A War Between Spies

Chapter 737: Can't worry

If you can't keep up with the pace of the times, you have to be eliminated. So if the black devil keeps up?

The one who knows it is a saint, but what a savage character must have a learning process that slowly becomes arrogant. The average person is like this. The black devil is no exception. So, the black devil may indeed be Out of date, but they can learn again.

This kind of thing is not a secret. A person with a little knowledge should know the existence of the drone. Even if you are familiar with the drone, it doesn't matter. From the news, from the Internet, from the movie, from too many places, you can know. The role and effect of the drone.

So why don't the black devil know? This is not a secret weapon of high confidentiality.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi feels that if the other party is really a black devil, then it should be guarded against the drone anyway, so it would be impossible to track the two black devils to their nest.

But the problem is that now, the two people have not made any particularly effective anti-UAV measures.

It doesn't make sense.

When thinking of this, Yang Yi came up with a very bold inference.

"The black devils seem to be out of date at the moment, so is it possible that they have just come out to do things? They have not worked for anyone, they may even be in a state of seclusion, or they ignore anything happening outside. Self-exile, or self-enclosed, has been around for so many years."

Yang Yi’s statement is incredible. Brian was scared by his inference, but after thinking about Yang Yi’s words for a long time, Brian nodded: “It’s possible, very likely, or the black devil is locked in. In prison, just like me, only then will they not know where the technological level of the world is."

"In prison, is this possible?"

Brian’s handkerchief: “Of course it’s possible, think about Anton, he hasn’t joined the black devil yet, but you know how thoroughly he is brainwashed, the black devil, especially the black devil who is only loyal to the Soviet Union, for Russia. How terrible it is."

"But to guard against the Dark Devil, killing is not safer than locking it up. Since you have to go to jail, why not just kill it?"

Brian thought for a moment and said, "Okay, these are just our guesses. What happened may we never know."

Yang Yi whispered: "But they must be outdated, which means that they must be idle these years. Such a black devil may be easier to deal with than we think."

Brian smiled bitterly: "Is it easy? Not necessarily, the black devil is a typical old-school agent. You have to understand that the past work environment of the agents is much more friendly than now. There are no cameras. There are only a limited number of means for aerial investigation. Satellites , reconnaissance aircraft, or helicopter tracking in the air, but the helicopter is too easy to be discovered, reconnaissance aircraft and satellites can not be used to detect individuals, so in the past we are only paying attention to threats from the ground, pay attention to It’s ok to be tracked.”

After that, Brian turned his head and said with a sigh of emotion: "Now, small micro drones are everywhere, and a fan can play drones casually, even if it is just a toy. Machine detection is better than in the past, as well as mobile phones, emails, these things have greatly changed the way agents work, look at the black devil, they stayed at the level of twenty years ago, so you can say that the black devil is out of date But everything has two sides. You can also say that the black devil is more powerful than the current agents."


"You can use drones to track surveillance, but in the past there were no drones, no surveillance cameras, so how do we monitor targets as spies? How to track targets? Without e-mail, how to pass out a lot of data. We can only rely on people, rely on our own strength, and use the skills we have mastered to accomplish things that ordinary people can't do. The advancement of technology has made many things easier, but you have to remember that everyone is the best to do anything. Importantly, the Dark Devil may not know that there is a drone in the sky following them, but when you get to the point where you have to face them face to face, you will find that their combat skills are not outdated, and they are better at lack of equipment assistance. Fight under conditions."

Yang Yi said: "I don't expect the black devil's combat power to fall behind. I just hope that they have not noticed the existence of drones, so that we have the opportunity to follow them."

Brian waved his hand and said, "Look at the results."

The result was that Hans actually followed the car to a house on the outskirts of Kiev, and then saw the car drove in from the drone's camera~lightnovelpub.net~ then the two people also got off Go in.

Yang Yi’s heart was settled. Finally, he finally found the enemy’s nest.

When I saw two people getting off the bus, Yang Yi could not sit still.

"That's there! What should we do now? Should we bring people to surround them now!"

Looking at the excitement to the unspoken Yang Yi, Brian, who is more excited, is quite calm.

"Do not worry."

After a slow sentence, Brian breathed a sigh of relief, then he sighed and whispered: "Let me think."

It stands to reason that since the enemy has found their nest, then the best thing to do is to hurry and get involved, but Brian is not in a hurry.

After thinking for a moment, Brian said: "Don't rush to do it, then look at it."

Zhang Yong was very anxious and more anxious than Yang Yi. He whispered: "What are you observing? What if you wait for them to run?"

Brian said: "I am worried that they will run. If the black devil wants to transfer, they should act soon. When we rush with a large number of people, they will only rush to the air, but they don’t know that they are just Before we think of it as a temporary stop, or a fixed place, we can't hurry, because it doesn't matter if it's empty, but let the enemy find out that it has been tracked, then all our efforts are in vain."

Yang Yi whispered: "Will they be so careful?"

Brian Shen said: "Of course, if it is me, I will never stay in one place after continuous action. From the perspective of the ability of the black devil, they will never stay in one place."

At this moment, Xiao Yu was shocked: "Someone is out! Are they really moving?"