A War Between Spies

Chapter 720: Slow response

When Schultz controlled the camera and couldn't see the appearance, he couldn't see the license plate number. He could only see the picture of an old man bending over the car, but he could see that the last person must be an old man.

At this time, Yang Yi has already mastered very important information, even if it is only the last picture of the car, it is already precious.

"A white car, a black one, there may be other vehicles and people waiting to meet, but at present it is the attack on the two cars, and no one has come out of the building yet. Without chasing, the biggest possibility is that the people inside are dead and dead."

After slowly speaking, Yang Yi looked at Brian: "These people are very powerful, very very powerful."

Brian nodded gently, then he sighed: "Is it tracking the car?"

Schultz is extremely distressed: "No, the camera rarely can't do full coverage, and I watched the monitoring of several shops on Bernesta Street, but I only saw the car, but I couldn't find the license plate number. Now I can't find the two cars at all."

Yang Yi Shen said: "It is not easy to find it. When they throw away the car, they can't find it completely. I feel that I should keep it and wait for them where they will definitely go."

Brian sighed: "Where are the people in Kirkdale gathering?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "It's more scattered. Maybe you should only stare at Kirkdale. We analyze it. The first Imari was looking for a door is Collins. Where is Kokdall sent to protect him? The people, Da Yiwan grabbed the living mouth and asked the address of other people, so they went to Bernesta Street, can you think that the information that Dai Ivan has in hand is not much, they are After asking what message, you can proceed to the next step."

Brian said: "It's very possible."

"Then no matter where Ivan will go next, they will eventually be able to ask about the whereabouts of Kirkdale and will definitely go to Kirkdale."

"There is a problem. The people of Kokdall are attacked continuously. He will definitely receive the news, and he will definitely hide after receiving the news of the big Ivan counterattack."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "But it is also possible that Kokdall did not receive the news, or when Coxdale received the news, it was already late. The people of Dai Iwan acted very fast and the action was very The negligence, so that the attackers were too late to pass the message and they were killed."

Just then, the door was ringing, and Yang Yi said loudly: "Enter."

A group of people sneaked in, Zhang Yong came in first, then he whispered: "I let Sergey and Jetro wait outside, Jetero is very confused what happened, I only say you please He came over and said nothing else."

Yang Yi nodded: "Yes, let him wait there first. Now it is the best choice to explain nothing."

Xiao Yuxing’s rushing road: “What happened?”

"The people of Kirkdale have been attacked continuously. Just after his people were attacked, the enemy may only have six to eight people. At least one of them is an old man with a cane, but they have just put about 20 people. The team was wiped out, and the whole journey was only about five minutes."

Zhang Yong is very surprised: "So so fierce?"

Xiao Yu thought for a moment and said: "Five minutes, in fact, it is not particularly fast, but five minutes, um, it is really scary, is it tracking the enemy?"

"Not yet, working hard."

Just then, Brian suddenly said: "Owl received, finished."

Yang Yi didn't have headphones, so he didn't know what Brian had just heard in the walkie-talkie.

"An Dong has already merged with Hans, they are waiting for the next order."

Brian knew that Yang Yi didn't hear, so he explained it. At this time, Yang Yi extended his hand to Kate, who was not far behind him, and Kate immediately opened a walkie-talkie and put it in the headphones. In his hands.

Yang Yi took the walkie-talkie and put on the headphones. At this time, Kate put down the big bag she was holding, whispering: "Would you like to wear it?"

"First, you don't need to wear it."

Yang Yi's bullet-proof vest and helmet were placed in the bag, but Yang Yi decided not to wear it for the time being, so Kate silently pulled the bag again.

After thinking about it for a long time, Yang Yi said to Brian: "I have to make a quick decision. It is to let Hans keep Keke Daoer from moving, or let him chase the attacker just now." Go find them."

Brian didn't hesitate, Shen Sheng said: "Airborne investigation is very effective, but it can't be used as the final basis for judging, let Anton and Hans in the vicinity of Kokdall, as long as they find abnormal conditions, they will fly the drone!"

After making a decision, Brian immediately said in the intercom: "The owl calls Hans, holds the target, and finds that there is an abnormality and then releases the drone, and finishes."

"Hans received, we are near the target, finished."

"The owl calls the holy water, and the target has no change, it is finished."

"The holy water was received, there was no change in the target, no phone calls, no outings, and it was finished."

The enemy's trail is captured, but the enemy's action is too fast, only a glimpse, but can not firmly grasp the enemy's tail.

Yang Yi cast his gaze on those screens, and then he screamed "black roar, all the monitors near the Kokdall residence. I want to watch the video of the scene~lightnovelpub.net~ Next, I waited for For nearly half an hour, it has always been calm.

Brian finally got up from the chair. After two steps in the house, he looked puzzled. "There has been two exchanges of fire in Kiev. Corkdale has not received the alarm at all. Is it Dayi? Almighty blocked the news for Kirkdale, did he do this?"

Yes, the last attack has been in the past forty minutes, and there is still no news on the side of Corkdor. This is too abnormal.

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "There is this possibility, but the possibility is not great. Da Yiwan still can't make the whole Kiev keep silent for him. Maybe Cork Dow received the news but we don't know it, or No one knows what happened so far, and no one can think of the notice of Kirkdale. He is an outsider after all."

Just then, Paul yelled in the intercom: "Call the owl, the goal is going out, the goal is to eat! Finish!"

Yang Yi said: "Now go to dinner at this time?"

This is what the operation is, and his own men are killed by the team in a row. Cork Dole still has to eat at this time.

Yang Yi has to start to wonder if there is any conspiracy. Even if Kokdall is slow, it is time to get the news of the attack. ...

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