A War Between Spies

Chapter 721: happened

Yang Yi looked at the car of Kokdall and went out.

Now that Kokdall is out, it is no longer a light car, and he is followed by at least a few cars and a dozen bodyguards.

Yang Yi sighed and whispered in the intercom: "Call the holy water, know where the target is going?"

"I don't know, but according to the intelligence analysis collected and monitored for several days, the goal should be to meet with the number one and finish."

Yang Yi smashed his head and whispered: "It's getting more and more interesting. Big Ivan started to fight back, but Kirkdale is like a donkey and a donkey. He even wants to eat at this time, and with Alche. Nice to meet."

Just then, Hans said in the intercom: "Delivery drones, began to transfer pictures, and finished."

Schultz quickly switched the signal of one screen to the drone, and then the screen of the drone was taken from the air.

The drone was following the team at Corkdale and continued to track the shot at an angle overlooking it.

Confirm that the signal sent back by the drone is normal, Schulz loudly: "The drone signal is normal and the image is very clear."

Yang Yi is about to speak, but Tang Guo, who is far away from the UK, once again reported the latest situation.

"Police General Police Room, Kiev has another exchange of fire!"

Schultz again switched the voice of the police headquarters, and then he heard someone shouting in a hurry: "A lot of people are dead, what is going on, what the intelligence bureau is doing!"

Yang Yi sighed softly, and then he looked helplessly: "The third time! Still familiar with the routine, quick attack, quick solution..."

Brian sat back in the chair again, and his face was dignified: "But what happened elsewhere, keep an eye on Cork Dole!"

Schultz hurriedly said: "Would you like to find a surveillance near the scene? But only traffic monitoring probes can be used."

Those people, their actions are too fast, they have launched three attacks in one day, and each attack lasts only a few minutes. If the news is fast enough, then they can find the backs of those people. But if you receive the message a little slower, then you can't even see the back.

Therefore, it is really meaningless to adjust the monitoring of the fire scene.

Moreover, until now, Yang Yi did not have the opportunity to attack.

If even the enemy's position can't be determined, the full-armed armed day runs around the streets of Kiev, and that is to find something.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief, then he sighed: "A firm determination, follow Kirkdale!"

It seems that Brian can still hold his breath. Yang Yi was a little impatient, but looking at Brian's appearance as a stable mountain, he forced himself to calm down after a few deep breaths.

After a while, Hans said in the intercom: "We are going to Glesheevsky Street. This situation is not very good. There are too many departments in the center. There is a strong alert for air defense. Our drones may be discovered by radar and may even be shot down."

Before waiting for Brian to speak, Yang Yi hurriedly said: "Ultra low-altitude flight avoids the radar, rather the drone is shot down and not taken back!"

Yang Yi has already said something, Brian just nodded to show that he agreed with Yang Yi’s approach.

Grinskievsky Avenue, one of the most important streets in Kiev, there is the Ukrainian parliament building, the presidential palace, the official office building, and too many military and political institutions are on this street, which is the most strict one in Ukraine. In the streets, if there are UFOs appearing here, it is likely to be shot down.

The height of the drone quickly decreased, and then it was flying at the height of the roof, so the car of Kokdall often disappeared in the picture.

The air seems to be solidified.

Until the car in Kokdall stopped at the door of the Ukrainian hotel.

The Ukrainian Hotel, the most expensive hotel in Kiev, is also the best hotel on Grinskievsky Street. There are always some executives coming to eat. Cork Dole chooses to eat here, most likely in addition to eating. Other purposes, such as seeing someone here.

Without Yang Yi’s command, Schultz screamed: “Ukrainian hotel, there is a lot of monitoring here, we have prepared in advance, okay!”

The road monitoring on the street has long invaded the control system, so Yang Yi first got the picture of monitoring the road.

As for other cameras, it is necessary to temporarily invade Schultz or Tang Guo. For example, Ukrainian hotels have their own monitoring, but to see the hotel monitoring screen, you need to invade the hotel network first, and the monitoring has to be connected with the network. The connection is OK, knowing the specific location is not good, you have to know the network address of the hotel, and then invade, so unless you have taken over the control of the hotel camera beforehand, it can not be temporarily borrowed.

But it doesn't need to be monitored by the hotel, because the group of Anton and Hans has arrived, and Paul has followed.

Paul used the handheld monitoring device to capture the picture of Kirkdale's get off. After the drone in the air hovered, he also took pictures of Kirkdale.

Kirkdale took the phone into the restaurant.

Schultz hurriedly said: "There may be monitoring inside the hotel. I can't control it. Damn! Who knows the official website of the Ukrainian hotel!"

Paul was far from Coxdale, and Anton and Hans were far away, so he couldn't see him at the moment Cochdale entered the hotel.

Kokdall has already entered the door~lightnovelpub.net~ His bodyguards are still entering, but they should not all follow up, because there are more than a dozen bodyguards around Corkdale.

Just then, the chaos happened.

From the picture, it can be seen that the bodyguards of Kokdall suddenly had a commotion, almost everyone was pulling the gun, and then the gun battle took place.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but loudly: "Just shot!"

Xiao Yu’s voice was very sharp because of nervousness and sudden changes in unexpected times.

Cockdale rushed out of the hotel with his head down.

There is no sound, but you can see that the bodyguards behind Kokdall fall down one by one.

The bodyguards fell too fast, and Yang Yi knew that they were wearing bullet-proof vests, but those bodyguards did not seem to have any resistance. They were lined up to protect the Coxdale, and then they were extremely fast. The speed of the fall one by one.

Cockall rushed into his car, and the bodyguards of Kirkdale used the Uzi submachine gun to shoot at the hotel.

Then, a man hit his face with his arm and smashed the glass door of the hotel. Then, another person rushed out.

This time, Yang Yi can finally see the faces of the two men. ...

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