A War Between Spies

Chapter 754: Admit defeat

"It’s a good idea to use the old man to deal with the old man, but how do you think these old men are the black devils you are looking for?"

"We just arrived last night. At that time, you have done a lot of things. I didn't think you were a black devil. Until I saw the surveillance video and saw your way of fighting, I knew that such a powerful **** could only be The black devil, in fact, I don’t even have to watch the video, I just need to know about the warfare and I know that it’s a black devil, no one can do it.”

Yalebin sounded very distressed: "Where is the strength, too dazzling is not hiding, then how did you get here?"

"I know someone is hanging on the streetlights of the government building, and then I use drones to follow your people here."

Brian told the truth, Yang Yi has some helplessness, but he knows that these can't be hidden in the end. To be honest, he said, the black devil can't give them a second chance.

"Sure enough, it's a drone!"

Yalebin said with emotion: "This time Djokovic did a good job. He found the right person to deal with us. The times are different. Now the young people don't know how we did it, but the ignorant is fearless. Very suitable for Deyo, is the old man and the old man the same? The black devil, the old black devil, the mortal only has a trembling."

The black devil has always been proud. Yang Yi has already seen it from Anton. Although Anton is not a real black devil, Anton’s touting of the black devil and showing off as a black devil reserve team is more like The praise of the other people to the black devil, and the words of Yalebin, it really seems to boast.

What surprised Yang Yi was that Anton was very disdainful and snorted.

Anton’s attitude is a bit worthwhile.

Yali continued to speak in a light manner: "How can you be employed by Deyo? Are you a mercenary or something else?"

"It's not a mercenary. The level of mercenaries is too low. I said that we can do everything, and others can't solve the problem. I will solve it for them. Of course, solving problems by force is also within our business scope."

"I am very interested. It seems to be the model that suits us. Please explain it to me carefully."

"After I came out of prison, I went to Russia for a few months. Now I want to fulfill my wish. I need to have money and some people have gone to the UK. I want to make enough money and I can only return to the old business. I started to go it alone, grabbed a few votes, and got enough start-up funds. Later, I contacted the required channels. One person made several assassinations, and then I recruited people to open a defense consulting company."

"Defense consulting company?"

"Yes, the defense consulting company, doing everything, eavesdropping, stealing, assassination, helping people make plans, direct armed intervention, helping people to do things well, in short, do everything, just give enough money."

"So what did you do for Deyo?"

"Do it twice, one assassination, and you guys this time?"

"Where did you meet with Deyo this time?"

"I didn't meet, he just called me. He planned to pay 1ooo 10,000 dollars for me to come to Kiev. I was too little and didn't want to come, but after watching the video, I decided to come, and with Germany. The people of the covenant are together."

"That means you can't find Deyo?"

This time Brian did not answer the question of Yalebin.

Brian was full of lies, and there was no truth in his mouth. Of course, if he really answered Yalebin, he answered the truth and answered the truth, then he would be too stupid.

Brian said: "Now, you said it."

"No, you continue."

Brian was helpless: "I can't find Deyo. He has been very careful recently because he has been scared. He can't say that he must fail in the war with Big Ivan, but now he has nothing to win. I hope that Deyo has misjudged the situation and was not **** by the United States. He can only persist in the end, otherwise he will lose everything. We know all the means of Dai Ivan, so the Debon must be careful. of."

“Can you contact the German contractor?”

"I can contact, but it doesn't make any sense. Deyo doesn't even dare to live in a place for too long. I can contact him, but I can't know where he lives, and it's even less likely to see him, especially now he shoots. After the people are dead, he can't trust me anymore."

After that, Brian looked at Yalebin and said: "You know my cards, you want to know what I said, 2o years, I have been waiting for too long, this time I saw you, I got The only chance for the answer, I admit defeat!"

Brian's tone was very painful, but Yang Yi was relieved, because Brian thought about using Yrebin, which meant that he had at least not lost his head.

Yrebin is very emotional: "How much do you hate them in order to support you in the black prison for 2 years."

Brian whispered: "At the beginning, it was hate, unforgettable hate. I was thinking all the time, waiting for me to go out and find all the people who harm me, then kill them, in the most cruel way, but stay in prison. After a few years, I thought that the hatred that never faded was not so strong."

Brian was silent for a moment, then he said very earnestly: "It is actually love to support me. Is it ridiculous? But it is love, I just want to live to find Kate and ask her, ask her how it is. I want to ask her if she loves me or not. In fact, I just want to see her again."

These words, Yang Yi believes that Brian is telling the truth, if you want to win the letter to the black devil, you have to tell the truth, but he is not just to win the letter to Yalebin, he just wants to say these words.

Yalebin should have believed in Brian, and then he whispered: "Now I tell you the truth, Kate is the KGB's swallow. She is approaching you to defend you. Antoine has deceived you, there is no such thing. What is two million dollars, it is not my order at all, and Antoine has sold you after he got what he wants. It is planned in advance, so he is not dead because of any conscience. It’s really a death from the fire.”

Ok, once again, Yang Yi has been numb.

However, it can't be said that it is a reversal. Since there is no truth in Brian's mouth, how can Yelebin tell the truth? Just like this sentence, Yang Yi has not dared to believe it, although Yalebin is very Say it in a candid way.

Brian, however, followed the words of Yelebin. He whispered: "I know Kate is a KGB, I already knew it before I decided to change."

Yang Yi didn't know Yalebin's reaction. He just listened to Brian's faint saying: "Kate told me her true identity. I already knew that she was Anna Starkina. She told me that she told me. I want to leave everything behind with me, but I know how it might go, so the contact with Antoine is voluntary, and I knew everything before he appeared, but I thought I could Kate continues to be together. I chose to be a treason and become a mole. As long as I can continue with Kate, I think I am enough to make you willing to invest for a long time~lightnovelpub.net~ but I did not expect you to I immediately sold me after I got the information, so I was just a fool who was stunned by love, but not the mouse you thought."

After a long time, Brian was very dissatisfied: "It turned out that Anna Starkina had changed her mind. I really didn't think of this."

Brian said in a crying voice: "Now you know everything, please tell me, tell me where Kate is now!"

Yarebin quietly silenced for a moment: "Anna Stinkina did not die, and did not have a mission after that incident, because her psychological problems are not suitable for further tasks, she was sent to a nursing home. In fact, she was under house arrest in disguise, until she was dissolved in the sanatorium until the collapse of the Soviet Union."

Brian’s breathing was so fast that he hurriedly said, “So where is she now, tell me, please!”...

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