After reading the contents of the file quickly, Yang Yi trembled: "This file is too simple..."

Terry smiled. "You don't think the simpler the file, the more space you can operate? You can be undercover, but it's good to perform a secret mission."

Yang Yi took a few mouthfuls. He forced himself to calm down and said, "Who is this Jason Moore? I was not recruited into the CIA. With only one file, would the CIA recognize that I am a member of them?" ”

Terry is still full of confidence and smiles: "Jason Moore is the director of the CIA Europe, and later served as the deputy director of the CIA. He has the right to develop double-faced spies and has the right to secretly recruit spies without having to pass The CIA's recruitment system, which means that your identity will be recognized by the CIA, does not need to be questioned."


"No, as long as you pay, then you are the CIA spy, perform the secret mission that Jason Moore gave you alone. As for the task, you can edit it yourself, because the only witness, Jason Moore, is dead, you may want Asked if Jason Moore died, how can he prove your identity, right?"


"Double-sided spies and unsolicited undercover are single-line contacts. The identity of such a person is also top secret within the CIA, but the only contact person will have a record in the CIA system, except for this contact, who is I can't view this record, even if the director can't, but the undercover and double-sided spies will have the same password as the contact, when the only contact suddenly dies, just like Jason Moore, and the undercover has to confirm his identity. It's very simple. Go to the CIA and tell them that you are undercover, and then say your password. They will confirm your identity after they have verified it."

After that, Terry smiled: "If you don't want to be disturbed by the CIA, then you can choose never to reveal your identity, and this file that we secretly stuffed into the CIA security system will never be gone. Look, of course, they can't see it."

Yang Yi lingered for a while, then he sighed: "100 million!"

"Yes, 100 million."

"But even if I became a CIA spy~lightnovelpub.net~ how to solve the trouble in the UK?"

Terry said: "Do you still ask? If you are a CIA spy, then you have value, you can really become a double-faced spy, you can even join the MI5, and then tell CIA, you are undercover, which is placed in the MI5. It is simple."

Yeah, how simple, with the identity of the CIA, there is much room for maneuvering.

But it costs 100 million dollars, 100 million.

Looking at Yang Yi, who is still hesitating, Terry smiled: "Why, are you satisfied with our solution? Actually, I have a small suggestion, as long as you can really get valuable information, then After selling it to the intelligence service, send it to the CIA and MI5 separately. You can even publicly use the identity of the intelligence agent. Whether it is CIA or MI5, they will never bother you. Now, you think 100 million Is it worth?"

Yang Yi made up his mind, and then he said faintly: "How do I make sure this file is really effective?"

Terry is very serious: "On the credibility of the cleaners, and, you can verify, I even agree that you will pay after verification."