A War Between Spies

Chapter 752: Why is that

There was no truth in Brian's mouth. Of course, what he said was not in line with the facts. First, he did not live in a prison for 16 years. Secondly, he did not live in a single room, but these were not important at all.

As for Yelebin, will he tell the truth?

Yrebin thought for a moment, then he looked serious: "Antoine is not dying of fire. He died of suicide. He fired a shot in his mouth, but his death report is dead. The fire broke out in the gun, although it was a year after your accident, but I think his words are still related to you, he is guilty."

Brian stunned, his face was very ugly, but he still said slowly: "The last chance, don't talk nonsense, I don't care about the **** Antoine, I care, I can't help it. Kill you!"

Yarebin looked straight at Brian’s eyes and said calmly: “Anna Stinkina is dead.”

Brian is freezing all over.

Brian can only watch Yalebin, and Yalebin is slowly saying: "You must have heard the name for the first time. Yes, Kate is Anna Starkina, that is not very Beautiful but really charming British girl Kate, she knows you and you are close to you just to rebel against you, really Brian, you are really bad, if the intelligence department will not when."

Yang Yi’s heart is tight, and he is really afraid that Brian will press the detonator under uncontrollable conditions.

After waiting for more than twenty years, I heard the reality that my sweetheart is dead. Can Brian live with it?

After a long time, Brian lost his soul and said: "How did she die?"

Yalebin looked regretfully: "She is not my men, because she is not qualified, so I am not very clear about the specific situation. Just when you were arrested, she left Cairo and returned to Moscow, then in the second. Year, I don’t know the specific time. I just heard that she was wearing a wedding dress and carrying a diamond ring. How to say it, this kind of behavior is extremely stupid and immature, especially troublesome, Antoine heard A few days after the news, I fired a shot at myself, and I had to fake a death document and hand over it. The people who deal with you have become idiots. It’s all harmful to you."

Brian burst into tears and his body could not stop shaking.

There is a fire in Yang Yi’s heart. He feels that he can’t control himself. Although he never wants to die, he doesn’t want to go with the black devil. But he can’t help but want Brian’s detonator. He would rather This **** old man is in the same place.

Yang Yi thinks that Yalebin is telling the truth, because Yalebin definitely wants to leave with his own people, then he should not say the fact that Kate is dead anyway, so he said It must be the truth, Kate is dead.

Although Yang Yi did not understand why Yrebin wanted to tell the truth.

Brian muttered to himself: "Dead, wearing a wedding dress, carrying the ring I gave her, hanging up..."

Yarebin could still laugh.

And Yelebin laughed very happy.

"Yes, that's it. I know that the people you hate the most are dead. Are you very happy? Want to celebrate?"

Brian was very trembling. He looked at Yalebin slowly. "I never hate her. I love her. Even if I lived in prison for more than 20 years, I don't hate her. I found her a lot after I came out." I didn't want to kill her, I just wanted to ask her why she sold me. Now, I know the answer..."

After slowly speaking, Brian wiped his mouth with the hand holding the detonator, and then he slowly said to Yalebin: "Go to hell, the meaning of my continued life is gone, let's die together. !"

Yang Yi felt that Brian really didn't have the courage to live, but the strange thing was that he saw that Brian raised his hand with a detonator, but he didn't feel scared at all, because he felt in front of him in anger. This Yrebinbin went to death together.

But reason tells Yang Yi that he can't die. If someone must die, still ask the black devils to die.

At this time, Paul trembled in the intercom: "Hey, don't!"

Brian looked at Yalebin’s lost soul: “Everything is because of you, die together! I am going to drag you to hell, you are a devil without humanity!”

Yang Yi thinks that it is time for him to stop Brian, but at this moment, Yalebin suddenly smiles and then whispers: "I lied to you."

I don't know how Brian feels, but Yang Yi, who has been angry and nervous to the extreme, feels like he suddenly fell into the cold water from the crater.

The contrast is too big, the stimulus is too strong, Yang Yi does not know how to be good.

Brian looked at Yalebin with a look of confusion: "What did you say?"

Yarebin laughed like a naive child. He probed the probe and got Brian's depth. He said, "I am lying to you."

Yang Yi is about to collapse, and it is clear that Brian is about to collapse.

Brian looked at Yalebin with a look of confusion: "What do you mean?"

Yaleibin smiled so that Yang Yi only wanted to blow his head in one shot.

"You are too tender~lightnovelpub.net~ Stupid, just those words I just made to lie to you. After so many years, you still haven’t grown, still so naive, as long as I think, I can go over and over again. Play to die, haha!"

Yang Yi almost pulled the trigger.

And Brian’s hands are all picked up.

Yang Yi took a step forward. He really couldn't control his finger on the trigger. Then he was so stimulated by Yelebin that he would really pull the trigger.

Brian trembled: "I want to kill you, you, what do you want to do?"

The black devil said nothing to say, this is Brian told Yang Yi, but now, Yang Yi knows that Brian has already believed in Yalebin's words, because what Yalipin said is really too true.

The most important thing is that there is absolutely no need for Yalebin to lie at this time, so he knows that his words cannot be believed, but he still has to believe.

Yang Yi didn't understand. At this time, he was desperately trying to stimulate Brian in the rage. What did Yelebin want to do? Does he really want to die?

Endless doubts, why? Why is it? What did Yelebin think, why did he make up lies that might make everyone live together?

Yang Yi, who was still very confident in Brian, has no confidence now. He knows that Yalebin’s words are definitely ulterior, but the problem is that he really does not understand why Yalebin is doing this.

The black devil is too good at playing with people.

At this time, Yayabin finally said faintly: "Want to know what I want to do? Simple, let's talk about another environment, at least have to be safe with each other, and you have to tell me what I am interested in, then I Will you say what you want to know, repeat, you have no choice.") Book friends are paying attention!