A War Between Spies

Chapter 753: Mental tactics

When he heard the words of Yalebin, Yang Yi suddenly realized that he knew why Yalebin had said that.

In an extremely unfavorable situation, it is also necessary to say what is likely to kill yourself. This seems to be a behavior of seeking death. In fact, this is only a psychological tactic.

Yarebin knows what Brian wants most. Brian wants to know the whereabouts of Kate or Anna Starkina, and in the situation of being trapped by Brian, Yalebin wants to say what Brian wants most. Then, there is great hostility and alertness to Yalebin. Brian will certainly not believe it, so Yalebin is doing the opposite.

Let's talk about what Brian wants to hear the most, the most afraid of hearing, since these words will die, then Brian will naturally think that everything he said is true.

After Brian believed, Yalebin said the truth.

Maybe not the truth, but Brian, who has just been spurred by bad news, wants to hear a different ending because he loves Anna Starkina, so he will hope that Yaya Repin will say another result, one he wants to hear. The result.

If you are a person who wants to be deceived, then he will be deceived.

The black devil is really too good at playing with people.

Just a very simple psychological tactic, Brian's psychological defense has fallen.

No way, this is the end of the request. If Yayaribin is talking about another person, then Brian may have shot his head already, but Yalebin is talking about Anna Starkina. .

Yang Yi doesn't know if Brian wants to understand the joints in between. He thinks that for Brian, the pediatric psychological tactics should be very simple, but looking at Brian's already excited and tremble, it is no longer What confidence?

Brian was already stupid, standing there and motionless, Yang Yi felt that he should remind Brian, but he was afraid that Brian was playing anti-mental tactics.

Just then, Anton stood a step forward and said loudly: "Old things, you are going to die!"

Yrebin is cold and cold to Anton: "Is the old thing also qualified for you?"

Brian reached out and stopped Anton, and then he sighed and said: "You won!"

Yelebin, pointing to the woods not far away: "Where to go, there is quieter, as for them, let them go, I have a suggestion, let's not chat with c4."

Yrebin was facing the level shooter behind him: "Go with me, you need to learn a little, put down the gun, and don't need these things."

Anton immediately said: "No."

Brian looked helplessly: "As he said, I didn't have to choose. I have been waiting for decades. I can't let this chance go. You have left me to talk to him."

Bryan threw the detonator on the floor and handed the pistol to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi shook his head gently against Brian, but Brian was laughing at Yang Yi.

Just then Anton said: "I must follow."

Brian hesitated, then he gently nodded.

Yang Yi knows that Brian will never let him follow, because Brian may finally be with Brian, so he can't be around, but Anton, Brian does not want to have such close relationship and feelings with Anton. .

The powerful gunman took the detonator in the hand of Yelebin, and then he whispered: "The blast is ready to demolish the house."

A loud bang, the house was completely blown up into pieces, but the explosion was powerful, but it was not the power of two tons of explosives.

Anton’s cold road: “There are no two hundred kilograms of c4 here, and two tons!”

Yelebin smiled and said: "Okay, let's talk now."

The five men of the Dark Devil immediately evacuated, they got in the car and drove away, and Yang Yi, they were in Brian's direction, and went south.

Now both sides have lost the basis for maintaining the balance of terror. Yang Yi does not like this because they are the dominant side, but the black devil has only left two people. Yang Yi’s advantage is gone, but there is no The solution, since all this was originally done for Brian, the whole water organization certainly has no choice but to Brian.

Yang Yi had to leave, and he immediately screamed in the intercom: "Hans, Brian has a bug, and immediately passed the sound of the bugs to me."

The bug has a special device to receive the signal, so Yang Yi can't hear it, but Hans's car has a full set of eavesdropping equipment. It can convert the signal collected by the bug into a sound and use it directly. The radio is then transmitted to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi soon received the voice, and the first sentence he heard was: "Anna Stinkina is not dead."

As expected, the psychological tactics used by Yrebin are simple, but very effective.

Complex tactics don't necessarily work, and some simple tactics can become classic tactics because they are effective enough and psychological tactics are the same.

If the conspiracy is exposed, it will lose all the effects, but the conspiracy, even if it is seen through, it does not matter, otherwise it can not be called a conspiracy, and Yalebin this psychological tactic is a conspiracy.

Yang Yi immediately said in the intercom: "Brian, calm, this is just a very simple psychological tactic, don't be led by his nose."

Brian didn't respond. He probably knew that this was Yalebin's tactics. Maybe he didn't know, and Yang Yi really couldn't judge.

After a long time, Brian trembled: "How can I believe what you are saying now?"

"From now on, I am telling the truth."

Yalebin’s words are ridiculous, but Brian actually said: “I believe that you are telling the truth, please let me know!”

Yang Yi thinks that Yalebin should start to say what Brian wants to hear. It is incredible that Yaleibin actually said: "I will not say it."

Yang Yi is still very calm now, but after listening to Yalebin’s words, he can’t keep calm.

Clearly, I have already taken the initiative. Why did Yelebin want to stimulate Brian?

"What do you want to do!"

Brian’s voice sounded desperate~lightnovelpub.net~ With the regular snoring of the cane, Yaleibin smiled and said: “I will say everything, and the promise is to be honest, you must tell me first, you Why are you here?"

"I am now solving all the troubles for people. Deyo and I have had cooperation before. Now he is being beaten very badly. He said that there are several old men in Kiev who are disturbed by him. He has no suitable person to deal with these old men. Then he invited me to come."

Hearing what Brian said, Yang Yi was relieved, because Brian was still nonsense, which shows that he has not lost his mind, at least he has the ability to lie with Yalebin. ...

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