A War Between Spies

Chapter 524: Han Niu

Chris and Anton arrived, the two of them were direct flights from Kiev, but their flights were a lot late.

When they followed Yang Yi and they were going to a Western restaurant, Chris frowned. Then he couldn't help but say: "Why did we come to Seoul to eat the food here, but we have to enter a French restaurant?"

Yang Yi looked back at Chris, then he shrugged: "Well, always let you try local features."

Xiao Yu immediately said: "Go to the barbecue, we have not eaten barbecue, maybe this is not bad."

"Good idea! Maybe this is not bad."

Five people came to a well-known and very high-end rotisserie in Ruicao District. The environment was good and the service was very good. After a dozen or so dishes of kimchi came out, Chris was interested: "What is this? I No, no, free?"

Yang Yi has been too lazy to answer these questions. As for Anton, his focus has never been on the top.

Chopsticks picked up a spicy cabbage and tasted it. Chris showed a look of disgust and said, "Why should you give such a bad thing, shouldn't it be a delicious food to attract customers?"

Still no one answered Chris's question.

The barbecue came up, and the pickled meat pieces were still very attractive to Chris, and Chris couldn’t wait to get the meat into his mouth when the first dish was grilled with three-point cooked. .

"It tastes good, very good, I like this taste, and I think of the BBQ in the yard, why don't you eat it?"

Yang Yi has a piece of beef with a gasless power. After a tasteful taste, it is very unexpected: "It tastes good, the taste is really good! It is super delicious compared to kimchi with rice. Hey, try it. Really good."

Chris is also very surprised. He is surprised: "It seems like you are surprised to see you."

Yang Yi shook her head and said: "Nothing, let's eat it quickly."

After eating the first roast beef, Yang Yi put a piece of pork on the baking tray, and after waiting for a while, Chris commented: "Not bad, but I prefer beef, but why most people here Eat pork belly? It's hard to understand."

Anton didn't talk, he just ate, and he ate more and faster. Most of the meat was eaten by him, and he was more than Yang Yi.

Finally, Chris is very sure: "It's better to have beef. I have to bring more beef. This one is too little. Hey, waiter, please give us ten beef."

"What kind of beef do you want?"

The waiter’s English is very fluent, and Chris doesn’t want to say: “The best.”

After that, after the waiter left, Chris looked at Yang Yidao: "How are you going to investigate first?"

Yang Yi looked at Chris with a very strange look, then he sighed: "Who is this meal?"

Chris disapproved: "I am pleased, what is this?"

Yang Yi laughed, and then he was very happy: "We went to see the terrain near the company. The building has a total of sixteen floors. The entire nine floors are all company, but we didn't go in."

Yang Yi intentionally hid the name of the Anderson Research Society, and Chris nodded and said, "What identity did the employer give me?"

Yang Yi took a document from the bag she carried with him and handed it to Chris. Chris took it and then opened it and looked at it. Then she frowned. "Meat distributor? I thought it would be financial." For a class or other high-tech industry company, if it is a meat product distributor, what is necessary to consult a company...?"

Yang Yi spread his hand and said: "The employer can give this bag company. You look at the documents carefully and look for excuses that you feel useless."

Chris flipped through the file and then looked up at the beef that had just been placed on the baking sheet. Suddenly, "I just want to export frozen beef to South Korea. What position do I hold in this company?" ”

"You feel that you can do whatever you want. We will first determine your name and position, and then tell the employer that the employer will add your information to their company, even if there is no problem in the detailed investigation."

Chris nodded. He handed the document back to Yang Yi and said, "I will look back after I go back. Now let's eat first, I am starving."

Five people of ten beef, it sounds like a lot, but in fact, each beef is very small, and Yang Yi, five of them are all people with a lot of exercise and a lot of appetite, so ten beef is not enough.

So in the slightly strange and envious eyes of the person sitting next to him, Chris asked for ten more beef.

Finally, there were four beef left, but Chris couldn’t eat it. He was very satisfied with the first meal he had after arriving in Seoul, so he made a very snapping finger and then lazily said to the waiter: Checkout, how much? Tell me the dollar price, I have not yet exchanged the won."

"Hello, sir, you spend a total of $2,832."

The smile on Chris's face solidified, and then he was very surprised: "How much do you say?"

"Two thousand eight hundred and twenty-six dollars, sir."

Chris's lips were smashed, half angry and the other half angry.

"Why don't you grab it? What is this ghost place? You dare to have so much money! Do you think I am an idiot? Fak!"

The waiter was very innocent: "Sorry, sir, this is a very reasonable charge. Why are you dissatisfied?"

Yang Yi lighted a cough and said to Chris: "Hey, hey, don't worry again. Have you just watched the menu?"

Chris angered: "Of course I saw a premium beef for 20 dollars~lightnovelpub.net~ Although it is less expensive and expensive, I can still afford it! Why did I have to pay me three thousand dollars when I paid the bill? It’s robbery!”

The waiter said innocently: "You said you want the best, I have confirmed it with you."

Yang Yiyi said with a smile: "You should take a closer look at the menu. The special beef is imported beef, and the best you want is Korean beef. Look at the price of Hanniu, and it is still a high-end hotel. So, pay for it."

Chris took a look at the menu and slammed it back a few times. Then he looked shocked and said: "Hell, one hundred and twenty dollars? What is this beef? Is it a joke?"

Antony said with no expression: "I am full, but know that beef is so expensive, I suddenly want to eat, I have to finish the rest."

Yang Yi couldn't help but laugh, then he said to Chris: "Hurry up and pay, you make us feel very shameful, you are a millionaire, can't you afford a meal for thousands of dollars?"

Chris looked super ugly when he was saving money from his wallet, and he was angry and said: "I have money, but I don't want to be a fool, what Han Niu, obviously there is no special beef."