A War Between Spies

Chapter 569: gift

The response of the cleaners is expected by Yang Yi. If they want to do this in a fuss, then the cleaners have to buy intelligence, because the cooperation is cooperative, but the money given must not be less, and without evidence, It doesn't make sense for the cleaners to open the water on their own, unless they find the evidence themselves.

However, the cleaners will certainly not open up the water organization, because it is a business of destructive organizations. Even if the cleaners are nervous, they must not do this self-destructive thing.

Yang Yi hangs up the phone, and then he is thinking about how to get the most benefit from this matter, while still not posing any danger to the water organization.

After a while, Yang Yi Shen said: "The attitude of the cleaners is to wait and see. If they have demand, they will pay for the evidence we have. If the cleaners have no demand, then we can decide what to do. ”

Tang Guo could not help but say: "What are you going to do?"

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "For the sake of patience, let them take another time. At present, there is no other benefit except for the export of the dead children, so I want to wait and wait until the most crucial. At the time, whether you are seeking a lot of money or other benefits, you can maximize your benefits."

Xiao Yu disdained: "You are a knight who is not pure, how can the heroes talk about money."

Yang Yi looked at Xiao Yu and said: "The knight can't drink the northwest wind. Besides, you can make a big ticket while you are arrogant, why not, and, I want to put a long line fishing. Fish, it is not a good time now."

Now that you have made a decision, you don't have to discuss anything. Yang Yi said loudly: "Tang Guo, write about things, and copy all the information to me."

Tang Guo wrote a brief summary of the situation, copied the evidence of the download, and then she handed a USB flash drive to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi took the U disk and immediately followed Kate: "You come with me, others can move freely."

Yang Yi came to his room with Kate. When he took all the satellite phones and mobile phones and put them in Kate’s hands, he looked serious. “Come for me, I have to take a shower and take a break. ""

The tone was very relaxed, but his face was very serious. Kate stunned and immediately took over Yang Yi’s phone and mobile phone and nodded, “Go.”

Yang Yi took all the electronic equipment from his body and he left the hotel alone.

Yang Yi entered the subway station, then he took a subway ride to a large circle, and finally went to buy a mobile phone, you can use the IP card to make international long-distance mobile phones.

In a very noisy subway station, Yang Yi dialed a phone call. After the ringing and beeping, the phone was connected.


"Li Shu, my little sea, I am here. This is the phone I bought here. It is convenient to contact the family. Uncle, the house is okay."

The other end of the phone quickly said: "Small sea, have you settled there? Are you still used to eating?"

"It’s okay to eat, uncle, I bought some souvenirs here as gifts for you. I think you definitely like it, it’s not worth it, but it’s quite interesting. Now I want to send it back to you right away. This is my first gift, it’s important, anyway, I think it’s especially important, hehe...”

The voice on the other end of the phone is full of love, saying: "You, my uncle, thank you."

"I am hesitating how to give you a gift. You said that I am sending it back to you, or when I am going back to China, I will give it to you personally, but I have to go back to China for a while, otherwise I will let you watch the video first. Look."

"Hey, your child is unsettled, and I don't want to give me a surprise. Haha, since it is a gift, I will wait for you to hand it over to me. If you lose it, you will be in trouble. As for the video, forget it." Well, I still want to wait for the gift to be opened."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said, "Oh, then I will give you back when I am going back. Uncle, what about me?"

"You are going out, you call her, oh, she changed her name, I said you remember."

Yang Yi recorded a phone number, and then he hanged up after making some gossip.

Yang Yi went for a walk again, and when he appeared again, his appearance and clothes were different, but he did not change the phone.

After a while, Yang Yi’s phone rang, and then a strange female voice was very gentle: “Little sea?”

"Hey, it's me, I am Xiaohai, are you okay?"

"Okay, I am very good."

Yang Yi talked with her loved ones on the phone for a long time, until his nephew, who had never met before, said inadvertently: "Xiaohai, I heard that the cosmetics there are very good, otherwise you will bring back the scorpion. Some, I will give you the money, you can help me buy some, oh, I have a friend to travel there, you can let her bring it back, so I am sure I will be insured."

The most crucial information was passed. Yang Yi hung up the phone. Then he went to a cosmetics store and went in to buy a bunch of cosmetics. Then he found a middle-aged woman who came to travel and shop.

After handing over the cosmetics to his nephew's friend, Yang Yi smiled and said: "It's troublesome. These gifts are especially important and extremely important. Please be sure to give them to me."

Picking up a middle-aged woman, she smiled: "Do not worry, guarantee delivery, and, thank you."

Yang Yi knows this thank you who told him, and he deserved it, so he nodded, then he bid farewell to the middle-aged woman.

The situation is urgent and the status is special.

Yang Yi knows that this matter is very important~lightnovelpub.net~ I also know how important this matter is to Li Fan. Of course, money is very important, but sometimes it is not so important, so he decided to send this information free of charge. Just like what his father had done.

After finishing one thing, Yang Yi was a little more brisk, so he threw the phone into the water while passing through the Han River, and then returned to the hotel.

When returning to the hotel, Brian and Paul have returned.

Everyone knows that Yang Yi went out, but no one asked him what to do.

Brian is facing Yang Yidao: "Don't you have to monitor Bu Cun?"

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "No need, I think it is time for us to leave now."

Brian shrugged and said, "Is it going now, so where are you going?"

Yang Yi frowned, and after thinking for a while, she finally looked helpless: "I don't know, or else, how about we go to find someone who can really analyze intelligence? I think this is very important. It’s time to put it on the agenda, what do you think?”