A War Between Spies

Chapter 604: Concession

The underground world can be said to be the most thorough place in the law of the jungle.

If it is an ordinary company, even if there is an internal competition, the two company executives will not have such a gesture of making a face-lifting. It is too low-level. Even if you secretly win the battle, you have to cover up the face. At least take care of the image.

But for the arms dealers, the strength is to be brazen.

Therefore, Ferdinand is uncomfortable to look at the inconvenience of Jetro, that is, to call him to face up to the embarrassment, is to let everyone know that he has the final say, what to do, and that is necessary.

Since it is the underground world of the jungle, it is necessary to let everyone know who is the strong.

This is very important for Ferdinand, otherwise he will have a dispute with Jetro, like a fearless mercenary group who is looking for someone from outside.

Therefore, Ferdinand’s demonstration method is very low-level, but it is not an army dealer who has no city government. He will not use any method that does not hurt his face but express his attitude. Instead, the demonstrations in the underground world must be concise, direct and necessary.

Just after landing, Jetro was recruited. Let's try the sovereignty and let Jetero go out. Ferdinand has achieved the goal. And Jetro, as an old man who has worked for Deyo for many years, is treated with near humiliation. What should I do?

In fact, it is not nearly humiliating, this is shame.

If Jetro wants to be tough back, it means that he and Ferdinand’s status is not necessarily high. If he chooses to accept humiliation, then he will listen to Ferdinand’s words, and Ferdinand will not be able to accommodate him. But in any case, he can't find Djokov's complaint.

When the arms dealers were grievances and were beaten, they had to look for the boss to complain. What kind of waste distillery is going to do.

So how Jeter responds is critical.

But Jetero didn't say anything, just as he didn't hear Ferdinand.

The opening is the Boyata.

"You brought us in order to say this?"

Boya Tower was very disdainful after asking a sentence, then faintly said: "You boss did not teach you how to do things? When you were with Mr. Bernard, he did not teach you to be polite?"

Jetero was just smiling, and the boss of the fearless mercenary group, Francois, had only heard nothing.

Yang Yi listened at the side, and he knew very well.

Although I haven’t heard of the names of the names that Boyata said, but Boyata is moving out of the boss that Ferdinand had followed, because he can only qualify for Jetrow, otherwise he is true. Nothing to say, because there is no resources in hand.

Jetero didn't talk, it was because he wanted to be self-important, let Boyata, the younger brother, come forward to put himself in the rank of Ferdinand's boss.

In fact, Jetero is also very helpless, because in addition to his old qualifications, he really has no resources to take out.

Ferdinand didn't even pick up Boyata. He was like he didn't hear Boya Tower, but a person standing behind him immediately said, "What are you talking about? Looking for death!"

Ferdinand didn't talk. It was his self-sustaining identity. How can the boss fight with other people's younger brothers? It's too bad. It must be a younger brother to go to the top.

Yang Yi feels that this matter may be suffered today.

Ferdinand's younger brother is going to push Boyata, but Rodriguez stood up at this time.

A stop in front of Boyata, Rodriguez shot his hands on his chest, then he completely opened his arms, standing in front of Boya Tower with a big thorn, a fierce look: "Hey, brother. ,Do you have any question?"

With his arms raised, Rodriguez moved two steps forward, waved his arms, opened his hand, and squinted his head, loudly: "e,e, do you have any questions? Come and tell me."

Rodriguez moved two more steps forward. He is a pair of gestures that you want to shoot at my head. You have to talk about things.

Typical American street Latino mix style.

Yang Yi has seen it. Is Rodriguez negotiating on the streets of the United States?

Yang Yi is awkward, others are more embarrassed.

If Ferdinand is mixed with South America or the United States, he may also know Rodriguez’s body language, that is, if you have a species, you will shoot at my head. If you don’t grow, you will have less BB, but Ferdinand does not mix South America, whether it is Africa or Europe. It is not this faction to do it.

The problem is that this is a practice of scorpion smuggling. Although the gangs in South America do the same, the arms dealers really don't do this.

Rodriguez was still moving forward. He waved his arms again and then raised his hand: "E, brother, why don't you talk, are you dumb?"

Ferdinand’s men looked back at him.

Hit it?

The words of the fight are guilty. It is the guilt of Ferdinand and Jetero, but if you don’t fight, it seems that you can’t pass the face.

Ferdinand was caught.

Ferdinand’s face cooled down.

After all, it was the identity that was played. Ferdinand made a decision very quickly. Since Jetro is so aggressive, let's do it. ..

If Ferdinand’s response to Rodriguez’s provocation is not to send someone to hit the chest with Rodriguez, but to fight directly, even fight, this is the status of the arms dealer. High and low, it’s not a fight.

But when Ferdinand’s face was decisive, Jetro was loud: “Rod, what, come back.”

Rodriguez immediately put down his arm, but he still looked provocative, but did not stop under his feet, went straight back to Boyata.

Jetro said quietly: "Let's go."

Jetero turned and left~lightnovelpub.net~ Rodriguez turned his head and glanced at Ferdinand again, shrugged his arms, his **** and forefinger stretched together, the little finger and the ring finger picked up, thumb Opened, shook toward the top of his head, then turned around with disdain and followed Jetero away.

Shake that of course represents the shooting, but can not rush to his head, it will become suicide, so Rodriguez this gesture means that you are careful, I shot you.

Yang Yi is not the boss, so although he is worried that Rodriguez is really stunned, he can't open his mouth. If he wants to speak, what is Jeter?

Therefore, what Yang Yi can do is just to prepare to see the other party. Once they want to shoot, they have to grab the gun first.

Fortunately, Jetero also knows that he will receive it when he is good, and he will quickly withdraw if he is not shameful. Finally, he will call Rodriguez back.

However, in the end, Jetero still defaulted to the status of Ferdinand. When he left, it meant not to fight for Ferdinand, but Rodriguez saved his face for him. This is enough for him. It is.