A War Between Spies

Chapter 719: Old man

There are only two cars, which means that there will be no more people.

According to Yang Yi’s habits, if you want to launch an attack by car, no matter who you attack, or whether you will exchange fire in the car, the most suitable arrangement is three people in a car, even if it is more, it is at most There will be no more than four people, because it is very unfavorable for people to exert firepower, and once the car is attacked, it will cause more casualties.

In other words, there will be no more than eight people who will launch an attack.

Where is a building, how many people in the building do not know, but Yang Yi knows that Deyi is preparing for the battle with Dai Ivan to use the milk, and he has been convening people during this time. Always looking for a good player to enter the war.

A team of people came in and came. After they came, they were used directly by Coxdale. These people did not give Ferdinand or Jetro, so there are many people who can use it now. When I arrived in Ukraine, there were not a few people armed with them.

Don't forget that Yang Yi didn't always listen to Kirkdale, but Paul and Hans have been monitoring Coxdale, so Jetero doesn't know how strong Kokdor is now. Yang Yi But I know.

Judging from the situation that has been monitored during this period of time, there are quite a few people in the building that have just been attacked. About 20 people may be involved. There may be some discrepancies in the number of people. However, there are more than a dozen people who can be controlled by Cork. How can a number of teams that Dow value and special arrangements have?

Two cars, eight people, attacked a hidden important armed force under Kirkdale.

Yang Yi feels that it is somewhat unacceptable.

Yang Yi and Brian were silent together, but soon, Brian’s face showed a smile from the heart.

"Black lightning, the image of this monitor is transferred out, the last half hour, no, ten minutes is enough."

After Yang Yi’s screams, Schultz immediately screamed: “White roar! Give me the camera data.”

Schultz is the display terminal, but the real computer used to control those broiler computers is the super computer controlled by Tang Guo. Yang Yi does everything he can to bite his teeth.

Although the operators and users are Tang Guo and Schultz, Yang Yi is now happy from the heart and is happy for his own success. Today’s harvest, even if only today’s harvest, the network intelligence center The value is up.

I don't see the live screen, but I can transfer the video.

At the same time, Brian took a walkie-talkie and said: "Owl calls holy water, please answer."

"The holy water is received, it is finished."

"Confirm that the nuclear bomb began to counterattack, repeat, and confirm that the nuclear bomb has countered."

Paul’s voice sounded a little excited. He whispered: “Understood, the nuclear bomb began to counterattack, the target was in its own home, and now everything is normal, the target has no change, and it is finished.”

Brian was a little surprised, then he whispered: "The target has no change?"

"Yes, there is no change in the confirmation target. At present, everything is normal and finished."

"Owl received, called Hans, received an answer, and finished."

"Hans received, the nuclear bomb began to counterattack, please tell, finish."

Brian and Paul and Hans have a long distance from the radio. This is not like a close call, knowing that the other party can receive the message, so after receiving the call, Hans first indicates that he understands what happened, so Can save time.

"Hans, take the sky to start, ready to go to the designated location, do you need support? Finished."

"Hans understands that there is an urgent need for support and it is finished."

Brian immediately turned back.

Zhang Yong has not yet arrived, but he will definitely be there soon. Now, in the intelligence room with Brian, there are only Yang Yi and Anton.

Rodriguez can't help much. Now is the stage of the spy. He and Woody have to do nothing but wait for the order.

Brian hesitated, hesitated because he still couldn't trust Anton in 100%, but he only hesitated, and Brian was facing Anton: "Go to Hans."

Anton turned away, but not walking, but running, running as fast as an escape.

Waiting for Brian to finish the order, Yang Yi’s face was dignified: “Look here!”

Brian turned to look at the screen.

Yang Yi pointed at the screen and said: "We only photographed the attacker's departure. What happened before because of the camera's angle can't be seen, but you can see the two cars on the road, and the two that left. The car looks a lot like, if it's right, they arrive at 11:05, but at 11:11, the two cars leave, six minutes, a total of only six minutes, really hands-on The time will only be shorter."

Yang Yi hasn't finished yet. After he adjusted the video to his own, he used some trembling fingers to look at the blurred image on the screen. "Look here, although it is very vague, but can you see it? The last one enters the car. Man, his movements are slow, he seems to be walking on a cane! He is holding a cane!"

Brian nodded, then he sighed: "Yes, I saw it."

Yang Yi anxious channel: "Black lightning! Image clarity technology, put this video, no, I want a few screenshots, you come to make the image clear!"

Schultz hurriedly said: "I want to track the whereabouts of the car, white roaring, and make the figure of the boss want to be clear!"

Yang Yi is very curious, Brian can still sit in a chair.

"A person with a cane can understand that it is not a disabled person or an old man without having to look too clearly, so they are black devils, they..."

"Do not!"

Yang Yi was very excited to say his judgment, but Brian interrupted his words.

"Who said that the old man must be a black devil?"

Without hesitation, he dismissed Yang Yi’s judgment~lightnovelpub.net~Brian said sharply: "We also have McDonald, his age is not small, but is he a black devil? What you see is only An old man is just an old man! This can't explain anything!"

Yang Yi is very upset because he thinks these people are black devils. Of course, there is no evidence, but everything he hears and sees tells him that these people must be black devils.

But why should Brian deny it?

Yang Yi understands that Brian is only afraid, afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"No matter who they are, they can't run away..."

After Brian’s faint talk, he was still sitting in a chair, loudly: “Black lightning, did you find the whereabouts of the two cars.”

"No! The **** Kiev camera is too small, and the traffic is too messy. I need time to adjust the video by one camera."

After Schultz finished, Tang Guo also said: "Boss, image clarity technology takes a little time, which is the clearest effect in a short time."

A picture appeared on the idle screen, only to see the back of a white-haired old man, but the crutches in his hand can already be seen. ...

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