A War Between Spies

Chapter 667: 1 winning heart

In fact, Yang Yi is not very good at this fast-moving shooting method. He prefers to aim slowly, shoot firmly, and then wait for the sense of accomplishment brought by the moment the target is hit.

But there is obviously too much difference between actual combat and practice. Yang Yi can't shoot in the way he likes, but he can't hit it with such an eager shot, even if the shooting conditions are very complicated.

The gunshot, the power of the 8.6mm bullet was too strong, and Zarzayev’s head was broken into a red mist floating in the air.

Yang Yi was very sure that it was Zarzayev, even though he only looked at it, and he was very sure that Zarzayev was dead, even if he did not go there.

The gun was collected and Yang Yi hurriedly said: "Go!"

It is enough to solve the target with only one bullet. After the target is solved, there is no need to entangle the remaining bodyguards. It is most important to leave the scene at the fastest speed.

Rodriguez immediately started the car, and then the car quickly entered the traffic on the road, and Yang Yi picked up the walkie-talkie and screamed in the intercom: "The target has been killed and the mission has been completed."

Yang Yi’s heart is very excited, because this is his first real sniper, not a long-range shooting, but after driving the gun on the shelf, he didn’t want to show any excitement in front of Anton. Look like it.

Therefore, Yang Yi's tone is very indifferent, and his expression is very very calm. When ordering the retreat, understatement is like just completing a normal thing.

"I didn't expect it, you really hit it, it's not bad."

Before a very strong genus, Yang Yi also wanted to reveal his own level, but he felt that a very powerful shot was just a good evaluation, so he was still a little uncomfortable.

People are self-respecting. When the boss's self-esteem is more intense, although Yang Yi does not mind that his own hand is better than himself, he certainly does not want to always play a dispensable role. Not the boss.

"Fortunately, there is no wind, the distance is very close, this shooting is basically no difficulty."

Yang Yi faintly returned to Anton, and then he picked up the intercom: "The boss, you can go, Zarzayev is dead."

Jetero was very excited. He yelled in the intercom: "Are you sure? Are you sure you killed him?"

"yes, I'm sure."

"Great! Great! We don't hurry to go back, find a place to burn the car and change a few cars back. It will inevitably anger some people at the door of the Ministry of Defense, although there will be no big problems, But it's better to be cautious."

After Jetro said a lot in one breath, he couldn't help but admire again: "Tell me how you did it?"

"When he came out from inside, I fired a shot and blew his head, so if you want to identify the body, it might be difficult, but I can guarantee that the person is Zarzayev."

“Very good! Very good! We stopped the car and talked about it.”

Yang Yi didn't look at Anton, but he really wanted to live in Anton.

Ever since the inexplicable work with Anton, a mood called euphoria was born quietly in Yang Yi’s heart.

When the pressure of a group of cattle people is also very good, even if they can not win Anton in all aspects, but Yang Yi really wants to overdo Anton in some aspects, let him know that he is not white.

Obviously completed a very great thing, but others are very inappropriate, which makes people unhappy.

Yang Yi is thinking about where he can beat Anton, and it is best to crush him.

At this time, Yang Yi wants to put it to the end, so he has nothing to say, and he will not boast, but Rodriguez is very dissatisfied with Anton's attitude.

"What is not bad? If you are so far away, you will kill the target with one shot, or will you change it under the protection of so many people?"

In fact, Yang Yi’s shot was really difficult, very difficult, because the distance is not too far, but Zarzayev has entered the crowd, only one head is exposed to shoot, and he was It was mobile, and Yang Yi was able to blow his head in one shot. Although it could not be said that it was difficult to go to the sky, it was indeed a very difficult shot.

Rodriguez's tone was very good, but Anton twisted his head to the side and looked out the window and whispered: "What should I say, wow, great, great!"


Rodriguez appeared to be very angry. Yang Yi whispered: "Rod, it was a very simple thing. If you have done this little thing, you have to, so why not say it?"

Rodriguez finally realized, so he immediately smiled and said: "Yes, what is this for the boss, too simple, really too simple, unlike some people, can you do it? I don't know yet, what a great look for myself."

Anton still didn't talk, just looking out the window.

Yang Yi’s heart is not good at all. This Rodriguez’s attitude of not being able to understand Anton’s does not matter, but don’t let the fire go. I really want to stimulate Anton.

If you can't do it, you have to use your strength to speak. I really want to give Anton a boost. He wants to compare with Yang Yilai.

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, there is no war, but the problem is that this guy in Anton is too comprehensive. Yang Yi doesn’t know where his short board is. It’s really hard to see if he loses.

Yang Yi whispered: "Well, don't say these unnecessary words. Let's go back and concentrate on driving. Be careful to catch up with the enemy behind."

Anton suddenly said: "Boss, I don't know if you are good at shooting. I thought you were just good at sex, and then fighting is not bad."

Yang Yi wants to figure out what Anton is not good at, and then compare it with him~lightnovelpub.net~ But Anton has begun to scream, he can not be a tortoise.

"Fortunately, shooting is one of my strengths, but this close-range shooting really makes me unable to raise any interest."

"Oh, really?"

Anton returned from the co-pilot, and then he looked at Yang Yi and smiled: "I just have confidence in my shooting level, and I also like long-range shooting, which is really clever. ”

Man, how can you back down at this time?

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Yeah, it’s really good. If you have the chance, let's play together."

"It’s been a long time not to shoot with people. It’s really nostalgic, but it’s just that it’s not a good idea to target. It’s better to find a target that needs to be solved. How about trying a remote attack?”

Anton’s expression was very gentle, but his attitude was actually aggressive. Yang Yi almost did not hesitate and immediately said, “Okay, then play.”