A War Between Spies

Chapter 567: Broiler

Anton put a USB flash drive on the laptop, then opened the laptop, and then he didn't have to worry about anything. Tang Guo would fix all the rest.

This villa is often inhabited, but the problem is that this often depends on who is the person. For the rich man, Bu Zhazai, it can be said that he can live here for two months a year.

Anton searched very carefully and very carefully, he would not mess with anything, so the search speed would not be too fast.

The harvest is not particularly large. The paper-based information is not to be found. Other things that can be called evidence are not found. In general, the biggest gain now is a laptop that is placed in the office.

Chris felt like he was the air. The only thing he could do was to pick up the shoes for Anton.

At this moment, Yang Yi suddenly said in the intercom: "Ghost, the target car turned again, and began to go back, can not rule out the possibility that he wants to go back."

Anton was silent for a moment, then he whispered in the intercom: "Understood."

Anton looked at Chris and said: "Ask our hackers, how long it will take to complete the data download."

Chris can only tell his shoes clipped under his arm. Then he called And, and said to Anton: "It takes at least ten minutes. What Tang Guo can do is to copy all the information in the computer. After we go back, we will analyze it slowly, and now the network transmission speed is slower."

Anton looked at his watch and said slowly: "We have started for 14 minutes. Even if Bu Cunzai starts to go back, it will not come back within ten minutes, so we have plenty of time."

After that, Anton did not happen as much as he did, and continued his search.

And Chris really began to feel nervous, the master is coming back, and they are stealing things in their houses.

Seeing that time is almost ten minutes, Chris can't help but say: "Boss, where is the goal?"

Yang Yi has been reporting the position of Bu Cun, but Chris can't help but ask.

"The goal is close to you and quickly evacuate!"

Chris looked at Anton and whispered: "Hey, should you go?"

Anton looked at the computer, and at this moment, Chris hurriedly said: "The download is complete! The data has been transferred back, we can go!"

What Anton did was not copy the data from the computer to the U disk, but directly to Tang Guo, because his understanding of the computer is limited, he does not know how to do it will not be found that the data has been copied.

The data was finally passed. Anton immediately unplugged the USB flash drive, turned off the computer, and closed the laptop. He carefully wiped the computer and whispered: "Let's go."

At this time, Yang Yi once again said: "The target has already reached the door of the community, but his car did not go in, understand, they joined the other car at the door, and now the goal begins to enter the community door and quickly evacuate! ”

Anton headed down and sprinted away. Chris hurried to follow up. After leaving the villa, Anton carefully closed the door and locked it.


"Shoes are for me."

Anton had to go back to his shoes and put on the shoes before he continued to move until the door was opened from the inside.

As for Chris, he ran out barefoot.

When Anton sat back in the car, almost accompanied by the sound of his closing the door, Chris saw the car at the corner from the rearview mirror.

After a prostration-like breath, Chris trembled: "It’s too dangerous. Will you die if you run a few steps?"

Anton shrugged and smiled. "If you see, time is just right."

Chris is angry and anxious, but what can he say?

Looking at the two cars in tandem into the villa, Anton smiled: "We have no need to stay here, let's go."

The bugs have been installed, and no matter where people are not here, they know what Bu Cunzai said, so there is no need to stay here.

Anton opened the signal receiver, and he quickly heard the reprimand of Bu Cunzai, so the newcomers could quickly find out. These people are not killers, but they are used by Bu Cunzai. The people who control public opinion are people who use the rhythm to divert attention on the Internet, but their work is not very good, so they have been severely reprimanded by Bu Cun.

I thought that Bu Cun slaughtered in the middle of the road but returned there would be something big, but I didn’t expect it to be reprimanded, which made Anton really disappointed.

Finally, Anton left the luxury community, and after they left, they quickly discovered the car that Yang Yi opened.

"Ghosts call Poseidon, we can leave, finish."

"Poseidon understands that now I have to go back and see what is going on. Owls and holy water will stay and monitor. Our bugs have a limited transmission distance, ghost, you can go back with us and finish."

Anton smiled. "I want to go back to take a shower, because I don't need me anymore."

Brian didn't talk, but he snorted coldly in the intercom. He didn't need Anton here, but he had to stay on the monitor, just as he was responsible for giving Anton a shot.

But uncomfortable is not good, Brian will certainly not slack off.

Yang Yi went straight back to the hotel, then he found Tang Guo directly, and hurriedly said: "What did you find?"

Tang Guo looked at the computer and looked annoyed: "I downloaded sixteen G files, but at least fifteen Gs are small movies!"

When Tang Guo was angry and complained, people couldn’t hear anything angry, but it was quite gratifying.

Yang Yiqi smiled a few times and said: "There is nothing really useful?"


Tang Guo breathed a sigh of relief ~lightnovelpub.net~ Then she said: "First of all, I can confirm that this computer is a work computer of Bu Cunzai. Then the documents inside are mainly speeches. From the record of the revision of the documents, These speeches have all been revised many times, but..."

"But what?"

"This is the president's speech. I have compared the contents of my speech and found that these are all the contents of Mei Zheren's speech. The word is not bad. The most amazing thing is that this speech is about the shipwreck. But this speech has not yet taken place."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The speeches that have not yet been used are in the computer of Bu Cunzai. Well, their confidential work is really good enough, are there other discoveries?"

"Not available for the time being."

Yang Yi thought about it and smiled. "Let me guess, now the computer of Bu Cunzai has become your broiler, right?"

Tang Guo finally laughed, and then she was very happy: "Yes, as long as Bu Zhazai still uses the computer, I can know what he did, because I got almost all his accounts, as for the password, Although we haven't started deciphering yet, it's easy and super easy for us to have a super computer to decipher a few simple passwords."